The Illuminati Depopulation Agenda

(Excerpted from Chapter 13: USS Persian Gulf: Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf…)

While the global elite construct underground bunkers, eat organic and hoard seeds in Arctic vaults; the global poor are being slowly starved thanks to high commodity prices and poisoned with genetically modified (GMO) food. Austerity measures aimed largely at the poor are being imposed on all the nations of the world. Weather events grow more deadly and brushfire wars more frequent. An AK-47 can be obtained for $49 in the markets of West Africa. The depopulation campaign of the inbredIlluminati bankers is accelerating.

In 1957 President Dwight Eisenhower, who later warned of a “military-industrial complex”, commissioned a panel of scientists to study the issue of overpopulation.  The scientists put forth Alternatives I, II and III, advocating both the release of deadly viruses and perpetual warfare as means to decrease world population.

The first supposition dovetailed nicely with the pharmaceutical interests of the Rockefellers.  According to Nexus magazine, the Rockefellers own one-half of the US pharmaceutical industry, which would reap billions developing medicines to “battle” the deadly viruses about to be released.

In 1969 the Senate Church Committee discovered that the US Defense Department (DOD) had requested a budget of tens of millions of taxpayer dollars for a program to speed development of new viruses which target and destroy the human immune system.  DOD officials testified before Congress that they planned to produce, “a synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could be acquired…Most important is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.”  House Bill 5090 authorized the funds and MK-NAOMI was carried out at Fort Detrick, Maryland.

Out of this research came the AIDS virus which was targeted at “undesirable elements” of the population. The first AIDS viruses were administered through a massive smallpox vaccine campaign in central and southern Africa by the World Health Organization in 1977.  A year later ads appeared in major US newspapers soliciting “promiscuous gay male volunteers” to take part in a Hepatitis B vaccine study. [1]

The program targeted male homosexuals age 20-40 in New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, St. Louis and San Francisco. It was administered by the US Centers for Disease Control which, under its earlier incarnation as the US Public Health Department in Atlanta, oversaw the Tuskegee syphilis experiments on African American males. [2]

San Francisco has been a target of numerous CIA experiments, due to its high population of left-leaning and gay citizens, which the Illuminati views as “undesirables”.  According to Dr. Eva Snead, San Francisco has one of the highest cancer rates in the country.  For years Malathion- first developed by the Nazis- was sprayed over the city by helicopters from the CIA’s Evergreen Air, whose Arizona base is used, according to author William Cooper, as CIA transshipment point for Columbian cocaine.  The mysterious Legionnaire’s Disease occurs often in San Francisco and the CIA’s MK-ULTRA mind control bad acid program was based there.

The intellectual force behind the introduction of AIDS was the Bilderberger Group, which became fixated on population control after WWII. Author Cooper says the Policy Committee of the Bilderbergers gave orders to DOD to introduce the AIDS virus.  The Bilderbergers are close to the Club of Rome, which was founded on a Rockefeller estate near Bellagio, Italy and is backed by the same European Black Nobility who frequent Bilderberger meetings.  A 1968 study by the Club of Rome advocated lowering the birth rate and increasing the death rate.  Club founder Dr. Aurelio Peccei made a top-secret recommendation to introduce a microbe that would attack the auto-immune system, then develop a vaccine as a prophylactic for the global elite. [3]

One month after the 1968 Club of Rome meeting Paul Ehrlich published The Population Bomb. The book hints at a draconian depopulation plan in the works.  On page seventeen Ehrlich writes, “The problem could have been avoided by population control…so that a ‘death rate solution’ did not have to occur.”  A year later MK-NAOMI was born.  Peccei himself authored the Club of Rome’s much-touted Global 2000 report, which President Jimmy Carter pushed on his BCCI shakedown cruise of Africa.  Peccei wrote in the report, “Man is now vested with unprecedented, tremendous responsibilities and thrown into the role of moderator of life on the planet- including his own”.

The Bilderbergers were behind the Haig-Kissinger Depopulation Policy, a driving force at the State Department and administered by the National Security Council.  Pressure is applied to Third World countries to reduce their populations.  Those that do not comply see their US aid withheld or are subject to Pink Plan low-intensity war that targets civilians, especially women of child-bearing age.  In Africa famine and brush-fire wars are encouraged.  AK-47 rifles can be bought at West African markets for under $50.  The same is true in the markets of Peshawar, Pakistan.  In 1975, a year after attending a Club of Rome conference on the topic, Secretary of State Kissinger founded the Office of Population Affairs (OPA).

Latin American OPA case officer Thomas Ferguson spilled the beans on OPA’s agenda when he stated, “There is a single theme behind all our work; we must reduce population levels.  Either they do it our way, through nice clean methods or they will get the kind of mess that we have in El Salvador, or in Iran, or in Beirut…Once population is out of control it requires authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it…The professionals aren’t interested in reducing population for humanitarian reasons…Civil wars are somewhat drawn-out ways to reduce population.  The quickest way to reduce population is through famine like in Africa.  We go into a country and say, here is your goddamn development plan.  Throw it out the window.  Start looking at your population…if you don’t …then you’ll have an El Salvador or an Iran, or worse, a Cambodia”. [4]

Ferguson said of El Salvador, “To accomplish what the State Department deems adequate population control, the civil war (run by CIA) would have to be greatly expanded.  You have to pull all the males into fighting and kill significant numbers of fertile, child-bearing age females.  You are killing a small number of males and not enough fertile females to do the job…If the war went on 30-40 years, you might accomplish something.  Unfortunately, we don’t have too many instances of this to study”.

Report from Iron Mountain

In 1961 Kennedy Administration officials McGeorge Bundy, Robert McNamara and Dean Rusk, all CFR and Bilderberger members, led a study group which looked into “the problem of peace”.  The group met at Iron Mountain, a huge underground corporate nuclear shelter near Hudson, New York, where CFR think tank The Hudson Institute is located.  The bunker contains redundant offices in case of nuclear attack for Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell and JP Morgan Chase. [5]  A copy of the group discussions, known as Report from Iron Mountain, was leaked by a participant and published in 1967 by Dial Press.

The report’s authors saw war as necessary and desirable stating “War itself is the basic social system, within which other secondary modes of social organization conflict or conspire. (War is) the principal organizing force…the essential economic stabilizer of modern societies.”  The group worried that through “ambiguous leadership” the “ruling administrative class” might lose its ability to “rationalize a desired war”, leading to the “actual disestablishment of military institutions”.

The report goes on to say, “…the war system cannot responsibly be allowed to disappear until…we know exactly what we plan to put in its place…The possibility of war provides the sense of external necessity without which no government can long remain in power…The basic authority of a modern state over its people resides in its war powers. War has served as the last great safeguard against the elimination of necessary classes.”

Historian Howard Zinn described this conundrum when he wrote, “American capitalism needed international rivalry- and periodic war- to create an artificial community of interest between rich and poor, supplanting the genuine community of interest among the poor that showed itself in sporadic movements”.

The Iron Mountain gang was not the first to discover the virtues of war.  In 1909 the trustees of the Andrew Carnegie Foundation for International Peace met to discuss pre-WWI American life.  Many of the participants were members of Skull & Bones.  They concluded, “There are no known means more efficient than war, assuming the objective is altering the life of an entire people…How do we involve the United States in a war?”

The Report from Iron Mountain goes on to propose a proper role for those of the lower classes, crediting military institutions with providing “antisocial elements with an acceptable role in the social structure.  The younger and more dangerous of these hostile social groupings have been kept under control by the Selective Service System…A possible surrogate for the control of potential enemies of society is the reintroduction, in some form consistent with modern technology and political process, of slavery…The development of a sophisticated form of slavery may be an absolute prerequisite for social control in a world at peace.”

The Iron Mountain goons, though thrilled by the idea of slavery, listed as other socioeconomic substitutions for war: a comprehensive social welfare program, a giant open-ended space program aimed at unreachable targets, a permanent arms inspection regime, an omnipresent global police and peacekeeping force, massive global environmental pollution which would require a large labor pool to clean up, socially-oriented blood sports and a comprehensive eugenics program. [6]

The Iraqi genocide fulfilled the dreams of the Club of Rome Zero Population Growth maniacs, while also providing a testing ground for two of the war substitutes proposed by the Iron Mountain fascists: an arms inspection regime and UN peacekeepers.  Both concepts gained traction in the international community thanks to the Gulf War.

Let the Iraqi Genocide Begin

Estimates of Iraqi casualties during the Gulf War are sobering.  Some organizations like Greenpeace put the death toll at near one million people.  It was a war in which the media was denied access on a scale never before seen, so casualty figures vary greatly.  According to Tony Murphy, a researcher at the International War Crimes Tribunal, the US attack on Iraq killed 125,000 civilians, while destroying 676 schools, 38 hospitals, 8 major hydroelectric dams, 11 power plants, 119 power substations and half the country’s telephone lines.  The attacks occurred mostly at night when people were most vulnerable.

In the months following the war the death rate of Iraqi children under five tripled.  Thirty-eight percent of these deaths were caused by diarrhea. [7]  Victor Filatov, a Russian journalist reporting for Sovetskaya Rossiya from post-war Baghdad wrote, “What further bloodshed do these barbarians of the 20th century need?  I thought the Americans had changed since Vietnam…but no, they never change.  They remain true to themselves.”

According to former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, the US was found guilty of nineteen war crimes against Iraq before the International War Crimes Tribunal.  The US dropped 88,000 tons of bombs on Iraq during the Gulf War and has rained down countless more bombs since.  Many bombs were tipped with armor piercing depleted uranium (DU) warheads, which may account for chronic Iraqi health problems.  Dr. Siegwart-Horst Gunther, a German physician who came to Iraq to help its people, became gravely ill when he handled just one cigar-sized fragment from a DU warhead.  Dr. Gunther measured the tiny object’s radioactivity to be 11 microSv per hour, whereas an acceptable exposure is no more than 300 microSv per year. [8]  Three hundred tons of DU ammunition was deployed during the war.

Many believe DU is responsible for Gulf War Syndrome, which has killed and permanently injured many US soldiers who fought in the Persian Gulf theater.  Since 2000, nearly 11,000 US Gulf War veterans have died from Gulf War Syndrome, while the Pentagon continues to cover up this travesty.

Satanism & Psychotronic Warfare

The US also tested numerous top-secret high-tech weapons systems in the Gulf theatre, while utilizing some old low-frequency favorites.  When Iraqi ground forces surrendered, many of them were in a state of delirium and lethargy that could have been induced by extremely low-frequency radio waves, which the US used as a weapon as early as the Vietnam conflict.

Yale University and CIA psychiatrist Dr. Jose Delgado studied mind control for the Company during the 1950’s as part of the MK-ULTRA program.  Delgado determined, “Physical control of many brain functions is a demonstrated fact…it is even possible to create and follow intentions…By electronic stimulation of specific cerebral structures, movements can be induced by radio command…by remote control.”

According to a military document written by Colonel Paul Valley and Major Michael Aquino titled From PSYOP to Mindwar: The Psychology of Victory, the US Army used an operational weapons system “to map the minds of neutral and enemy individuals and then to change them in accordance with US national interests”.  The technique was used to secure the surrender of 29,276 armed Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army soldiers in 1967 and 1968.  The US Navy was also heavily involved in “psychotronic” research. [9]  Many US soldiers who served near the DMZ that divided North and South Vietnam claimed to see UFOs on a regular basis.  The Pentagon Papers revealed that an electronic barrier was placed along the DMZ by the secretive JASON Society.

Major Michael Aquino was an Army psyops specialist in Vietnam, where his unit specialized in drug-inducement, brainwashing, virus injection, brain implants, hypnosis, and use of electromagnetic fields and extremely low-frequency radio waves.  After Vietnam, Aquino moved to San Francisco and founded the Temple of Set.  Set is the ancient Egyptian name for Lucifer.  Aquino was now a senior US Military Intelligence official. [10]  He’d been given a Top Secret security clearance on June, 9, 1981.  Less than a month later an Army intelligence memo revealed that Aquino’s Temple of Set was an off-shoot of Anton La Vey’s Church of Satan, also headquartered in San Francisco. Two other Set members were Willie Browning and Dennis Mann.  Both were Army Intelligence officers.

The Temple of Set was obsessed with military matters and political fascism. It was especially preoccupied with the Nazi Order of the Trapezoid.  Aquino’s “official” job was history professor at Golden Gate College.  The Temple recruited the same Hells Angels who Billy Mellon Hitchcock had used to dole out his bad CIA acid.  Its members frequented prostitutes where they engaged in all manner of sadomasochistic activities. [11]  Director of Army Counter-Intelligence Donald Press revealed that Dennis Mann was assigned to the 306 PSYOPS Battalion and that Aquino was assigned to a top secret program known as Presidio.

Presidio was also the name of a spooky US Army base in what is now the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, which Mikhail Gorbachev reportedly frequented as the Soviet Union was falling apart.  Was Aquino part of an operation to “map the mind” of the Soviet Union’s last leader and induce him into proposing both glasnost and perestroika, the two free market policies that ultimately led to the Soviet Union’s demise?  Remember the curious mark which suddenly appeared on Gorbachev’s forehead?  Was he implanted with some sort of microchip mind-control device to make him think “in accordance with US national interests”?

Such Orwellian technology is marketed on a regular basis throughout the world.  International Healthline Corporation and others sell microchip implants in the US, Russia and Europe.  The Humane Society has adopted a policy of micro-chipping all stray pets. The State of Hawaii requires that all pets be micro-chipped.  Six thousand people in Sweden have accepted a microchip in their hand, which they use for all purchases. Trials are also underway in Japan.  In July 2002, National Public Radio reported a similar trial beginning in Seattle.  Later in 2002, after a rash of suspicious abductions of young girls, BBC reported that a British company plans to implant children with microchips so that their parents can monitor their whereabouts.

Dr. Carl Sanders, a highly acclaimed electronics engineer, revealed that a microchip project he launched to help people with severed spinal cords was taken over by the Bill Colby’s Operation Phoenix in a series of meetings organized by Henry Kissinger.  Sanders says the optimal spot for a microchip implant is just below the hairline on a person’s forehead, since the device can be recharged by changes in body temperatures, which are most pronounced there.  Interestingly, this is the location of the pineal gland or Third Eye.

The 1986 Emigration Control Act grants the President the power to mandate any kind of ID he deems necessary. [12]  Researchers at Southern California have developed a chip which mimics the hippocampus, the part of the brain that deals with memory.  Pentagon officials are interested in using it in experiments to create a “super-soldier”. [13]  Another microchip called Braingate is being implanted in paralyzed people.  It allows them to control their environment by simply thinking. [14]

In Iraq, psychological warfare gave way to slow genocide.  According to UNICEF, as of late 2001, 1.5 million Iraqi children had died as a result of sanctions, while one child in ten died before their first birthday.  Thalassemia, anemia and diarrhea were the biggest killers and could have been prevented were it not for a chronic shortage of blood and medicine in Iraq due to the sanctions.  UN Committee 661 served as arbiter of what constituted a “dual use” item and therefore banned for import into Iraq.  As of 2001, over 1,600 Iraqi contracts with Western companies for medical equipment had been blocked by 661. [15]

The Gulf War decimated Iraq’s sewer and water treatment systems. Iraqis were forced to drink polluted water, leading to numerous health problems.  Iraq was not allowed to import chlorine to clean the water since 661 deemed it a potential chemical weapon.  Electrical power was rationed in three-hour daily increments per household since the Iraqi government couldn’t get the parts it needed to fix its power plants after the US bombed its entire power grid.  With the devaluation of the Iraqi dinar and the ban on the export of 2.4 million barrels of oil per day, the average Iraqi lived on $2.50 a month- enough to buy a pair of shoes.  The only Iraqis not affected were the wealthy elite, who had long ago stashed their savings overseas in US dollars.

UNICEF estimates that 28% of Iraqi children no longer went to school.  Before the war almost all children attended.  Often families could only afford to send one child to school because of the cost of simple things like backpacks, shoes and notebooks.  Rafah Salam Aziz, Director of Mansour Children’s Hospital, said parents were often forced to make similar decisions about their children’s lives.  Aziz said, “Many times it’s easier for a family to let a baby die rather than let the whole family go hungry and get sick.”[16]

In 1996 Clinton Defense Secretary William Perry announced a new military buildup in the Persian Gulf.  Soon cruise missiles were again raining down on Baghdad.  Many nations now grew weary of both US bombing and the sanctions regime, which was brutalizing the Iraqi people while strengthening the grip of Saddam Hussein.  Russian President Boris Yeltsin, whose country signed a deal with Iraq to rebuild its shattered oil sector, said he was disturbed at the use of “extreme and radical force against the Arab world”.  The Russian opposition offered a more scalding appraisal.  Alexander Lebed stating angrily, “The US is like a strong master who spits on everybody.”[17]

Turkey, Jordan and Syria all expressed unease over the new round of bombing.  Even the Saudis, where Islamic fundamentalism was on the rise and two major bombings had occurred at US bases, now refused to allow the US to use its bases to bomb Iraq.  Many countries, including France, began openly flaunting the UN embargo against Iraq in the late 1990’s.

Dennis Halliday, former Assistant Secretary of the UN who initially headed the UN Humanitarian Program to Iraq, resigned his post in protest. He said sanctions were demolishing the very class of Iraqi people who wanted to create a better government in the country.  He was scornful of the UN Oil for Food Program under which the US received 70% of Iraqi oil.  Halliday stated plainly, “We are guilty of committing genocide, through the Security Council, against Iraq.”[18]

Halliday’s 1998 successor was Hans Van Sponeck, who watched as the UN unfurled the UNSCOM arms inspection regime, paid for by Iraqi oil sales.  US inspector Scott Ritter confirmed Iraqi suspicions that UNSCOM was gathering intelligence for CIA and Mossad.  UNSCOM was just the latest CIA tool.  In 1996 the Iraqi government claimed international relief agencies, including the World Food Program, which claimed to be helping the Kurds, were actually CIA operatives attempting to destabilize the country.

In fact the CIA had spent more than $20 million in its support of the Iraqi National Congress, led by long-time CIA surrogate Jalal Talibani’s PKK Kurdish faction. [19]  In January 1997 Iraq uncovered two Mossad spy rings in one month following the attempted assassination of Saddam Hussein’s son. [20]  Hans Van Sponeck had seen enough. He too resigned in protest.

In early 1999 it was revealed that the US had used UNSCOM to plant electronic bugging devices in the Iraqi Ministry of Defense.  Arms inspector Scott Ritter said the CIA was using UNSCOM to “provoke a crisis”.  In December 1998 UNSCOM, faced with the embarrassing accusations of espionage, pulled out of Iraq.  On December 15th the US launched a new round of bombing.  Ritter says intelligence gathered by UNSCOM was used for targeting. UNSCOM spokesman David Kay resurfaced in 2003 calling for a US invasion of Iraq. He now worked for SAIC, which landed numerous Pentagon contracts to rebuild Iraq.

[1] Behold a Pale Horse. William Cooper. Light Technology Press. Sedona, AZ. 1991. p.166

[2] Robot’s Rebellion: The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance. David Icke. Gateway Books. Bath, UK. 1994. p.305

[3] Cooper. p.166

[4] Ibid

[5] Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History that Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons and the Great Pyramids. Jim Marrs. HarperCollins Publishers. New York. 2000. p.114

[6] Ibid. 116

[7] “Child Death Rate Jumps in Iraq”. AP. Great Falls Tribune. 9-24-92. p.8

[8] “Depleted Uranium”. Siegwart-Horst Gunther. Covert Action Quarterly. Winter 2001. p.2

[9] Cooper. p.369

[10] Icke. p.221

[11] Cooper. p.361

[12] Icke. p.223

[13] Inquirer. UK. 10-25-05

[14] PhysOrg News. 11-1-95

[15] “Greetings from Missile Street”. Free Speech TV. Boulder, CO. 12-23-01

[16] “US Economic Sanctions Taking Very Human Toll in Iraq”. Great Falls Tribune. 9-13-92.

[17] “Slamming Saddam”. Time. 9-16-96. p.31

[18] “The Unfinished War”. CNN. 1-6-02

[19] Evening Edition. National Public Radio. 9-10-96

[20] BBC World News. 1-8-97


Chinese Medical Doctor is helping coronavirus patients with a powerful vitamin protocol [videos]

NCP (Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia) and Vitamin C

Discover what is really killing coronavirus patients

Dr. Richard Cheng is doing some magnificent work inside Wuhan, China for many of the people infected with the coronavirus. And, while government health agencies seem laser focused on just toxic medications and the hope of a vaccine, Dr. Cheng is doing much more than that.

The results are quite impressive. Listen now – in this video below – directly from Dr. Cheng.

We, at NaturalHealth365, have been reporting news about the coronavirus since its discovery in Wuhan, China. Naturally, there are many theories circulating about the origin of this virus from “just another flu strain” to speculation that this is a bioweapon designed in the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory (Level 4) or part of the “depopulation agenda” of some very disturbed individuals.

Wherever you stand on this topic, today’s news will prove to be invaluable because the mainstream media refuses to report on the single most important aspect of this virus. The solution!

Chinese medical doctor is helping coronavirus patients with a powerful vitamin protocol

Conventionally speaking, our modern healthcare system is merely focusing their attention on travel bans, testing and isolation of infected people. And, while that all may seem to be a “reasonable” response to a potential pandemic outbreak of the 2019-nCoV (novel coronavirus). Obviously, much more needs to be done to protect all of us.

In fact, the one thing that’s not talked about – nearly enough – is how to improve (and maintain) the health of the immune system. Can vitamin C – known to be an excellent vitamin for protecting immunity – actually help people infected with the coronavirus?

After a nationwide mention in the NY Post, MSN, and Business Insider, the 10-minute video reporting on the successful use of vitamin C for the coronavirus by doctors in Wuhan has been censored on the internet. No doubt, media manipulation that suppresses lifesaving information is alive and well in the “free” world.

Ask yourself this: why is this information being suppressed by the mainstream media and conventional medical “authorities.” Do they really believe that this vitamin therapy is useless? Or, could this just be an example of profits over public safety.

I’ll let you decide. But, ultimately, it’s up to each and every one of us to do everything we can to keep our immune system strong. After all, it is our best defense against disease.

Stay tuned to NaturalHealth365 as we continue to report on this evolving story.



Can we shake the Coronavirus to death? New Way to Kill Viruses: Shake Them to Death

Wuhan-Coronavirus enthält einzigartige Bestandteile des HIV-Virus

Hospital-based Intravenous Vitamin C Treatmentfor Coronavirus and Related Illnesses

Governments and Biowarfare: A Brief History by James Corbett

James Corbett
The Corbett Report

1 May, 2009

As questions continue to mount about the origins of the mysterious Mexican flu which is pushing the world into mass hysteria, some are noting that its genetic fingerprint suggests it was created in a laboratory while those who are tracking the small number of confirmed deaths from the outbreak—all of the victims so far being Mexican nationals—are questioning if this is a race-specific bioweapon. While some in the controlled corporate media dismiss such inquiry out of hand, serious researchers know that there is a long and well-documented history of governments experimenting with, deploying and even creating bioweapons to use as a means of warfare, population control and consolidation of governmental power.

Biowarfare itself goes back to the earliest periods of recorded human history. The ancient Hittites over 3000 years ago drove plague victims into enemy lands with the intent of infecting the enemy population. Athenians poisoned the water supply of their enemies in Kirrha with a toxic plant called hellebore sometime around 590 BC. Scythians in 4th century BC learned to smear their arrow tips with snake venom, blood and even animal feces in order to infect their enemy’s wounds. In the 18th century, the British commander Lord Amherst famously wrote about a plan to infect Native Americans by giving them smallpox-infected blankets, and researcher Kevin Annett has documented similar actions by the Canadian government, which acted in coordination with the Catholic, Anglican and United churches in Canada’s residential school system to facilitate the genocide of Canadian natives.

Of course, as science began to make progress in understanding and manipulating naturally occurring biological agents, so too did biowarfare become more deadly. The modern age of biowarfare began in earnest in WWI, with the Germans beginning to use anthrax as a stealth weapon against key targets in enemy countries. Accords such as the Geneva Protocol of 1925 attempted to prohibit the use of biowarfare, but that didn’t stop any of the major powers, including the Germans, the Japanese, the Americans, the Canadians or the British from pursuing biowarfare capabilities. The excuse was always that these biowarfare programs were merely for defensive purposes, but of course there is no material difference between a defensive and an offensive biowarfare program.

The American government’s approach to biowarfare is notable for its unabashed use of unwitting American citizens as guinea pigs in biological weapons research. The very people who helped establish the U.S. biological weapons programs openly bragged about their experiments on unwitting human test subjects. Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, who founded the U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Maryland, Utah and Panama purposefully infected test subjects with cancer cells while in the employ of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations. He later wrote letters about the tests. With that as a starting point for the American bioweapons research program, what follows is a list of experimental horrors too long to reproduce, but which includes:

  – 1932: The Tuskegee Syphilis Study begins. 200 black men diagnosed with syphilis are never told of their illness, are denied treatment, and instead are used as human guinea pigs in order to follow the progression and symptoms of the disease. They all subsequently die from syphilis, their families never told that they could have been treated. Follow this link for more info.

  – 1950: In an experiment to determine how susceptible an American city would be to biological attack, the U.S. Navy sprays a cloud of bacteria from ships over San Franciso. Monitoring devices are situated throughout the city in order to test the extent of infection. Many residents become ill with pneumonia-like symptoms. Follow this link for more info.

  – 1955: The CIA, in an experiment to test its ability to infect human populations with biological agents, releases a bacteria withdrawn from the Army’s biological warfare arsenal over Tampa Bay, Fl. Follow this link for more info.

  – 1956: U.S. military releases mosquitoes infected with Yellow Fever over Savannah, Ga and Avon Park, Fl. Following each test, Army agents posing as public health officials test victims for effects. Follow this link for more info.

  – 1965: Prisoners at the Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia are subjected to dioxin, the highly toxic chemical component of Agent Orange used in Viet Nam. The men are later studied for development of cancer, which indicates that Agent Orange had been a suspected carcinogen all along. Follow this link for more info.

  – 1966: U.S. Army dispenses Bacillus subtilis variant niger throughout the New York City subway system. More than a million civilians are exposed when army scientists drop lightbulbs filled with the bacteria onto ventilation grates. Follow this link for more info.

  – 1990: More than 1500 six-month old black and Hispanic babies in Los Angeles are given an “experimental” measles vaccine that had never been licensed for use in the United States. CDC later admits that parents were never informed that the vaccine being injected to their children was experimental. Follow this link for more info.

  – 1994: With a technique called “gene tracking,” Dr. Garth Nicolson at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX discovers that many returning Desert Storm veterans are infected with an altered strain of Mycoplasma incognitus, a microbe commonly used in the production of biological weapons. Incorporated into its molecular structure is 40 percent of the HIV protein coat, indicating that it had been man-made. Follow this link for more info.

As horrifying as these admitted tests of biological weapons on unwitting subjects are, perhaps even more frightening is the knowledge that governments have a documented history of using biological agents against their own citizens in bioterror false flag operations. It is no coincidence that two of the most well-known and devastating biological releases this decade have traced back to Fort Detrick (the home of the U.S. biological weapons research program since the 1950s and the current home of USAMRIID) and Porton Down (Fort Detrick’s British equivalent). 

In the late Winter of 2001, an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease ravaged the British farming industry, requiring the government-mandated destruction of millions of animals. The losses to British farmers were nearly incalculable with a number of cases of farmers ending their own lives in anguish over their loss of livelihood. In April of 2001, the Sunday Express reported that the outbreak came just months after an audit of Porton Down—a top secret government bioweapons research facility housing such agents as TB, anthrax and smallpox—found that phials containing foot-and-mouth samples were missing from the lab. Authorities tried to play down the report by suggesting that “animal rights activists” had stolen and released the samples from the maximum security government laboratory. Authorities failed to explain why animal rights activists would be interested in releasing a biological agent that would result in the destruction of millions of animals, or how they were able to penetrate the multiple layers of defenses in the heavily defended laboratory.

Just months later, anthrax-laced letters began to show up in the offices of the Bush Administration’s most vocal media opponents and political rivals in the U.S. The administration and their puppets in the corporate-controlled media immediately began to theorize that the anthrax used in the letters was a crude concotion that an Al-Qaeda operative could have mixed in a bathtub. It later emerged that these anthrax spores were in fact the most sophisticated weaponized form of the deadly plague ever seen and the particular strain used in its production was traced back to Fort Detrick. It later emerged that key members of the Bush Administration had been on Cipro, the anti-anthrax drug, since the morning of 9/11. The entire story of the anthrax investigation is lengthy and convoluted, but extremely important for a better understanding of false flag bioterrorism.

Of course, these are only the well-known examples from the past decade, but naturally there are others (including the 2007 foot-and-mouth outbreak in England, which was also found to come from a government lab). Even worse than these examples is the knowledge that the types of bioweapons that governments around the world have been developing far outstrip anthrax or foot-and-mouth in sophistication and effectiveness. Although the full extent of American bioweapons research remains classified, it is public knowledge that the American military was already experimenting with race-specific bioweapons at least since 1970, a technology that the Apartheid South African government was known to possess and which Israel was developing last decade. It does not take much imagination to envision why those two governments would have been interested in the technology, but it may be surprising to learn that the American government has not only been developing race-specific bioweapons, but that key government officials have advocated their use as a way of furthering American foreign policy. In September 2000 a neocon think-tank called Project for a New American Century released a policy paper, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”, that contained the following chilling quotation: “advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.” Prominent PNAC members included Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush and Scooter Libby.

Given all of the foregoing, the suggestion that the current flu pandemic may in fact be a government-engineered race-specific bioweapon is not only plausible, but the first possibility that any rational investigator would consider when examining the never before seen flu strain which only seems to be killing Mexicans. The natural question at this point is not whether the government could do such a thing, but why they would do such a thing.

Naturally, governments deploy biological agents for a number of different reasons. The 2001 foot-and-mouth outbreak ushered in a new era of internationally-standardized farming procedures and guidelines in the name of ‘food safety’ and the protection of trade interests, ultimately leading to such Orwellian programs as the National Animal Identification System (which is now being administered in other countries under different names). The 2001 anthrax attack not only helped to silence Bush media critics and Democrats who showed any sign of resisting the Bush Administration’s “War on Terror” policies, but it also ensured the passage of the Patriot Act, which was rushed through Congress as the height of the anthrax scare before anyone even had a chance to read it.

So if this new flu is indeed a bioweapon, and if it has been released on purpose, the question remains: What motive would a western government have for this release, especially considering the new flu now threatens the entire globe? The answers to that question are numerous, but can be located in such things as the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, as well as the precedent-setting consolidation of power in the hands of agencies like the WHO during this crisis. The Corbett Report will be covering these possible motives behind the attack in a series of forthcoming articles, but for now readers are advised to further familiarize themselves with the concept of false flag bioterror by listening to Episode 060 of The Corbett Report.

Episode 060 – A bioterror false flag

Right click and “save as” to download the mp3 or listen directly.


A blueprint for Tyranny – Report from Iron Mountain

© see below (fair use)

Report report_from_iron_mountain.pdf

Report from Iron Mountain; Using fear to make people subservient to government.


© 2002 by G. Edward Griffin

Freedom Force International

This is taken from Chapter 24 of The Creature from Jekyll Island

(When added to The Freedom Manifesto, this material should be expanded to include the concept of deliberate waste. With that included, it will make an excellent chapter.)

The substance of these stratagems [for the weakening of the United States so it can be more easily merged into a global government based on the model of collectivism] can be traced to a think-tank study released in 1966 called the Report from Iron Mountain. Although the origin of the report is highly debated, the document itself hints that it was commissioned by the Department of Defense under Defense Secretary, Robert McNamara and was produced by the Hudson Institute located at the base of Iron Mountain in Croton-on-Hudson, New York. The Hudson Institute was founded and directed by Herman Kahn, formerly of the Rand Corporation. Both McNamara and Kahn were members of the CFR.

The self-proclaimed purpose of the study was to explore various ways to “stabilize society.” Praiseworthy as that may sound, a reading of the Report soon reveals that the word society is used synonymously with the word government. Furthermore, the word stabilize is used as meaning to preserve and to perpetuate. It is clear from the start that the nature of the study was to analyze the different ways a government can perpetuate itself in power, ways to control its citizens and prevent them from rebelling. It was stated at the beginning of the Report that morality was not an issue. The study did not address questions of right or wrong; nor did it deal with such concepts as freedom or human rights. Ideology was not an issue, nor patriotism, nor religious precepts. Its sole concern was how to perpetuate the existing government. The Report said: 

Previous studies have taken the desirability of peace, the importance of human life, the superiority of democratic institutions, the greatest “good” for the greatest number, the “dignity” of the individual, the desirability of maximum health and longevity, and other such wishful premises as axiomatic values necessary for the justification of a study of peace issues. We have not found them so. We have attempted to apply the standards of physical science to our thinking, the principal characteristic of which is not quantification, as is popularly believed, but that, in Whitehead’s words, “…it ignores all judgments of value; for instance, all esthetic and moral judgments.” (1)

The major conclusion of the report was that, in the past, war has been the only reliable means to achieve that goal. It contends that only during times of war or the threat of war are the masses compliant enough to carry the yoke of government without complaint. Fear of conquest and pillage by an enemy can make almost any burden seem acceptable by comparison. War can be used to arouse human passion and patriotic feelings of loyalty to the nation’s leaders. No amount of sacrifice in the name of victory will be rejected. Resistance is viewed as treason. But, in times of peace, people become resentful of high taxes, shortages, and bureaucratic intervention. When they become disrespectful of their leaders, they become dangerous. No government has long survived without enemies and armed conflict. War, therefore, has been an indispensable condition for “stabilizing society.” These are the report’s exact words:

The war system not only has been essential to the existence of nations as independent political entities, but has been equally indispensable to their stable political structure. Without it, no government has ever been able to obtain acquiescence in its “legitimacy,” or right to rule its society. The possibility of war provides the sense of external necessity without which no government can long remain in power. The historical record reveals one instance after another where the failure of a regime to maintain the credibility of a war threat led to its dissolution, by the forces of private interest, of reactions to social injustice, or of other disintegrative elements. The organization of society for the possibility of war is its principal political stabilizer…. It has enabled societies to maintain necessary class distinctions, and it has insured the subordination of the citizens to the state by virtue of the residual war powers inherent in the concept of nationhood. (2)


The report then explains that we are approaching a point in history where the old formulas may no longer work. Why? Because it may now be possible to create a world government in which all nations will be disarmed and disciplined by a world army, a condition which will be called peace. The report says: “The word peace, as we have used it in the following pages, … implies total and general disarmament.” (3)

Under that scenario, independent nations will no longer exist and governments will not have the capability to wage war. There could be military action by the world army against renegade political subdivisions, but these would be called peace-keeping operations, and soldiers would be called peace keepers. No matter how much property is destroyed or how much blood is spilled, the bullets will be “peaceful” bullets and the bombs – even atomic bombs, if necessary – will be “peaceful” bombs.

The report then raises the question of whether there can ever be a suitable substitute for war. What else could the regional governments use – and what could the world government itself use – to legitimize and perpetuate itself? To provide an answer to that question was the stated purpose of the study.

The Report from Iron Mountain concludes that there can be no substitute for war unless it possesses three properties. It must (1) be economically wasteful, (2) represent a credible threat of great magnitude, and (3) provide a logical excuse for compulsory service to the government.


On the subject of compulsory service, the Report explains that one of the advantages of standing armies is that they provide a place for the government to put antisocial and dissident elements of society. In the absence of war, these forced-labor battalions would be told they are fighting poverty or cleaning up the planet or bolstering the economy or serving the common good in some other fashion. Every teenager would be required to serve – especially during those years in which young people are most rebellious against authority. Older people, too, would be drafted as a means of working off tax payments and fines. Dissidents would face heavy fines for “hate crimes” and politically incorrect attitudes so, eventually, they would all be in the forced-labor battalions. The Report says:

We will examine … the time-honored use of military institutions to provide anti-social elements with an acceptable role in the social structure. … The current euphemistic clichés – “juvenile delinquency” and “alienation” – have had their counterparts in every age. In earlier days these conditions were dealt with directly by the military without the complications of due process, usually through press gangs or outright enslavement. …

Most proposals that address themselves, explicitly or otherwise, to the postwar problem of controlling the socially alienated turn to some variant of the Peace Corps or the so-called Job Corps for a solution. The socially disaffected, the economically unprepared, the psychologically uncomfortable, the hard-core “delinquents,” the incorrigible “subversives,” and the rest of the unemployable are seen as somehow transformed by the disciplines of a service modeled on military precedent into more or less dedicated social service workers. …

Another possible surrogate for the control of potential enemies of society is the reintroduction, in some form consistent with modern technology and political processes, of slavery. … It is entirely possible that the development of a sophisticated form of slavery may be an absolute prerequisite for socialcontrol in a world at peace. As a practical matter, conversion of the code of military discipline to a euphemized form of enslavement would entail surprisingly little revision; the logical first step would be the adoption of some form of “universal” military service. (4)


The Report considered ways in which the public could be preoccupied with non-important activities so that it would not have time to participate in political debate or resistance. Recreation, trivial game shows, pornography, and situation comedies could play an important role, but blood games were considered to be the most promising of all the options. Blood games are competitive events between individuals or teams that are sufficiently violent in nature to enable the spectators to vicariously work off their frustrations. As a minimum, these events must evoke a passionate team loyalty on the part of the fans and must include the expectation of pain and injury on the part of the players. Even better for their purpose is the spilling of blood and the possibility of death. The common man has a morbid fascination for violence and blood. Crowds gather to chant “Jump! Jump!” at the suicidal figure on a hotel roof. Cars slow to a near stop on the highway to gawk at broken bodies next to a collision.

A schoolyard fight instantly draws a circle of spectators. Boxing matches and football games and hockey games and automobile races are telecast daily, attracting millions of cheering fans who give rapt attention to each moment of danger, each angry blow to the face, each broken bone, each knockout, each carrying away of the unconscious or possibly dying contestant. In this fashion, their anger at “society” is defused and focused, instead, on the opposing team. The emperors of Rome devised the Circuses and gladiator contests and public executions by wild beasts for precisely that purpose.

Before jumping to the conclusion that such concepts are absurd in modern times, recall that during the 1985 European soccer championship in Belgium, the spectators became so emotionally involved in the contest that a bloody riot broke out in the bleachers leaving behind 38 dead and more that 400 injured. U.S. News & World Report gives this account:

The root of the trouble: A tribal loyalty to home teams that surpasses an obsession and, say some experts, has become a substitute religion for many. The worst offenders include members of gangs such as Chelsea’s Anti-Personnel Firm, made up of ill-educated young males who find in soccer rivalry an escape from boredom.

Still, the British do not have a patent on soccer violence. On May 26, eight people were killed and more than 50 injured in Mexico City,… a 1964 stadium riot in Lima, Peru, killed more than 300 – and a hotly disputed 1969 match between El Salvador and Honduras led to a week-long shooting war between the two countries, causing hundreds of casualties.

The U.S. is criticized for the gridiron violence of its favorite sport, football, but outbursts in the bleachers are rare because loyalties are spread among many sports and national pride is not at stake. Said Thomas Tutko, professor of psychology at California’s San Jose State University: “In these other countries, it used to be their armies. Now it’s their competitive teams that stir passions.” (5)

Having considered all the ramifications of blood games, The Report from Iron Mountain concluded that they were not an adequate substitute for war. It is true that violent sports are useful distracters and do, in fact, allow an outlet for boredom and fierce group loyalty, but their effect on the nation’s psyche could not match the intensity of war hysteria. Until a better alternative could be found, world government would have to be postponed so that nations could continue to wage war.


In time of war, most citizens uncomplainingly accept their low quality of life and remain fiercely loyal to their leaders. If a suitable substitute for war is to be found, then it must also elicit that same reaction. Therefore, a new enemy must be found that threatens the entire world, and the prospects of being overcome by that enemy must be just as terrifying as war itself. The Report is emphatic on that point:

Allegiance requires a cause; a cause requires an enemy. This much is obvious; the critical point is that the enemy that defines the cause must seem genuinely formidable. Roughly speaking, the presumed power of the “enemy” sufficient to warrant an individual sense of allegiance to a society must be proportionate to the size and complexity of the society. Today, of course, that power must be one of unprecedented magnitude and frightfulness. (6)

The first consideration in finding a suitable threat to serve as a global enemy was that it did not have to be real. A real one would be better, of course, but an invented one would work just as well, provided the masses could be convinced it was real. The public will more readily believe some fictions than others. Credibility would be more important than truth.

Poverty was examined as a potential global enemy but rejected as not fearful enough. Most of the world was already in poverty. Only those who had never experienced poverty would see it as a global threat. For the rest, it was simply a fact of everyday life.

An invasion by aliens from outer space was given serious consideration. The report said that experiments along those lines already may have been tried. Public reaction, however, was not sufficiently predictable, because the threat was not “credible.” Here is what the report had to say:

Credibility, in fact, lies at the heart of the problem of developing a political substitute for war. This is where the space-race proposals, in many ways so well suited as economic substitutes for war, fall short. The most ambitious and unrealistic space project cannot of itself generate a believable external menace. It has been hotly argued that such a menace would offer the “last best hope of peace,” etc., by uniting mankind against the danger of destruction by “creatures” from other planets or from outer space. Experiments have been proposed to test the credibility of an out-of-our-world invasion threat; it is possible that a few of the more difficult-to-explain “flying saucer” incidents of recent years were in fact early experiments of this kind. If so, they could hardly have been judged encouraging. (7)

This report was released in 1966 when the idea of an alien presence seemed far fetched to the average person. In the ensuing years, however, that perception has changed. A growing segment of the population now believes that intelligent life forms may exist beyond our planet and could be monitoring our own civilization. Whether that belief is right or wrong is not the issue here. The point is that a dramatic encounter with aliens shown on network television – even if it were to be entirely fabricated by high-tech computer graphics or laser shows in the sky – could be used to stampede all nations into world government supposedly to defend the Earth from invasion. On the other hand, if the aliens were perceived to have peaceful intent, an alternative scenario would be to form world government to represent a unified human species speaking with a single voice in some kind of galactic federation. Either scenario would be far more credible today than in 1966.


The final candidate for a useful global threat was pollution of the environment. This was viewed as the most likely to succeed because it could be related to observable conditions such as smog and water pollution– in other words, it would be based partly on fact and, therefore, be credible. Predictions could be made showing end-of-earth scenarios just as horrible as atomic warfare. Accuracy in these predictions would not be important. Their purpose would be to frighten, not to inform. It might even be necessary to deliberately poison the environment to make the predictions more convincing and to focus the public mind on fighting a new enemy, more fearful than any invader from another nation – or even from outer space. The masses would more willingly accept a falling standard of living, tax increases, and bureaucratic intervention in their lives as simply “the price we must pay to save Mother Earth.” A massive battle against death and destruction from global pollution possibly could replace war as justification for social control.

Did The Report from Iron Mountain really say that? It certainly did – and much more. Here are just a few of the pertinent passages:

When it comes to postulating a credible substitute for war … the “alternate enemy” must imply a more immediate, tangible, and directly felt threat of destruction. It must justify the need for taking and paying a “blood price” in wide areas of human concern. In this respect, the possible substitute enemies noted earlier would be insufficient. One exception might be the environmental-pollution model, if the danger to society it posed was genuinely imminent. The fictive models would have to carry the weight of extraordinary conviction, underscored with a not inconsiderable actual sacrifice of life. … It may be, for instance, that gross pollution of the environment can eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by nuclear weapons as the principal apparent threat to the survival of the species. Poisoning of the air, and of the principal sources of food and water supply, is already well advanced, and at first glance would seem promising in this respect; it constitutes a threat that can be dealt with only through social organization and political power. …

It is true that the rate of pollution could be increased selectively for this purpose. … But the pollution problem has been so widely publicized in recent years that it seems highly improbable that a program of deliberate environmental poisoning could be implemented in a politically acceptable manner.

However unlikely some of the possible alternative enemies we have mentioned may seem, we must emphasize that one must be found of credible quality and magnitude, if a transition to peace is ever to come about without social disintegration. It is more probable, in our judgment, that such a threat will have to be invented. (8)


The Report from Iron Mountain states that it was produced by a Special Study Group of fifteen men whose identities were to remain secret and that it was not intended to be made public. One member of the group, however, felt the Report was too important to be kept under wraps. He was not in disagreement with its conclusions. He merely believed that more people should read it. He delivered his personal copy to Leonard Lewin, a well-known author and columnist who, in turn, negotiated its publication by Dial Press. It was then reprinted by Dell Publishing.

This was during the Johnson Administration, and the President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs was CFR member Walt Rostow. Rostow was quick to announce that the report was a spurious work. Herman Kahn, CFR director of the Hudson Institute, said it was not authentic. The Washington Post – which was owned and run by CFR member Katharine Graham – called it “a delightful satire.” Time magazine, founded by CFR-member Henry Luce, said it was a skillful hoax.

Then, on November 26, 1967, the Report was reviewed in the book section of the Washington Post by Herschel McLandress, which was the pen name for Harvard professor John Kenneth Galbraith. Galbraith, who also had been a member of the CFR, said that he knew firsthand of the Report’s authenticity because he had been invited to participate in it. Although he was unable to be part of the official group, he was consulted from time to time and had been asked to keep the project a secret. Furthermore, while he doubted the wisdom of letting the public know about the Report, he agreed totally with its conclusions. He wrote:

As I would put my personal repute behind the authenticity of this document, so would I testify to the validity of its conclusions. My reservations relate only to the wisdom of releasing it to an obviously unconditioned public. (9)

Six weeks later, in an Associated Press dispatch from London, Galbraith went even further and jokingly admitted that he was “a member of the conspiracy.”(10)

That, however, did not settle the issue. The following day, Galbraith backed off. When asked about his “conspiracy” statement, he replied: “For the first time since Charles II The Times has been guilty of a misquotation. … Nothing shakes my conviction that it was written by either Dean Rusk or Mrs. Clare Booth Luce.” (11)

The reporter who conducted the original interview was embarrassed by the allegation and did further research. Six days later, this is what he reported: Misquoting seems to be a hazard to which Professor Galbraith is prone. The latest edition of the Cambridge newspaper Varsity quotes the following (tape recorded) interchange:

Interviewer: “Are you aware of the identity of the author of Report from Iron Mountain?”

Galbraith: “I was in general a member of the conspiracy but I was not the author. I have always assumed that it was the man who wrote the foreword – Mr. Lewin.” (12)

So, on at least three occasions, Galbraith publicly endorsed the authenticity of the Report but denied that he wrote it. Then who did? Was it Leonard Lewin, after all? In 1967 he said he did not. In 1972 he said that he did. Writing in The New York Times Book Review Lewin explained: “I wrote the ‘Report,” all of it. … What I intended was simply to pose the issues of war and peace in a provocative way.” (13)

But wait! A few years before that, columnist William F. Buckley told the New York Times that he was the author. That statement was undoubtedly made tongue-in-cheek, but who and what are we to believe? Was it written by Herman Kahn, John Kenneth Galbraith, Dean Rusk, Clare Booth Luce, Leonard Lewin, or William F. Buckley?

In the final analysis, it makes little difference. The important point is that The Report from Iron Mountain, whether written as a think-tank study or a political satire, explains the reality that surrounds us. Regardless of its origin, the concepts presented in it are now being implemented in almost every detail. All one has to do is hold the Report in one hand and the daily newspaper in the other to realize that every major trend in American life is conforming to the blueprint. So many things that otherwise are incomprehensible suddenly become clear: foreign aid, wasteful spending, the destruction of American industry, a job corps, gun control, a national police force, the apparent demise of Soviet power, a UN army, disarmament, a world bank, a world money, the surrender of national independence through treaties, and the ecology hysteria. The Report from Iron Mountain is an accurate summary of the plan that has already created our present. It is now shaping our future.


It is beyond the scope of this study to prove that currently accepted predictions of environmental doom are based on exaggerated and fraudulent “scientific studies.” But such proof is easily found if one is willing to look at the raw data and the assumptions upon which the projections are based. More important, however, is the question of why end-of-world scenarios based on phony scientific studies – or no studies at all – are uncritically publicized by the CFR-controlled media; or why radical environmental groups advocating collectivist doctrine and anti-business programs are lavishly funded by CFR-dominated foundations, banks, and corporations, the very groups that would appear to have the most to lose. The Report from Iron Mountain answers those questions.

As the Report pointed out, truth is not important in these matters. It’s what people can be made to believe that counts. “Credibility” is the key, not reality. There is just enough truth in the fact of environmental pollution to make predictions of planetary doom in the year two-thousand-something seem believable. All that is required is media cooperation and repetition. The plan has apparently worked. People of the industrialized nations have been subjected to a barrage of documentaries, dramas, feature films, ballads, poems, bumper stickers, posters, marches, speeches, seminars, conferences, and concerts. The result has been phenomenal. Politicians are now elected to office on platforms consisting of nothing more than an expressed concern for the environment and a promise to clamp down on those nasty industries. No one questions the damage done to the economy or the nation. It makes no difference when the very planet on which we live is sick and dying. Not one in a thousand will question that underlying premise. How could it be false? Look at all the movie celebrities and rock stars who have joined the movement.

While the followers of the environmental movement are preoccupied with visions of planetary doom, let us see what the leaders are thinking. The first Earth Day was proclaimed on April 22, 1970, at a “Summit” meeting in Rio de Janeiro, attended by environmentalists and politicians from all over the world. A publication widely circulated at that meeting was entitled the Environmental Handbook. The main theme of the book was summarized by a quotation from Princeton Professor Richard A. Falk, a member of the CFR. Falk wrote that there are four interconnected threats to the planet – wars of mass destruction, overpopulation, pollution, and the depletion of resources. Then he said: “The basis of all four problems is the inadequacy of the sovereign states to manage the affairs of mankind in the twentieth century.” (14)

The Handbook continued the CFR line by asking these rhetorical questions: “Are nation-states actually feasible, now that they have power to destroy each other in a single afternoon?… What price would most people be willing to pay for a more durable kind of human organization – more taxes, giving up national flags, perhaps the sacrifice of some of our hard-won liberties?” (15)

In 1989, the CFR-owned Washington Post published an article written by CFR member George Kennan in which he said: “We must prepare instead for … an age where the great enemy is not the Soviet Union, but the rapid deterioration of our planet as a supporting structure for civilized life.” (16)

On March 27, 1990, in the CFR-controlled New York Times, CFR member Michael Oppenheimer wrote: “Global warming, ozone depletion, deforestation and overpopulation are the four horsemen of a looming 21st century apocalypse. … as the cold war recedes, the environment is becoming the No. 1 international security concern.” (17)

CFR member, Lester Brown, heads up another think tank called the Worldwatch Institute. In the Institute’s annual report, entitled State of the World 1991, Brown said that “the battle to save the planet will replace the battle over ideology as the organizing theme of the new world order.” (18)

In the official publication of the 1992 Earth Summit, we find this: “The world community now faces together greater risks to our common security through our impacts on the environment than from traditional military conflicts with one another.”

How many times does it have to be explained? The environmental movement was created by the CFR. It is a substitute for war that they hope will become the emotional and psychological foundation for world government.


The Club of Rome is a group of global planners who annually release end-of-world scenarios based on predictions of overpopulation and famine. Their membership is international, but the American roster includes such well-known CFR members as Jimmy Carter, Harlan Cleveland, Claiburne Pell, and Sol Linowitz. Their solution to overpopulation? A world government to control birth rates and, if necessary, euthanasia. That is a gentle word for the deliberate killing of the old, the weak, and of course the uncooperative. Following the same reasoning advanced at Iron Mountain, the Club of Rome has concluded that fear of environmental disaster could be used as a substitute enemy for the purpose of unifying the masses behind its program. In its 1991 book entitled The First Global Revolution, we find this:

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. … All these dangers are caused by human intervention. … The real enemy, then, is humanity itself. (19)

Collectivist theoreticians have always been fascinated by the possibility of controlling population growth. It excites their imaginations because it is the ultimate bureaucratic plan. If the real enemy is humanity itself, as the Club of Rome says, then humanity itself must become the target. Fabian Socialist Bertrand Russell expressed it thus:

I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from increasing. … War, as I remarked a moment ago, has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war may prove more effective. If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation, survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full. …

A scientific world society cannot be stable unless there is world government. … It will be necessary to find ways of preventing an increase in world population. If this is to be done otherwise than by wars, pestilences and famines, it will demand a powerful international authority. This authority should deal out the world’s food to the various nations in proportion to their population at the time of the establishments of the authority. If any nation subsequently increased its population, it should not on that account receive any more food. The motive for not increasing population would therefore be very compelling. (21)

Very compelling, indeed. These quiet-spoken collectivists are not kidding around. For example, one of the most visible “environmentalists” and advocate of population control was Jacques Cousteau. Interviewed by the United Nations UNESCO Courier in November of 1991, Cousteau spelled it out. He said:

What should we do to eliminate suffering and disease? It is a wonderful idea but perhaps not altogether a beneficial one in the long run. If we try to implement it we may jeopardize the future of our species. It’s terrible to have to say this. World population must be stabilized, and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. This is so horrible to contemplate that we shouldn’t even say it, but it is just as bad not to say it. (22)


We can now understand how Mikhail Gorbachev, formerly the leader of one of the most repressive governments the world has known, became head of a new organization called the International Green Cross, which supposedly is dedicated to environmental issues. Gorbachev has never denounced collectivism, only the label of a particular brand of collectivism called Communism. His real interest is not ecology but world government with himself assured a major position in the collectivist power structure. In a public appearance in Fulton, Missouri, he praised the Club of Rome, of which he is a member, for its position on population control. Then he said:

One of the worst of the new dangers is ecological. … Today, global climatic shifts; the greenhouse effect; the “ozone hole”; acid rain; contamination of the atmosphere, soil and water by industrial and household waste; the destruction of the forests; etc. all threaten the stability of the planet. (23)

Gorbachev proclaimed that global government was the answer to these threats and that the use of government force was essential. He said: “I believe that the new world order will not be fully realized unless the United Nations and its Security Council create structures … authorized to impose sanctions and make use of other measures of compulsion.” (24)

Here is an arch criminal who fought his way up through the ranks of the Soviet Communist Party, became the protégé of Yuri Andropov, head of the dreaded KGB, was a member of the USSR’s ruling Politburo throughout the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and who was selected by the Politburo in 1985 as the supreme leader of world Communism. All of this was during one of the Soviet’s most dismal periods of human-rights violations and subversive activities against the free world. Furthermore, he ruled over a nation with one of the worst possible records of environmental destruction. At no time while he was in power did he ever say or do anything to show concern over planet Earth.

All that is now forgotten. Gorbachev has been transformed by the CFR-dominated media into an ecology warrior. He is calling for world government and telling us that such a government will use environmental issues as justification for sanctions and other “measures of compulsion.” We cannot say that we were not warned.


The use of compulsion is an important point in these plans. People in the industrialized nations are not expected to cooperate in their own demise. They will have to be forced. They will not like it when their food is taken for global distribution. They will not approve when they are taxed by a world authority to finance foreign political projects. They will not voluntarily give up their cars or resettle into smaller houses or communal barracks to satisfy the resource-allocation quotas of a UN agency. Club-of-Rome member Maurice Strong states the problem:

In effect, the United States is committing environmental aggression against the rest of the world. … At the military level, the United States is the custodian. At the environmental level, the United States is clearly the greatest risk. … One of the worst problems in the United States is energy prices – they’re too low. …

It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class … involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and `convenience’ foods, ownership of motor-vehicles, numerous electric household appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning … expansive suburban housing … are not sustainable. (25)

Mr. Strong’s remarks were enthusiastically received by world environmental leaders, but they prompted this angry editorial response in the Arizona Republic:

Translated from eco-speak, this means two things: (1) a reduction in the standard of living in Western nations through massive new taxes and regulations, and (2) a wholesale transfer of wealth from industrialized to under-developed countries. The dubious premise here is that if the U.S. economy could be reduced to, say, the size of Malaysia’s, the world would be a better place. … Most Americans probably would balk at the idea of the U.N. banning automobiles in the U.S. (26)

Who is this Maurice Strong who sees the United States as the environmental aggressor against the world? Does he live in poverty? Does he come from a backward country that is resentful of American prosperity? Does he himself live in modest circumstances, avoiding consumption in order to preserve our natural resources? None of the above. He is one of the wealthiest men in the world. He lives and travels in great comfort. He is a lavish entertainer. In addition to having great personal wealth derived from the oil industry in Canada – which he helped nationalize – Maurice Strong was the Secretary-General of the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio; head of the 1972 UN Conference on Human Environment in Stockholm; the first Secretary-General of the UN Environment Program; president of the World Federation of United Nations; co-chairman of the World Economic Forum; member of the Club of Rome; trustee of the Aspen Institute; and a director of the World Future Society. That is probably more than you wanted to know about this man, but it is necessary in order to appreciate the importance of what follows.


Maurice Strong believes – or says that he believes – the world’s ecosystems can be preserved only if the affluent nations of the world can be disciplined into lowering their standard of living. Production and consumption must be curtailed. To bring that about, those nations must submit to rationing, taxation, and political domination by world government. They will probably not do that voluntarily, he says, so they will have to be forced. To accomplish that, it will be necessary to engineer a global monetary crisis which will destroy their economic systems. Then they will have no choice but to accept assistance and control from the UN.

This strategy was revealed in the May, 1990, issue of West magazine, published in Canada. In an article entitled “The Wizard of Baca Grande,” journalist Daniel Wood described his week-long experience at Strong’s private ranch in southern Colorado. This ranch has been visited by such CFR notables as David Rockefeller, Secretary-of-State Henry Kissinger, founder of the World Bank Robert McNamara, and the presidents of such organizations as IBM, Pan Am, and Harvard.

During Wood’s stay at the ranch, the tycoon talked freely about environmentalism and politics. To express his own world view, he said he was planning to write a novel about a group of world leaders who decided to save the planet. As the plot unfolded, it became obvious that it was based on real people and real events. Wood continues the story:

Each year, he explains as background to the telling of the novel’s plot, the World Economic Forum convenes in Davos, Switzerland. Over a thousand CEOs, prime ministers, finance ministers, and leading academics gather in February to attend meetings and set economic agendas for the year ahead. With this as a setting, he then says: “What if a small group of these world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment. Will they do it? … The group’s conclusion is `no.’ the rich countries won’t do it. They won’t change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about? …

This group of world leaders,” he continues, “form a secret society to bring about an economic collapse. It’s February. They’re all at Davos. These aren’t terrorists. They’re world leaders. They have positioned themselves in the world’s commodity and stock markets. They’ve engineered, using their access to stock exchanges and computers and gold supplies, a panic. Then, they prevent the world’s stock markets from closing. They jam the gears. They hire mercenaries who hold the rest of the world leaders at Davos as hostages. The markets can’t close. The rich countries…” And Strong makes a slight motion with his fingers as if he were flicking a cigarette butt out the window.

I sit there spellbound. This is not any storyteller talking, this is Maurice Strong. He knows these world leaders. He is, in fact, co-chairman of the Council of the World Economic Forum. He sits at the fulcrum of power. He is in a position to do it.“I probably shouldn’t be saying things like this,” he says. (27)

Maurice Strong’s fanciful plot probably shouldn’t be taken too seriously, at least in terms of a literal reading of future events. It is unlikely they will unfold in exactly that manner – although it is not impossible. For one thing, it would not be necessary to hold the leaders of the industrialized nations at gun point. They would be the ones engineering this plot. Leaders from Third-World countries do not have the means to cause a global crisis. That would have to come from the money centers in New York, London, or Tokyo. Furthermore, the masterminds behind this thrust for global government have always resided in the industrialized nations. They have come from the ranks of the CFR in America and from other branches of the International Roundtable in England, France, Belgium, Canada, Japan, and elsewhere. They are the ideological descendants of Cecil Rhodes and they are fulfilling his dream.

It is not important whether or not Maurice Strong’s plot for global economic collapse is to be taken literally. What is important is that men like him are thinking along those lines. As Wood pointed out, they are in a position to do it. Or something like it. If it is not this scenario, they will consider another one with similar consequences. If history has proven anything, it is that men with financial and political power are quite capable of heinous plots against their fellow men. They have launched wars, caused depressions, and created famines to suit their personal agendas. We have little reason to believe that the world leaders of today are more saintly than their predecessors.

Furthermore, we must not be fooled by pretended concern for Mother Earth. The call-to-arms for saving the planet is a gigantic ruse. There is just enough truth to environmental pollution to make the show “credible,” as The Report from Iron Mountain phrased it, but the end-of-earth scenarios which drive the movement forward are bogus. The real objective in all of this is world government, the ultimate doomsday mechanism from which there can be no escape. Destruction of the economic strength of the industrialized nations is merely a necessary prerequisite for ensnaring them into the global web. The thrust of the current ecology movement is directed totally to that end.


by G. Edward Griffin.

It may be obtained at



Leonard Lewin, ed., Report from Iron Mountain on the possibility and the Desirability of Peace

(New York: Dell Publishing, 1976), pp.13-14.


Ibid. pp. 39, 81.


Ibid. p. 9. 3


Ibid., pp. 41-42,68, 70.


“British Soccer’s Day of Shame,” U.S. News & World Report, June 10, 1985, p. 11.


Lewin, Report, p. 44. 6


Ibid., p. 66. 7


Ibid., pp. 66-67, 70-71. When the Report was written, terrorism had not yet been considered as a substitute for war. Since then, it has become the most useful of them all.


“News of War and Peace You’re Not Ready For,” by Herschel McLandress, Book World, in The

Washington Post, Nov. 26, 1967, p. 5.


“The Times Diary,” London Times, Feb. 5, 1968, p.8.


“Galbraith Says He Was Misquoted, “ London Times, Feb. 6, 1968, p. 3.


“Touche, Professor,” London Times, Feb. 12, 1968, p, 8. 9


“Report from Iron Mountain,” New Your Times, March 19, 1968, p. 8. 10


Garrett de Bell, ed., The Environmental Handbook (New York: Ballantine / Friends of the Earth,

1970), p. 138.


Ibid., p. 145.


A Europe Now Free from A Confining Cold War Vision,” by George Kennan, (Washington Post

syndication, Sacramento Bee, Nov. 14, 1989, p. B7.


The New York Times has been one of the principal means by which CFR policies are inserted into

the mainstream of public opinion. The paper was purchased in 1896 by Alfred Ochs, with financial

backing from CFR pioneer J.P. Morgan, Rothchild agent August Belmont, and Jacob Schiff, a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Co. It is now owned by CFR member Arthur Sulzberger, who is also the

publisher, and it is staffed by numerous CFR editors and columnists. See Shadows of Power by

James Perloff (Appleton, Wisconsin: Western Islands, 1988), p. 181.


Lester R. Brown, “The New World Order,” in Lester R. Brown et al., State of the World 1991; A

Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress Toward A Sustainable Society (New York: W.W. Norton,

1991), p. 3.


Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider, The First Global Revolution, A Report by the Council of

the Club of Rome, (New York: Pantheon Books, 1991). P. 115.


See Martin, Rose, Fabian Freeway; High Road to Socialism in the U.S.A. (Boston: Western

Islands, 1966), pp. 171, 325, 463-69.


Bertrand Arthur William Russell, The Impact of Science on Society (New York: Simon and

Schuster, 1953), pp. 103-104, 111.


Interviewed by Bahgat Eluadi and Adel Rifaat, Courrier de l’Unesco, Nov. 1991, p. 13.


Michail Gorbachev, “The River of Time and the Necessity of Action,” 46thJohn Findley Greed

Foundation Lecture, Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, May 6, 1992, transcript from

Westminster College Department of Press Relations, p. 6.


Ibid., p. 9. 14


“Ecology Remedy Costly,” (AP), Sacramento Bee, March 12, 1992, p. A8. Also Maurice Strong,

Introduction to Jim MacNeil, Pieter Winsemius, and Taizo Yakushiji, Beyond Interdependence,

(New York: Oxford University Press, 1991), p. ix.


“Road to Ruin,” Arizona Republic, March 26, 1992.


“The Wizard of Baca Grande.” By Daniel Wood, West magazine, May 1990, p. 35.


USA Genocide 2021-2025 |Email update from Tom on Project Zyphr, Pogo, 5G & USMCA

Please backup important videos here!

David Goldberg’s close friend and Project Zyphr whistle-blower, Tom ( – This email was immediately shut down once it was posted, and Tom is working on getting a new email), has provided us an email update. (His latest videos include, USA Genocide 2021-2025 A.D. – Project Zyphr & The End Game – PART 3” and “How to leave the USA Satanic Control Grid“)

Editor’s note: this article will be periodically updated as we receive new emails from Tom on various topics. The newest updates are posted last and bolded.

The following are quotes from a series of email exchanges shared between the Friends of David Goldberg and Tom over the past week:

1) “I can’t emphasize it enough: plan on getting out of the USA if you can. Nowhere in the continental U.S. is remotely safe. Alaska and Hawaii are only marginally safer due to their distance from the main hubs of control and operations. The hinterlands of Canada will offer some measure of safety due to their distance but they still fall under the control grid. They also have too much control in Mexico and if you’ve seen the news, the U.S. has made major inroads in economic and military relations with many Central American countries. Why? To expand Zyphr.”

2) “The USMCA is a total sellout, it’s worse than NAFTA. You’ll see Canada, USA and Mexico combined into one entity, ruled by an E.U.-style authority, which will happen during the economic collapse over a period of years. Now your freedom and national identity is completely gone, while right now you still have a few ounces of it left. Interestingly enough, in this scenario, Canada will still retain a certain level of sovereignty. You will see free travel between the USA and Mexico border, but it will remain very hard for Americans to immigrate to Canada. Even during the economic mess, this will remain in place and is by design.”

3) “A couple of new ops are underway, not sure their names. Watch for two things. You will see a new round of ‘predictions’ via many disinfo YouTube channels announcing dates and times, none of which are accurate. New warnings, nothing but them ‘crying wolf’ again. They are not telling you the real plans, which are Project Pogo and Zyphr. Not a single one is telling you to leave, that is how you know it is disinfo. The second thing to watch for is for world leaders and celebrities to release videos that appear to have been shot or filmed in the USA. They are not filmed there. This may be hard to spot. Many of the elites are moving to the Southern Hemisphere but will maintain a presence up north via fake videos or doubles in their place.”

4) “They are getting more brazen with the overt messaging. You are seeing more releases on Epstein, more hints and talk out of Hollywood about pedophilia, child sacrifice, and some celebrities fairly bold in their commitment to Satanism and the Illuminati. This is why you know the end is getting close, they’re totally unafraid to just put it in your face. It’s part conditioning, part arrogance.”

5) “People can’t get out of the USA because they’re economically strapped and mentally conditioned to never leave. So the steps to get out, I’ll try to provide some more of that in the next video. We’re going to talk about Gangstalking and Safe Zones, those will be the two themes. The simple steps to prepare include getting your passports, documents in order, selling everything you have, figuring out some kind of income stream or income source, researching Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, New Zealand, Tasmania, Western Australia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay. Stay the hell out of Brazil, though.”

6) “Western Europe is part of the control grid. They have underground bases there and the surveillance grid has expanded widely in the past few years. It’s going to be hit hard by the economic collapse, too. There are some safe spots. Remote parts of Turkey. Parts of Croatia, Montenegro, think about Moldova, too, there’s less control there, also the northern part of Africa. Morocco used to be a safe zone, but they’ve really stepped up immigration controls recently. Spain is compromised, way too much police control there. The U.K. is also by far the least safe country. Anything under E.U. control isn’t really safe, because every citizen will have to take the microchip if they want to eat.”

7) “My military source told me that on the U.S. Interstates at night, usually between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m., they are closing the freeways and routing traffic through side roads for about a mile or two. This is a test run and it’s happening all over the U.S. the past few months. Anybody talking about it? Nope, it looks like road work. But smart observers have noted there isn’t any visible road work going on. It’s also unusual to see that much road work going on at those times. No, it’s all a test run for funneling traffic during the collapse.”

8) “Watch local police in the USA, they’re getting crazier by the day. More shootings, more out of control behavior. It’s a combination of the training, the militarization of these police, the vaccines they take and most of all, the psychological profiles they’ve been using for over ten years to spit out the good candidates and more or less only hire psychopaths or people who fit a mentally imbalanced criteria. Remember, this is all planned. The police insanity in the USA is no accident. They changed the psych profiles on their hiring process and militarized departments. What do you think is going to happen? They need these goons so they’ll comply with the micro-chipping of Americans, removing their freedom, and in some cases, killing them in cold blood.”

9) “America’s lost, and was never a Christian nation to begin with, since it was founded by Freemasons who worshiped Satan or were deists, or non-believers. All of Washington D.C. is an ode to Moloch and full of Illuminati symbolism in how it was designed. You are trying to ‘save’ something that cannot be saved, and isn’t worth saving. Save yourselves, your families, instead. Their goal is to keep you there, domesticated like cattle, rounded up, easy targets. Getting out at least gives you a chance. If every American woke up and did it, and left, they’d clamp down on that quick, restrict travel right away, but that’s not happening. I’m trying to just reach a few thousand, if I can, if we can. So far it looks like we’re not even reaching that many which might be why they leave the channel up, it’s not a real threat right now, there’s not enough views or people seeing it.”

10) “Christians will be persecuted the most and experience the most severe torture in the underground bases. They’re already persecuted all over the world, but it rarely makes the news. Now keep in mind, the American Christian churches are totally compromised, almost all of them. You might find a few that teach the true Word, which must be read in the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. You can’t rely on the King James version, because there are intentional mistranslated parts in it. These good churches, they don’t teach the Rapture, which is false. They don’t teach prosperity gospel. They instead teach that your role, your life, as a Christian, is persecution, pain and being tested so severely your will and faith will break. That test is coming, but if some Christians do not escape the control grid or the micro-chipping there will be none left.”

11) “The next video I’ll talk about Gangstalking. Viewers need to know this is real and many, many Americans have been terrorized for years by it. We’re going to see that increase dramatically over the next year or two. It’s going to send some people over the edge, right to the nuthouse, if they aren’t prepared for it. The methods they use involve mostly electronics but there are some other things they are using, things discovered using CERN. It’s a torture beyond imagination.”  

12) “My military source gave me another bit of shocking info, which I may share in the next audio. I’m not sure about sharing it, though, because it could for certain get the channel removed. I’m thinking of a way I can say it without the channel getting taken down. It scared the hell out of me. We’re at a point where we’ll have to start using code language.”

13) “QAnon is designed to just distract Patriots for long enough for their plans to be put into place. It’s worked like a charm! It’s a psy op. Keep Patriots satiated, comfortable and believing in Trump. Meanwhile, Trump promotes vaccines, 5G and takes away our free speech with various Executive Orders. No one gets locked up, we’re just distracted with stories where we have to ‘just wait a little longer’ for QAnon to deliver, which they never do.”

14) “5G has to do with infertility, mind control and surveillance. It serves multiple purposes. It is not safe at all, and there will be serious health problems. This is where I think we’ll see a major drop in U.S. total population in line with the Deagle predictions.” 

15) “My military source told me they will begin freezing the bank accounts of hundreds of thousands of Patriots in mid to late 2020, in the run-up for the implementation of Project Zyphr. This will severely hamstring your ability to move, plan, prepare or do anything. This move will be devastating, and will not go reported in the media. There will be an information blackout and the disinfo channels won’t even report on it. This scares me a lot because once your bank account is frozen, you’re going to be in a very desperate position. They’ll also have their legal reasons lined up for it, dozens of judge orders based on your online activities which they will call ‘domestic terrorism’ or a ‘domestic threat’ or come up with some other reason.”

16) “I talked about Bitcoin in my last video and I’ll probably talk about it more. What people need to realize is that once you have Bitcoin they can’t freeze or steal it from you, in the way they can do so with your bank accounts, debit cards and credit cards. Bitcoin is not as easy to spend as cash but it’s still going to be better than having your assets frozen. There’s also some speculation the price may go up in 2020, so buying it now is probably a good idea as it’s not that expensive right now.”

17) “I’m looking into forming some kind of online group so we can all communicate and I’m thinking of sharing my email, or at least a safe email I set up. I have to be really careful with email so I’ll look into something that is encrypted, protected, not linked to me easily. That’s a tall order since all the email companies share all of your emails with the U.S. government, but there are a few that don’t. We might have to look at using code language, other things to make communication safer. I just want to try to dedicate some time each week to helping people and answering emails. I don’t think the videos are enough.”

18) “David spoke a lot about the upcoming scripted war with Iran. It will be part of the scripted ‘World War III’ they have been planning for decades, even centuries. Everyone should listen to some of David’s final videos where he talks about this. Iran’s parliament building is a giant pyramid with 33 windows which represents Freemasonic symbolism. They’re working together on this, Iran is basically a Luciferian vassal used as a convenient boogeyman. David said this exact thing in one of his videos and we talked about it, but no one else is seeing that Iran is a part of this. They’re not seeing the real picture here. There’s also articles in the media today suggesting various ways Iran might retaliate, including the use of missiles striking U.S. and European cities, and the use of pre-positioned nuclear devices. Just today I’ve seen a story of a nuclear device that was supposedly deactivated in Israel. These stories are predictive programming, to prep for the main event or false flag. The bold assassination of Quds Commander Qasem Soleimani sets the stage after seven months of predictive programming to prep the world psychologically for this war. I’m not sure how it will coincide with the controlled collapse, but it may happen in tandem with it. I’ve sent a message to my military source to get an update on what’s going on.


“This is symbolic, the use of the American truck and weapons here. Symbolism is very important to them. You must remember that Iran incurred two American-backed revolutions, one in 1953 and the other in 1979. Who really runs the country? The CIA’s involvement is decades-old in there, and it’s leading up to an ‘End Game’ scenario through a series of scripted events, pitting factions, ideologies against one another. Many rabbis and Israeli leaders want to live long enough to see the day these plans come to fruition, which is soon, they are lusting and salivating for it. The deception is so mind-boggling it is difficult to fully unravel. It’s difficult to know the extent Iran’s leadership is working with the USA, and which part is not. I wish David were alive to see this, to see his many insights and predictions beginning to play out. He taught me a lot about the true nature of the Iran and U.S. situation, which is hidden. Some call it Biblical and prophetic in nature. You must resist any urge promoted through Trump’s manipulations to accept a single word of the liars in the American government. Your consent to evil is how they spiritually gain power over you.” 

Please view Tom’s videos below.

David Goldberg’s close friend, Tom, relates more information on Project Zyphr, Project Pogo, the TTID Program, A.I. Program, a classified food distribution program revealed for the first time, and tips on how to get out of the USA and Northern Hemisphere before the economic collapse coming to these areas in early 2021.


Source Backup

USA GENOCIDE 2021-2025 A.D. – Survival Guide for Project Zyphr – PART 1

Whistle-blower Tom relates more information on Project Zyphr, Project Pogo, the TTID Program, A.I. Program, and tips on how to get out of the USA before the economic collapse coming in 2021. Skip to 12:04 for the Q&A section. Skip to 1:02:52 for life-saving tips. Turning ON “CC” or closed captioning is recommended.

USA GENOCIDE 2021-2025 A.D. – The Collapse & Trump – PART 2

Whistle-blower Tom speaks about threats our channel has received, the upcoming economic collapse and Trump’s true role. Skip to 12:09 for continued discussion of the threats, collapse discussion starts at 20:44, Tom responds to comments at 46:15 and Tom discusses the Trump Presidency starting at 1:02:51

#ProjectZyphr #Trump #DavidGoldberg

USA GENOCIDE 2021-2025 A.D. – Project Zyphr & The End Game – PART 3

Tom discusses Project Zyphr and “The End Game” in detail, along with new updates, info on safe zones and his replies to viewer comments. At 4:50 begins a complete recap of Project Zyphr & Pogo. At 33:59 a discussion on nano chips. At 36:46 options for getting out of the USA. At 45:52 safe zones. At 51:52 Tom addresses viewer comments.

Read our latest blog post, “Email update from Tom on Project Zyphr, Pogo & the USMCA”:

#IranWar #Soleimani #FalseFlag

USA GENOCIDE 2021-2025 A.D. – Trump’s Iran War, Gangstalking & Disinfo – PART 4

Whistle-blower Tom discusses the Iran War situation and Trump’s murder of General Soleimani, his email address at 11:31, American gun sales at 13:36, Gangstalking at 18:55, Ricky Gervais Golden Globes speech at 26:03, how disinfo psyops works at 31:46 and Alex Jones at 40:19.

Tom’s email was immediately shut down once it was posted and it does not work. Tom is working on getting a new email.

#ProjectZyphr #Trump #DavidGoldberg

How to leave the USA Satanic Control Grid – Save your family & your life

Whistle-blower Tom discusses steps on how to leave the United States before the coming economic collapse and before Project Zyphr is fully implemented.

USA GENOCIDE 2021-2025 A.D. – Survival Guide for Project Zyphr will be a 10-Part series of videos. Please view our channel for previous videos for context.

As Friends of David Goldberg, we share no political view or bias. Our purpose is to follow David’s instructions and present the information left to us. We make no claim as to the truth or veracity of these claims. Hostile, threatening comments will be removed.


Deutsche Version+

A report from Europe carried the following speech of Rabbi Emmanuel Rabinovich

before a special meeting of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952:

“Greetings, my children; You have been called her to recapitulate the principal steps of our new program.

As you know, we had hoped to have twenty years between wars to consolidate the great gains which we made from World War II, but our increasing numbers in certain vital areas is arousing opposition to us, and we must now work with every means at our disposal to precipitate World War III within five years [They did not precipitate World War III but they did instigate the Korean War when on June 25, 1950 they ordered the North Korean army to launch a surprise attack on South Korea.

On June 26, the U.N. Security Council condemned the invasion as aggression and ordered withdrawal of the invading forces. Then on June 27, 1950, our Jewish American President Truman ordered air and naval units into action to enforce the U.N. order. Not achieving their full goals, they then instigated the overthrow of South Vietnam Ngo Dinh Diem, Premier under Bao Dai, who deposed the monarch in 1955 and established a republic with himself as President. Diem used strong U.S. backing to create an authoritarian regime, which soon grew into a full-scale war, with Jewish pressure escalating U.S. involvement].


The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach, and because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold.

I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave (Applause from the gathering).

You remember the success of our propaganda campaign during the 1930’s, which aroused anti-American passions in Germany at the same time we were arousing anti-German passions in America, a campaign which culminated in the Second World War.

A similar propaganda campaign is now being waged intensively throughout the world. A war fever is being worked up in Russia by an incessant anti-American barrage while a nation-wide anti-Communist scare is sweeping America.

This campaign is forcing all the smaller nations to choose between the partnership of Russia or an alliance with the United States. Our most pressing problem at the moment is to inflame the lagging militaristic spirit of the Americans.

The failure of the Universal Military Training Act was a great setback to our plans, but we are assured that a suitable measure will be rushed through Congress immediately after the 1952 elections.

The Russians, as well as the Asiatic peoples, are well under control and offer no objections to war, but we must wait to secure the Americans. This we hope to do with the issue of Anti-Semitism, which worked so well in uniting the Americans against Germany. We are counting heavily on reports of anti-Semitic outrages in Russia to whip up indignation in the United States and produce a front of solidarity against the Soviet power.

Simultaneously, to demonstrate to Americans the reality of anti-Semitism, we will advance through new sources large sums of money to outspokenly anti-Semitic elements in America to increase their effectiveness, and we shall stage Anti-Semitic outbreaks in several of their largest cities. This will serve the double purpose of exposing reactionary sectors in America, which then can be silenced, and of welding the United States into a devoted anti-Russian unit. (Note: — Protocol of Zion No. 9, para. 2, states that anti-Semitism is controlled by them.

At the time of this speech they had already commenced their campaign of anti-Semitism in Czechoslovakia). Within five years, this program will achieve its objective, the Third World War, which will surpass in destruction all previous contests. Israeli, of course, will remain neutral, and when both sides are devastated and exhausted, we will arbitrate, sending our Control Commissions into all wrecked countries. This war will end for all time our struggle against the Gentiles.


We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our Control Commissions will, in the interests of peace and wiping out inter- racial tensions.


Forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The White Women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the White Men with black women. Thus the White Race will disappear, for the mixing of the dark with the White means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples.


Question from the gathering: Rabbi Rabinovich, what about the various religions after the Third World War?


Rabinovich: There will be no more religions. Not only would the existence of a priest class remain a constant danger to our rule, but belief in an after-life would give spiritual strength to irreconcilable elements in many countries, and enable them to resist us. We will, however, retain the rituals and customs of Judaism as the mark of our hereditary ruling caste, strengthening our racial laws so that no Jew will be allowed to marry outside our race, nor will any stranger be accepted by us. (Note: Protocol of Zion No. 17 para. 2, states: ‘Now that freedom of conscience has been declared everywhere (as a result of their efforts they have previously stated) only years divide us from the moment of the complete wrecking of that [Hated] Christian Religion. As to other religions, we shall have still less difficulty with them.’)


We may have to repeat the grim days of World War II, when we were forced to let the Hitlerite bandits sacrifice some of our people, in order that we may have adequate documentation and witnesses to legally justify our trial and execution of the leaders of America and Russia as war criminals, after we have dictated the peace. I am sure you will need little preparation for such a duty, for sacrifice has always been the watchword of our people, and the death of a few thousand lesser Jews in exchange for world leadership is indeed a small price to pay. To convince you of the certainty of that leadership, let me point out to you how we have turned all of the inventions of the White Man into weapons against him. His printing presses and Radios are the mouthpieces of our desires, and his heavy industry manufactures the instruments which he sends out to arm Asia and Africa against him.


Our interests in Washington are greatly extending the Point Four Program (viz. Colombo Plan) for developing industry in backward areas of the world, so that after the industrial plants and cities of Europe and America are destroyed by atomic warfare, the Whites can offer no resistance against the large masses of the dark races, who will maintain an unchallenged technological superiority. And so, with the vision of world victory before you, go back to your countries and intensify your good work, until that approaching day when Israeli will reveal herself in all her glorious destiny as the Light of the World.” (Note: Every statement made by Rabinovich is based on agenda contained in the “Protocols of Zion.”)


Hello again Jeff,


Thank you for posting my commentary last week ‘Our Race Will Rule Undisputed Over The World’ , it seems that this article shocked many Jews around the world. I have been inundated with hundreds of e-mail. I would like to apologise to many of you for not replying, I promise that I will reply to each one of you in time. If any of you had email ‘problems’ trying to contact me, please try again.


One question which was repeated in many of the emails to me was: ‘How can we find the full Rabbinovich speech?’


I searched the Internet, but all websites with Rabbi Rabbinovich speech have been ‘cleaned up’ or blocked (I assume by the Zionists, as usual). Since I remember hearing from my grandfather about this speech already in the fifties, I decided to contact my Rabbi. He searched his favourite website and found the full article. I am enclosing here the full speech by Rabbi Rabbinovich (Rabinovich).


To tell you the truth, I was surprised at the fantastic reaction of your readers to this speech. After all there is little new in that speech, and most people who read the Elders Of Zion Protocols are already very familiar with this information. Unfortunately we Jews are NOT allowed to read the Protocols, as the Zionists want to keep us uninformed to the hidden agenda of Zionism.


Some of the email I received claimed that The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion are a forgery.


To this I have five comments:



  1. If it is a ‘forgery’, it implies that there is an original somewhere, WHERE IS IT? WHO WROTE IT?


  1. Whether it is a forgery or not IS IRRELEVANT for the simple reason that our Zionist ‘Jewish’ ‘brothers’ have already implemented most, if not all of it. That is a fact. Every Jew who reads the Protocols knows that it was written by Jews, NO ONE ELSE could have written them.


  1. The gentiles are really stupid (sorry), until now, they did not realise yet that the Zionists essentially control them.


  1. It is VERY sad that most honest and honorable Jewish thinkers and intellectuals’ articles are posted today on Moslem websites only.


  1. As a person who grew up on Jewish ethics, I am at a great loss and shame to see our Zionist Rabbis justifying the present Moslem holocaust in the name of God and our Jewish religion. One thing I am sure of, if there is God, he is NOT ‘Zionistically’ Jewish. After reading many non-Zionists Jewish websites, I started believing as do many Rabbis in New York, that Zionism is: Satan hijacking our Jewish religion.


Some of the emails were complaints that they could not buy The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion. This is true, as we Jews control most of the printing and book distribution in the USA and many other countries. I had to go myself to:


I printed it and made 100 copies, and distributed them to ALL my friends and ALL members of my synagogue. I encouraged everyone to distribute them to as many friends as possible. Unless the stupid gentiles understand the Zionist agenda, we are marching blindly into WW3 as lemmings off the cliff.


I would like to thank you, Jeff, for your wonderful website and for being the best source of knowledge on the Internet for Jews. I took the time to write you this second comment as I feel that it is OUR responsibility as Jews to alert the world to the dangers of Zionism.




Rose Rabbinovich

Former Zionist

Melbourne, Victoria,


“Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer
… – and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.”

— Harold Wallace Rosenthal, a top Administrative Aide to one of this nation’s ranking senators, Jacob Javits R-NY, in a tape recorded interview by Walter White, Jr., which was conducted in 1976. From the book “The Hidden Tyranny”.

The meaning of NaZi = National Zionist

The meaning of NaZi = National Zionist [video]

JewTube banned this video for hate speech (speech they hate).

US Govt. Sprayed Toxic Chemicals on unsuspecting Americans

Radioactive Chemicals Were Spayed Onto US Citizens in St-Louis and Corpus Christi During Secret US Army Tests

What are the health effect of radioactive materials?

Well to figure this out, secret US Army tests were conducted during which poor families were sprayed with dangerous radioactive chemicals!

Manhattan-Rochester Coalition, Manhattan project, US Govt. Sprayed Toxic Chemicals on unsuspecting Americans, us army radioactive tests on people, us army radioactive tests on people in Missouri and Texas, St Louis and corpus christi spayed with radioactive materials by us army, secret us army radioactive test, manhattan-rochester coalition, US army secret experiments on human in Texas and St-Louis Missouri, manhattan-rochester coalition radioactive experiments, Secret Cold War radioactive tests in St. Louis, Manhattan Project, Manhattan rochester coalition, Manhattan Project and Manhattan rochester coalition, Secret Cold War tests in St. Louis cause worry, secret radioactive spraying st-louis

During the Cold War, the United States Military conducted secret experiments in Corpus Christi, TX and St Louis Missouri.

Former secret documents show how the US Army sprayed zinc cadmium sulfide on unsuspecting low income communities.

Of course, the Army lied to city officials at the time saying they were testing a smoke screen in case of an attack by the Soviet Union. CHEMTRAILS ARE MAYBE NOT JUST A CONSPIRACY!


But some people have guts! The PhD-thesis of Lisa Martino-Taylor brings these human-live experiments in St-Louis and Corpus Chriti into light: The Manhattan-Rochester Coalition, research on the health effects of radioactive materials, and tests on vulnerable populations without consent in St. Louis, 1945–1970.

The abstract of the thesis says:

This piece analyzes a covert Manhattan Project spin-off organization referred to here as the Manhattan-Rochester Coalition, and an obscure aerosol study in St. Louis, Missouri, conducted under contract by the U.S. military from 1953–1954, and 1963–1965. The military-sponsored studies targeted a segregated, high-density urban area, where low-income persons of color predominantly resided. Examination of the Manhattan-Rochester Coalition and the St. Louis aerosol studies, reveal their connections to each other, and to a much larger military project that secretly tested humans, both alive and deceased, in an effort to understand the effects of weaponized radiation. Through this case study, the author explores how a large number of participants inside an organization will willingly participate in organizational acts that are harmful to others, and how large numbers of outsiders, who may or may not be victims of organizational activities, are unable to determine illegal or harmful activity by an organization. The author explains how ethical and observational lapses are engineered by the organization through several specific mechanisms, in an effort to disable critical analysis, and prevent both internal and external dissent of harmful organizational actions. Through studying the process of complex organizational deviance, we can develop public policies that protect the public’s right to know, and construct checks and methods to minimize the chance of covert projects that are contrary to societal norms.[/quote_box_center]

This could explain that: Several families have come forward after hearing a college professor’s report regarding Cold War radiation experiments done in the St. Louis area. Four siblings in one family died of cancer at relatively young ages. Two colleagues of Lisa Martino-Taylor’s at St. Louis Community College-Meramec thought their cancers may have been caused by radiation testing. The Associated Press reports a study done by Martino-Taylor prompted further inquiries by Missouri’s U.S. Senators.

Here you will find some explanations about how these terrifying experiments came to light and how politicians reacted in front of the thesis and article of Martino-Taylor.

Secret Cold War radioactive tests in St. Louis, Manhattan Project, Manhattan rochester coalition, Manhattan Project and Manhattan rochester coalition, Secret Cold War tests in St. Louis cause worry, secret radioactive spraying st-louis, Manhattan-Rochester Coalition, Manhattan project, US Govt. Sprayed Toxic Chemicals on unsuspecting Americans, us army radioactive tests on people, us army radioactive tests on people in Missouri and Texas, St Louis and corpus christi spayed with radioactive materials by us army, secret us army radioactive test, manhattan-rochester coalition, US army secret experiments on human in Texas and St-Louis Missouri, manhattan-rochester coalition radioactive experiments, Secret Cold War radioactive tests in St. Louis, Manhattan Project, Manhattan rochester coalition, Manhattan Project and Manhattan rochester coalition, Secret Cold War tests in St. Louis cause worry, secret radioactive spraying st-louisManhattan Project

How did the Cold War experiments come to light?

The AP story says the government claimed the tests were part of a biological weapons program. The government admitted to the tests in 1994, however the Army denied using radiation experiments that may have harmed Americans. Congress demanded follow-up studies to be done but no evidence has been uncovered that studies were performed.

Why St. Louis?
St. Louis was selected because of its resemblance to Soviet cities at the time. A fine powder made of zinc cadmium sulfide was sprayed into the air from planes and from atop buildings in the city around poor neighborhoods. Experiments occurred in 1953 and 1963, according to Martino-Taylor’s dissertation.

Secret Cold War radioactive tests in St. Louis, Manhattan Project, Manhattan rochester coalition, Manhattan Project and Manhattan rochester coalition, Secret Cold War tests in St. Louis cause worry, secret radioactive spraying st-louis, Manhattan-Rochester Coalition, Manhattan project, US Govt. Sprayed Toxic Chemicals on unsuspecting Americans, us army radioactive tests on people, us army radioactive tests on people in Missouri and Texas, St Louis and corpus christi spayed with radioactive materials by us army, secret us army radioactive test, manhattan-rochester coalition, US army secret experiments on human in Texas and St-Louis Missouri, manhattan-rochester coalition radioactive experiments, Secret Cold War radioactive tests in St. Louis, Manhattan Project, Manhattan rochester coalition, Manhattan Project and Manhattan rochester coalition, Secret Cold War tests in St. Louis cause worry, secret radioactive spraying st-louis

What cancer patients have come forward?
Doris Spates told the AP she has cervical cancer. It was her siblings who died of cancer at young ages. Mary Helen Brindell has had four types of cancer. Spates’ father died three months after she was born in 1955. That was two years after the first experiments. Both women lived in lower-income areas of St. Louis where the powder was dispersed.

How did the professor get information for her paper?
Martino-Taylor sent out 40 Freedom of Information Act requests to various U.S. government agencies to get data for her paper. A paralegal at the Aberdeen Proving Ground provided the researcher with troves of data through which she sifted. Some reports refused to be declassified, including one entitled “Behavior of Aerosol Clouds within Cities… April 1954,” which summarized the findings of sprayings in St. Louis.

Secret Cold War radioactive tests in St. Louis, Manhattan Project, Manhattan rochester coalition, Manhattan Project and Manhattan rochester coalition, Secret Cold War tests in St. Louis cause worry, secret radioactive spraying st-louis, Manhattan-Rochester Coalition, Manhattan project, US Govt. Sprayed Toxic Chemicals on unsuspecting Americans, us army radioactive tests on people, us army radioactive tests on people in Missouri and Texas, St Louis and corpus christi spayed with radioactive materials by us army, secret us army radioactive test, manhattan-rochester coalition, US army secret experiments on human in Texas and St-Louis Missouri, manhattan-rochester coalition radioactive experiments, Secret Cold War radioactive tests in St. Louis, Manhattan Project, Manhattan rochester coalition, Manhattan Project and Manhattan rochester coalition, Secret Cold War tests in St. Louis cause worry, secret radioactive spraying st-louis

How was this information made public?
Martino-Taylor presented her paper to the public in late September. KMOX reported the researcher, whose dissertation is a Ph.D. thesis at the University of Missouri-Columbia, said, “The powder was milled to a very, very fine particulate level. This stuff traveled for up to 40 miles. So really, all of the city of St. Louis was ultimately inundated with the stuff.”

What did Sens. Claire McCaskill and Roy Blunt say after the study was presented?
Both of Missouri’s Senators used the presentation to send letters to Army Secretary John McHugh, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Martino-Taylor said she has not been personally contacted by the federal legislators but she believes public hearings need to be held on the matter.

Secret Cold War radioactive tests in St. Louis, Manhattan Project, Manhattan rochester coalition, Manhattan Project and Manhattan rochester coalition, Secret Cold War tests in St. Louis cause worry, secret radioactive spraying st-louis, Manhattan-Rochester Coalition, Manhattan project, US Govt. Sprayed Toxic Chemicals on unsuspecting Americans, us army radioactive tests on people, us army radioactive tests on people in Missouri and Texas, St Louis and corpus christi spayed with radioactive materials by us army, secret us army radioactive test, manhattan-rochester coalition, US army secret experiments on human in Texas and St-Louis Missouri, manhattan-rochester coalition radioactive experiments, Secret Cold War radioactive tests in St. Louis, Manhattan Project, Manhattan rochester coalition, Manhattan Project and Manhattan rochester coalition, Secret Cold War tests in St. Louis cause worry, secret radioactive spraying st-louis

If true, these US Army tests are just disgusting!


United States Army war college implications of climate change for the U.S. army

Read as pdf

United States Army War College

Implications of Climate Change

for the U.S. Army

Study Authors (in alphabetical order)

Colonel Max Brosig, U.S. Army National Guard

Colonel Parker Frawley, U.S. Army

Dr. Andrew Hill, U.S. Army War College

Prof. Molly Jahn, University of Wisconsin-Madison, NASA HARVEST Consortium

Colonel Michael Marsicek, U.S. Air Force Dr. Aubrey Paris, Princeton University

Mr. Matthew Rose, U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and Major, U.S. Army Reserve

Colonel Amar Shambaljamts, Mongolian Army Ms. Nicole Thomas, U.S. Army

Executive Summary

Implications of Climate Change for the U.S. Army

Current conversations about climate change and its im- pacts are often rancorous and politically charged. As an organization that is, by law, non-partisan, the Depart- ment of Defense (DoD) is precariously unprepared for the national security implications of climate change-in- duced global security challenges. This study examines the implications of climate change for the United States Army. This includes national security challenges asso- ciated with or worsened by climate change, and orga- nizational challenges arising from climate change-re- lated issues in the domestic environment. Given that, the study’s starting point is the implications of climate change for the U.S. Army, and the Army is therefore the focus of the analysis and recommendations. That said, much of the analysis involves DoD and other elements of the government, and most of the Army-specific rec- ommendations have parallels that apply to other military services.

The study itself did not involve original research on the nature or magnitude of climate change. The analysis assumes, based on the preponderance of evidence available, that significant changes in climate have al- ready occurred, likely to worsen in the years ahead. The study did not look to ascribe causation to climate change (man-made or natural), as causation is distinct from effects and not pertinent to the approximately 50- year horizon considered for the study. The study does, however, assume that human behavior can mitigate both the size and consequences of negative impacts that result from climate change.

Summary of Analysis

Initial findings of the study focus on changes to the physical environment and the human response to those changes.

Sea level rise, changes in water and food security, and more frequent extreme weather events are likely to re-

sult in the migration of large segments of the popula- tion. Rising seas will displace tens (if not hundreds) of millions of people, creating massive, enduring insta- bility. This migration will be most pronounced in those regions where climate vulnerability is exacerbated by weak institutions and governance and underdeveloped civil society. Recent history has shown that mass hu- man migrations can result in increased propensity for conflict and turmoil as new populations intermingle with and compete against established populations. More frequent extreme weather events will also increase de- mand for military humanitarian assistance.

Salt water intrusion into coastal areas and changing weather patterns will also compromise or eliminate fresh water supplies in many parts of the world. Additionally, warmer weather increases hydration requirements. This means that in expeditionary warfare, the Army will need to supply itself with more water. This significant logis- tical burden will be exacerbated on a future battlefield that requires constant movement due to the ubiquity of adversarial sensors and their deep strike capabilities.

A warming trend will also increase the range of insects that are vectors of infectious tropical diseases. This, coupled with large scale human migration from tropical nations, will increase the spread of infectious disease. The Army has tremendous logistical capabilities, unique in the world, in working in austere or unsafe environ- ments. In the event of a significant infectious disease outbreak (domestic or international), the Army is likely to be called upon to assist in the response and contain- ment.

Arctic ice will continue to melt in a warming climate. These Arctic changes present both challenges and op- portunities. The decrease in Arctic sea ice and associat- ed sea level rise will bring conflicting claims to newly-ac- cessible natural resources. It will also introduce a new theater of direct military contact between an increasing-


ly belligerent Russia and other Arctic nations, including the U.S. Yet the opening of the Arctic will also increase commercial opportunities. Whether due to increased commercial shipping traffic or expanded opportunities for hydrocarbon extraction, increased economic activity will drive a requirement for increased military expendi- tures specific to that region. In short, competition will increase.

The increased likelihood of more intense and longer du- ration drought in some areas, accompanied by great- er atmospheric heating, will put an increased strain on the aging U.S. power grid and further spur large scale human migration elsewhere. Power generation in U.S. hydroelectric and nuclear facilities will be affected. This dual attack on both supply and demand could create more frequent, widespread and enduring power grid failures, handicapping the U.S. economy.

In addition to the changing environmental conditions that will contribute to a changing security environment, climate change will likely also result in social, political, and market pressures that may profoundly affect the Ar- my’s (and DoD’s) activities. Studies indicate that global society, including in the U.S., increasingly views climate change as a grave threat to security. As the electorate becomes more concerned about climate change, it fol- lows that elected officials will, as well. This may result in significant restrictions on military activities (in peace- time) that produce carbon emissions. In concert with these changes, consumer demands will drive market adaptation. Businesses will focus on more environmen- tally sound products and practices to meet demand.

The DoD does not currently possess an environmental- ly conscious mindset. Political and social pressure will eventually force the military to mitigate its environmental impact in both training and wartime. Implementation of these changes will be costly in effort, time and money. This is likely to occur just as the DoD is adjusting to changes in the security environment previously high- lighted.

Summary of Recommendations

In light of these findings, the military must consider changes in doctrine, organization, equipping, and train- ing to anticipate changing environmental requirements. Greater inter-governmental and inter-organizational co- operation, mandated through formal framework agree- ments, will allow the DoD to anticipate those areas where future conflict is more likely to occur and to implement a campaign-plan-like approach to proactively prepare for likely conflict and mitigate the impacts of mass migra- tion. Focused research and early funding of anticipated future equipment and requirements will spread the cost of adaptation across multiple budget cycles, diminish the “sticker shock” and impacts to overall spending.

Finally, the DoD must begin now to promulgate a culture of environmental stewardship across the force. Lagging behind public and political demands for energy efficien- cy and minimal environmental footprint will significantly hamstring the Department’s efforts to face national se- curity challenges. The Department will struggle to main- tain its positive public image and that will impact the military’s ability to receive the required funding to face the growing number of security challenges.

The recommendations of this study follow.


1.1 Problem: Hydration Challenges in a Contested Environment

Recommendation: The Army must develop ad- vanced technologies to capture ambient hu- midity and transition technology from the United States Army Research, Development, and Engi- neering Command (RDECOM) that supports the water sustainment tenants of decentralizing and embedded, harvest water, and recycle and re- use.

Implementation Timing: 6-10 Years Resource Requirement: Moderate


1.2 Problem: Lack of adequate preparation and co- herence in doctrine, training, and capabilities development to support effective Arctic opera- tions.

Recommendation: The Army and the Depart- ment of Defense must begin planning and im- plementing changes to training, equipment, doctrine and capabilities in anticipation of an ex- panded role in the Arctic associated with global climate adaptation.

Implementation Timing: Now to 10+ Years. Resource Requirements: Moderate to High.


1.1 Problem: The Lack of a Culture of Environmen-

tal Stewardship

Recommendation: Army leadership must create a culture of environmental consciousness, stay ahead of societal demands for environmental stewardship and serve as a leader for the na- tion or it risks endangering the broad support it now enjoys. Cultural change is a senior leader responsibility.

Implementation Timing: Now Resource Requirements: Low

1.2 Problem: Potential disruptions to readiness due to restrictions on fuel use.

Recommendation: The Army must significantly increase investment in more realistic simulation that incorporates the advances in virtual and augmented reality. It should also continue to in- vest in the development of lower CO2 emissions platforms and systems.

Implementation Timing: 6-10 years (Virtual Re- ality / Augmented Reality), 10+ years (alternate energy platforms).

Resource Requirements: Moderate to High. 2. THE JOINT FORCE AND DoD

2.1 Problem: Lack of coordination and consolida- tion in climate-change related intelligence.

Recommendation: Advocate for a comprehen- sive organization, functional manager, technol- ogy, and process review study to identify the current state of intelligence community agencies with regard to climate change, with the goal of formalizing Interagency coordination on Climate Change-related intelligence.

Implementation Timing: Now Resourcing Requirements: Low

2.2 Problem: Lack of Organizational Accountability for and Coordination of Climate Change-Relat- ed Response and Mitigation Activities

Recommendation: Re-commit to the Senior En- ergy and Sustainability Council (SESC). Add a re- sourcing element to the council by providing the USA and VCSA with funding across each POM cycle to support climate-related projects that im- prove readiness and resiliency of the force.

Implementation Timing: Now, 1-10 Years

Resource Requirements: Low, though potential- ly moderate through reprogramming.


2.3 Problem: Lack of Climate Change-Oriented Campaign Planning and Preparation

Recommendation: (A) Develop Bangladesh (worst case scenario) Relief Campaign Plan as notional plan for preparing for broader climate change-related requirements arising from large- scale, permanent population dislocations. (B) Work more closely with the CDC to ensure ap- propriate military support to infectious disease treatment and containment. (C) Ensure pre- paredness for global, regional or local disrup- tions in logistics that may affect the Army’s op- erations or allies.

Implementation Timing: Now Resource Requirement: Low


3.1 Problem: Power Grid Vulnerabilities

Recommendation: A. An inter-agency approach, coupled with collaboration of the commercial sector, should catalogue the liabilities across the electrical grid and prioritize budget requests for infrastructure improvements. B. The DoD should pursue options to reverse infrastructure degra- dation around military installations, including funding internal power generation such as solar/ battery farms and small-nuclear reactors.

Implementation Timing: Now (A); 6-10, 10+ Years (B)

Resource Requirement: Low (A); High (B)

3.2 Problem: Climate Change and Threats to Nucle- ar Weapons Infrastructure

Recommendation: The U.S. Department of De- fense, in combination with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) should develop a long term 15 to 20 year tritium production plan that accounts for advances in nuclear technology and the pos- sibility of rising climate induced water levels as well as increases to the overall average water temperature used to cool nuclear reactors. This plan should include projections of fiscal resourc- es and military tritium requirements needed to maintain and modernize the U.S. nuclear stock- pile. It should also include U.S. government re- quirements for use of helium-3, a decay product of tritium used primarily for neutron detection when searching for special nuclear material (SNM) and enforcing nuclear non-proliferation agreements.

Implementation Timing: Now to 10+ Years

Resource Requirement: High

Finally, the study examined the threat climate change poses to the U.S. military’s coastal infrastructure, i.e., coastal military facilities and key airports and shipping facilities. Additionally, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) manages the nation’s system of inland water- ways, and condition of much of that system will be af- fected by rising seas and changing weather. That said, the study found no basis for additional action. The DoD and USACE have adequate systems and processes in place to track and manage these risks.



Current public discourse about climate change and its impacts are often rancorous and politically charged. As an organization that is, by law, non-partisan, the Depart- ment of Defense (DoD) is precariously unprepared for the national security implications of climate change in- duced global security challenges. This study seeks to determine likely national security challenges associated with or exacerbated by anticipated climate change in an effort to craft recommendations for the DoD. Many of the recommendations are specifically targeted at the Army, however the specific recommendation or its parallel can be applied across the military as a whole. The study of climate change as a threat to U.S. and global security is

not new to the U.S. Army or DoD.

not conduct specific research on the climate or climate change but assumed through the preponderance of ev- idence available that climate change is occurring. Ad- ditionally, the study did not look to ascribe causation to the climate change (man-made or natural) as causation is distinct from effects and not pertinent to the approxi- mately 50 year horizon considered for the study.

In determining likely national security impacts and pro- viding recommendations for the military, the authors relied upon the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Representative Concentration

  1. Werrill, C. and F. Femia. “Chronology of Military and Intelli- gence Concerns about Climate Change.” The Center for Climate & Security. 2017. chronology-of-the-u-s-military-and-intelligence-communitys-con- cern-about-climate-change/.
  2. “Report on Effects of a Changing Climate to the Department

of Defense.” United States Department of Defense. 2019. https:// port_effects_of_a_changing_climate_to_dod.pdf.

  1. Werrill, C. and F. Femia. “New Pentagon Report: “The ef-

fects of a changing climate are a national security issue.” The Center for Climate & Security. 2019. https://climateandsecurity. org/2019/01/18/new-pentagon-report-the-effects-of-a-changing-cli- mate-are-a-national-security-issue/.

Pathway (RCP) 4.5. RCP 4.5 is the middle ground pre- diction of temperature and rainfall variation provided by the IPCC for climate change studies. Use of this model is intended to provide a realistic anticipation of future impacts of climate change without forecasting either extremely dire and catastrophic impacts or minimizing them to such an extent that they are meaningless.

The findings generally are categorized as those relating to anticipated changes in the physical environment and those relating to anticipated changes in the social en- vironment. That is, the authors, using available studies, determined if changes to societal norms would have an impact on the military’s ability to execute anticipated missions. The corresponding recommendations con- sider a near, mid and long term horizon and a low, mid or high level of resources allocated against the chal- lenges. The intent is to provide senior leaders with an easy to understand anticipation of risk associated with each recommendation.

For the purposes of this study the authors chose to use the IPCC definition of climate change. This definition is most compatible as it simply looks at changing climate variables over time without ascribing causation.

Climate Change: Climate change refers to a change in the state of the climate that can be identified (e.g., by using statistical tests) by changes in the mean and/or the variability of its properties and that persists for an extended period, typically decades or longer. Climate change may be due to natural internal processes or ex- ternal forcings such as modulations of the solar cycles, volcanic eruptions and persistent anthropogenic chang- es in the composition of the atmosphere or in land use.4

  1. “Global Warming of 1.5° C.” Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 2018.


This study itself did


An aside on Climate Models and Risk: Uncertainty com- plicates choices about how to respond to or anticipate the consequences of climate change. Regardless of the cause, climatological data reflects an environment that is always changing. Where the choices lie hinges on whether or not we choose to act. There are four possi- ble scenarios involving climate change and human ac- tion to mitigate or prepare for it. (See Figure 1, below.) Each approach carries a level of risk informed by the amount and type of action taken.

The matrix in Figure 1 summarizes payoffs from two different choices (mitigate and prepare or not), given two different contexts (climate change occurring or not). Obviously missing from this matrix is a sense of the probability of climate change itself, which would affect payoff calculations. However, for the sake of the present argument let us make the conservative assumption that climate change is a 50/50 proposition (data and theory indicate that climate change is already occurring).

Figure 1: Climate Change Risk / Response Matrix

First, we can assume no climate change is occurring and we can choose to do nothing. If our assumption about climate change is accurate, this is the most ap- pealing option. Second, we can assume there is no change occurring, but that humans choose to act and mitigate human effects to the environment. This option is unappealing in that we will have wasted economic resources, pointlessly regulating and taxing ourselves.

However, if climate change is occurring and we choose to do nothing, we invite catastrophe, though we can- not know just how bad this payoff would be. Finally, if we assume climate change is occurring and undertake mitigation and preparation, we may avoid catastrophe.5

The only justification for doing nothing to mitigate and prepare for climate change is enough certainty that cli- mate change is not occurring to justify the very consid- erable risk of doing nothing. The strength of scientific arguments in favor of significant warming projections suggests that such certainty is not defensible. (See Fig- ure 2, next page.6) Prudent risk management therefore suggests that we should work to avoid the catastrophic outcome and prepare for and mitigate climate change.

Based on this argument, this report accepts as a core assumption the reality of climate change and cli- mate-change related global warming, and therefore focuses on what the Army should do to prepare itself. Regardless of the science behind climatological projec- tions of global warming, climate change is a controver- sial political issue. For the purposes of this study, we ignore that controversy. We must observe that the plan- et is warming with a broad range of impacts relevant to the U.S. Army, and we employ middle-of-the-curve projections to guide our analysis of recommendations.

  1. Davis, Morton D., and Oskar Morgenstern. Game Theory: A Nontechnical Introduction. Mineola (New York): Dover Publications, 2013.
  • “Scientific Consensus: Earth’s Climate is Warming.” NASA Global Climate Change, Vital Signs of the Planet. 2018. https://cli- – *.

  • 6

    Figure 2: Temperatures Showing the Last Decade was the Warmest on Record

    Part 1: The Challenge of Climate Change

    Challenge 1: Climate Change and the Physical Environment

    Climate change affects the physical environment of the planet. It therefore affects the conditions in which peo- ple live, and the environment in which military organi- zations operate. The effects of a warming climate with more extreme weather are astonishingly far-reaching. Scientific studies in very diverse fields describe effects that have accelerated over the past 50 years as glaciers, Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets retreat, major weather patterns shift, and demographic, economic and politi- cal forces put more people in harm’s way, while creat- ing additional multi-dimensional stress on conventional military forces. The trend toward larger, more coherent and integrated research investments, such as the NASA Harvest Consortium, allows science agencies to estab- lish improved and tight interfaces with the DoD on top- ics relevant to the military that are outside of traditional lanes. This consortium leverages broad international

    cooperation and domestic collaborations using NASA earth observations to improve crop yield forecasting with the specific intent to establish tighter and more functional interfaces between NASA Applied Sciences Division and operational agencies, including DoD. Cli- mate change also increases the risk of unrest and con- flict globally. Human migration and refugee relocation due to chronic drought, flooding, episodes of extreme, unusual weather or other natural events create an envi- ronment ripe for conflict and large-scale humanitarian crises. In 2018, global international migration and inter- nal displacement were estimated at a historic highs by the International Organization for Migration,7 bringing increased risk of spread of infectious disease and other public health problems. The fight for dwindling resourc- es along the seams of civilization are harbingers of fu- ture U.S. involvement. If the United States is obliged or



    chooses to respond in a humanitarian or military fashion to alleviate conflict or provide stability, then the impor- tance of recognizing climate-related impacts allows for planners to be proactive rather than reactive in formu- lating a response.

    Rising Seas and Changing Coastal Geography

    Coastal flooding is a persistent but acute cause of hu- man displacement. Historically, flood waters recede and people return to their homes. Warming changes this calculus, with rising seas introducing the possibility of permanent displacement of tens, even hundreds of millions of inhabitants of high-risk coastal areas.

    The relationship between climate change and interna- tional security is not well understood because climate’s largest effects on conflict and governance are indirect, mediated through a variety of effects on weather. These sustained shifts in weather in turn produce a wide va- riety of impacts from one pole to the other and from the sea to the highest mountains. Nevertheless, we can make logical predictions of potential conflict, disruption of trade and humanitarian crises given known risks and exacerbating factors. Consider the case of Bangladesh, a nation with a history of disastrous seasonal flooding. According to one observer, “[Located] in the Ganges Delta, made up of 230 major rivers and streams, 160 million people live in a place one-fifth the size of France and as flat as chapati…”8 Almost half of the population of Bangladesh lives at sea level.9 As seas rise and huge areas of Bangladesh become uninhabitable, where will tens of millions of displaced Bangladeshis go? How will this large scale displacement affect global security in a region with nearly 40% of the world’s population and several antagonistic nuclear powers? For a recent secu-

    1. Harris, Gardiner. “Borrowed Time on Disappearing Land.” The New York Times. 2014. asia/facing-rising-seas-bangladesh-confronts-the-consequenc- es-of-climate-change.html.
  • Greenfieldboyce, Nell. “Study: 634 Million People at Risk from Rising Seas.” National Public Radio. 2007. templates/story/story.php?storyId=9162438.

  • rity crisis benchmark, look at Syria.10

    The Syrian civil war has been an international disaster with humanitarian and security impacts in the Middle East, Africa and Europe that will continue long into the future. Pre-war Syria had a population of about 22 mil- lion.11 Almost five million Syrians have fled the country since the start of the civil war.12 A host of factors con- tributed to the outbreak of civil war with causality still a matter of debate. There is, however, no question that the conflict erupted coincident with a major drought in the region which forced rural people into Syrian cities as large numbers of Iraqi refugees arrived.13 The Syri- an civil war has reignited civil war in Iraq, and brought the U.S. and Russian militaries into close contact under difficult circumstances. The Syrian population has de- clined by about ten percent since the start of the war, with millions of refugees fleeing the nation, increasing instability in Europe, and stoking violent extremism.14

    By comparison, Bangladesh has eight times Syria’s population, and a conflicted history as a former part of Pakistan. Bangladesh is a predominantly Muslim nation locked between India and Burma. The latter is already under international scrutiny for its poor treatment of the Rohingya minority, the largest percentage of which have

    1. Some claim that the Syrian civil war resulted from drought-in- duced migration, a secondary effect of climate change. We do

    not make that argument here, as recent research questions this relationship. See Selby, Jan, Omar S. Dahi, Christiane Fröhlich, and Mike Hulme. “Climate change and the Syrian civil war revisited.” Political Geography 60: 232-244. 2017. https://www.sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/S0962629816301822.

    1. Barbash, Fred. “U.N.: Nearly half of Syria’s population uprooted by civil war.” The Washington Post. 2014. https://www. ly-half-of-syrias-population-uprooted-by-civil-war/?utm_term=. eaa5e39e17b7.
  • “The Syrian Refugee Crisis and its Repercussions for the E.U.” Migration Policy Centre. 2016.

  • Hammer, Joshua. “Is a Lack of Water to Blame for the Conflict in Syria?” Smithsonian Magazine. 2013. https://www.smithsonian- syria-72513729/.

  • “The Syrian Refugee Crisis and its Repercussions for the E.U.” Migration Policy Centre. 2016.

  • 8

    fled to Bangladesh. India is a nuclear-armed state per- petually on the verge of conflict with its nuclear-armed western neighbor, Pakistan. Indeed, Bangladesh’s exis- tence is the result of a war between those two nations. The permanent displacement of a large portion of the population of Bangladesh would be a regional catastro- phe with the potential to increase global instability. This is a potential result of climate change complications in just one country.

    Globally, over 600 million people live at sea level.15 Sea level rise also poses a direct threat to Army/DoD instal- lations and missions worldwide. The DoD must assess the vulnerabilities to installations and risks to mission at all locations, prioritizing those most at risk. Early recog- nition of the complex risks will allow planning and im- plementation to best mitigate the risk and spread costs out over multiple budgetary periods. The 2018 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) mandates that the Department of Defense submit a report to Congress with respect to the impact of climate change on DoD missions. Specifically, the NDAA requires that the report include “vulnerabilities to military installations and com- batant commander requirements resulting from climate change over the next 20 years.”16 There are currently numerous studies already extant that detail the risks to military installations, some of them executed by govern- ment organizations, including the Army Corps of Engi- neers. Additionally, this report will examine mitigations to the risk associated with climate change impacts.

    Opening the Arctic

    The Arctic is undergoing some of the most significant and noticeable effects of climate change anywhere on the globe. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), since satellite monitoring of the Arctic began in 1979, the Arctic ice extent has de-

    1. Greenfieldboyce, Nell. “Study: 634 Million People at Risk from Rising Seas.” National Public Radio. 2007. templates/story/story.php?storyId=9162438.
  • “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018.” 115th Congress of the United States of America. 2017. https://www.

  • creased from 3.5 – 4.1%.17 Furthermore, the IPCC pre- dicts with high confidence that the Arctic will warm more rapidly than other parts of the globe through at least the year 2100, well beyond the horizon of this study.18 This warming will cause further diminishment of the Arctic ice, presenting many economic opportunities and secu- rity challenges for the United States and its allies.

    As the sea ice in the Arctic continues to decrease, there are greater opportunities for all nations to take advan- tage of new shipping routes between ports in Asia and those in Europe or Eastern North America. According to researchers at the University of Reading in the UK, even if emissions diminish, as proposed by the Paris Accords, by 2050 opportunities for non-modified (that is, ships that are not double hulled or specifically de- signed for transit through ice prone environments) ves- sels to transit the Arctic Ocean will double. Furthermore, many of those journeys could take place directly across the pole in international waters, avoiding transit fees.19 From a money and time saving perspective, these shorter routes will be more and more attractive to ship- ping companies as the ice recedes. Currently, a typical East Asia to Rotterdam route, transiting the Suez Canal, takes about 30 days. The most conservative estimates of sea ice change estimate non-specialized vessels will be able to complete that route across the Arctic in 23 days and that that route would be available for over half the year.20

    Furthermore, according to a 2008 U.S. Geological sur- vey, the Arctic likely holds approximately one quarter of the world’s undiscovered hydrocarbon reserves.21 Though the United States territorially possesses only a

    1. “Climate Change 2014 Synthesis Report.” International Panel on Climate Change. 2015.
  • Ibid.

  • Amos, Jonathan. “Arctic Ocean shipping routes ‘to open for months’.” BBC News. 2016. vironment-37286750.

  • Ibid. 21. Ibid.

  • 9

    small percentage of the Arctic area, estimates are that 20% of those undiscovered reserves are potentially in U.S. territory.22 However, territorial claims in the Arctic are not well established and continue to be disputed amongst the Arctic nations.23 As the extent of the re- sources available in the Arctic become more evident, there is a greater potential for conflict. The United States is likely to reach accommodation with allies in the region, but Russia’s global pattern of aggression and attempts to reestablish great power status may set conditions for another flashpoint in the Arctic. The Arctic waters may make this evidently a Navy and Air Force issue, however the Army will be tasked with wide area security and re- connaissance roles as part of any joint efforts to secure Arctic interests.

    Russia probably has the greatest immediate security concerns as it already earns transit fees from shipping companies using its Arctic waters. Russia has embarked on a rapid build-up in the Arctic, including expensive re- furbishment of Soviet era Arctic bases. Russia’s current Arctic plans include the opening of ten search and res- cue stations, 16 deep water ports, 13 airfields and ten air defense sites.24 (See Figure 3, below.25) These devel- opments create not only security outposts for Russia, but also threats to the U.S. mainland. Russia’s recent development of KH-101/102 air launched cruise mis- siles and SSC-8 ground launched cruise missiles po- tentially put much of the United States at risk from low altitude, radar evading, nuclear capable missiles.

    Figure 3: Map of bases and estimated hydrocarbon reserves in the Arctic

    1. “The U.S. Stakes Its Claim in the Arctic Frontier.” Stratfor. 2015. tier.
  • Millstein, Seth. “Who Owns the Arctic? And Who Doesn’t?” Timeline. 2016. 3b2a3.

  • Nudelman, Mike and Jeremy Bender. “This map shows Russia’s dominant militarization of the Arctic.” Business Insider. 2015. tion-of-arctic-2015-8.

  • Ibid.

  • 10

    Russia is not the only nation considering security expan- sion in the Arctic. Since 2013, the United States Coast Guard has budgeted for the development and fielding of a new Polar Class heavy icebreaker to augment the one heavy and one medium icebreaker they now have in service. To date they have received almost $191 mil- lion in funding toward the acquisition, estimated to cost just less than $1 billion.26 The FY2018 National Defense Authorization Act authorized the full procurement of the vessel.27

    The relatively rapid pace of change in the Arctic will gen- erate opportunities, forecast and unexpected, on which nations around the world will capitalize. However, with any advantage comes the need to secure it. The United States must be prepared not only to seize any opportu- nities, but also to protect those assets and project pow- er into newly accessible areas. All of these factors sug- gest that military operations in the Arctic will become more common.

    Increased Range of Insect-Borne Diseases

    Infectious diseases remain a concern for expeditionary forces and indigenous populations alike. As the climate changes, the distribution and prevalence of endemic diseases will change. Diseases that were endemic be- fore could become altered and mutate to new regions. Extensive research has shown local weather condi- tions and other related environmental factors strongly influence vector-borne diseases. 2829 Diseases caused

    1. “Report to Congress on Coast Guard Icebreaker Program.” USNI News. 2017. gress-coast-guard-icebreaker-program?utm_source=Sail- thru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=EBB 12.14.17&utm_ term=Editorial – Early Bird Brief.
  • “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018.” 115th Congress of the United States of America. 2017. https://www.

  • “Vector-Borne Diseases Fact Sheet.” World Health Organiza- tion. October 2017. Accessed December 2017. mediacentre/factsheets/fs387/en/.

  • Githeko, Andrew K., Steve W. Lindsay, Ulisses E. Confalonieri, and Jonathon A. Patz. “Climate change and vector-borne diseases: a regional analysis.” Bulletin of the World Health Organization 78,

  • by a wide array of pathogens including bacteria, spiro-

    chetes, rickettsiae, protozoa, viruses, nematodes and

    fungi spread through arthropods (i.e. ticks and mosqui-

    toes) are highly susceptible to localized weather condi-

    tions. 30, 31 The 2016 IPCC report and National Climate

    Assessment concluded there was an increased risk of

    some vector-borne diseases and that climate variability

    can alter the incidence of diseases carried by vectors

    (e.g., mosquitoes, fleas, ticks) through effects on vector

    geographic distribution, vector and pathogen biology,

    respectively.32 Indeed, some major vector-borne diseas-

    es in the U.S. have doubled or even tripled since 2005.


    Examples of vector-borne diseases likely susceptible to

    change include: Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, Leish-

    maniasis, Lyme disease and Zika.

    Consider the case of malaria, perhaps the most lethal infectious disease in the world. In 2015, the World Health Organization reported there were an estimated 304 mil- lion global cases and 639,000 deaths. 35 While consid- erable efforts aim at eradicating the disease through vaccine development, the international public health community continues to struggle with the extent of the

    no. 9: 1136. 2000. pdf.

    1. Luber, George, and Kim Knowlton. “Human Health.” National Climate Assessment. 2014. report/sectors/human-health.
  • “Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases.” Medscape. Accessed December, 2017. tick-borne-illnesses-6006369.

  • Chrétien, Jean-Paul. “Adapting to Health Impacts of Climate Change in the Department of Defense.” Health Security 14, no. 2: 86-92. 2016.

  • “Illnesses on the rise.” Centers for Disease Control and Pre- vention. 2018. html.

  • Chrétien, Jean-Paul. “Adapting to Health Impacts of Climate Change in the Department of Defense.” Health Security 14, no. 2: 86-92. 2016.

  • “Fact Sheet: World Malaria Report 2016.” World Health Organization. port-2016/en/.

  • 34


    disease.36 Today, the DoD and members of the U.S. In- telligence Community assess the risk of malaria to U.S. forces operating in East Africa 37 as high to intermediate depending on the country. A high-risk represents “an operationally significant attack rate (potentially 11-50% per month) could occur among personnel exposed to mosquito bites.” 38

    The average projected climate changes in East Africa by 2050 show temperatures between 25-30° C. The projected average precipitation shows increased rain- fall in select countries. Coupling the generally optimal conditions for malaria carrying mosquitos with the ex- pected climate conditions in 2050, we can conclude that the environment will likely be much more favorable to malarial vectors.39 The temperatures and increase of precipitation may lead to decreasing parasite devel- opment, more stable adult populations and increased bite rates.40 It is also fair to conclude the more favorable conditions could lead to an increase of the prevalence of malaria.

    Decreased Fresh Water Availability and Increased Demand

    By 2040, the global demand for fresh water projects to exceed availability. As water availability decreases, the opportunity for social disruption will increase. Although the National Intelligence Council does not predict wa-

    1. “Malaria.” Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. https://www. Accessed December 2017.
  • The countries in the East Africa region for this study are; Sudan, South Sudan, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Eritrea, Djibiouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya.

  • Defense Intelligence Agency, National Center for Medical Intel- ligence, Infectious Disease Risk Assessment Methodology.

  • Craig, M. H., R. W. Snow, and D. Le Sueur. “A climate-based distribution model of malaria transmission in sub-Saharan Afri- ca.” Parasitol Today 15, no. 3: 105-11. 1999. https://www.ncbi.nlm.

  • Patz, J. A., and S. H. Olson. “Malaria risk and temperature: Influences from global climate change and local land use practic- es.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103, no. 15: 5635-636. 2006.

  • ter shortage alone will lead to failed states,41 the lack of water resources amplifies underlying existing issues such as lack of technology, poor governance, and in- adequate economic resilience.42 There are several fac- tors contributing to the global water shortage including: population increase, climate change, and poor water management.43 North Africa, Southern Africa, the Mid- dle East, China, and the United States all have areas where the water deficiency is greater than 50%. By 2030, one-third of the world population is projected to

    inhabit these water-stressed regions.

    agreements designed to share the scarce resource. However, there is a growing concern that as demand outstrips supply, water will become a bargaining weap- on to accrue power, deprive access to vulnerable pop- ulations or even enable sabotage to disrupt supply

    and achieve desired effects.

    coastal fresh water supplies and agriculture at risk, as salt water moves inland, polluting rivers and aquifers,


    es across the globe, water has prompted cooperative

    and literally salting the earth.



    Rising seas also place

    In several plac-


    1. Engel, Rich. “National Intelligence Council Water Research.” National Intelligence Council. 2012. sites/default/files/Engel Presentation.pdf
  • “Global Water Security.” National Intelligence Council. 2012, Global%20Water%20Security.pdf.

  • “Implications for US National Security of Anticipated Climate Change.” CENTRA Technology, Inc, and Scitor Corporation. 2016. and Pubs/ Implications_for_US_National_Security_of_Anticipated_Climate_ Change.pdf.

  • Ibid.

  • Ibid.

  • Ibid.

  • Kenney, Carolyn. “Climate Change, Water Security,

  • and U.S. National Security.” Center for American Progress.

    1. ports/2017/03/22/428918/climate-change-water-security-u-s-na- tional-security/.
  • Paris, Aubrey. “Sea Level Rise: Sink or Swim.” United States Army War College – War Room. 2017. https://warroom.armywarcol-

  • 12

    The predicted rise in average global temperatures equates to the need for more water to sustain all life. As ambient temperatures rise, so does the risk of rais- ing body temperature. Proper water consumption rates reduce this risk if there is water readily available to con- sume. As the rigor of activities increases so does the need for increased hydration. Simultaneously as the demand for water increases in a warmer climate, the amount of water readily available for use is reduced due to evaporation.49 The combination of expeditionary sol- diers fighting in a hot climate with scarce water supplies exacerbates logistical requirements.

    Saltwater intrusion is another factor increasing the risk for conflict in coastal areas with large populations. As the need for more water increases, fossil freshwater aquifers are tapped which are not replenished. Re- duced water levels in some coastal aquifers can lead to increased salinity as a result of the intrusion of seawater into the aquifer. Typically, a water table in a coastal area pushes fresh water to the ocean, but in this case, the salt water makes its way into the aquifer rendering it un- usable. (See Figure 4.)

    Figure 4: Ground-water flow patterns and the zone of

    dispersion in an idealized, homogeneous coastal aqui- fer50

    Decreased Food Security and Food System Stability

    The United Nations (UN) Food Agricultural Organization (FAO) defines food security as a state when “all peo- ple, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food that meets their di- etary needs and food preferences for an active healthy life.”51 Food security is premised on four components: food availability, food accessibility, food utilization and food system stability.52 (See Table 1, next page.) In its broadest terms, food security is the ability to have con- sistent access to food that is safe and meets dietary guidelines.53

    1. Cooper, H.H. “Saltwater Intrusion.” United States Geologic Survey. 1964.
  • “The State of Food and Agriculture: Climate Change Agricul- ture, and Food Security.” Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2016.

  • “Climate Change, Global Food Security, and the U.S. Food System.” USDA. 2015. FoodSecurity2015Assessment/FullAssessment.pdf.

  • “Dietary Guidelines.” U.S. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. 2019.

  • “Climate Impacts on Water Resources.” The United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2017. https://19january2017snap- html.

  • 13

    Table 1: The Components of Food Security

    Source: “Climate Change, Global Good Security, and the U.S. Food System.” USDA. 2015.

    For seven out of eight Americans,54 food insecurity is a problem relegated to places far afield from the con- tinental United States. In fact, compared to 113 coun- tries across the globe, the U.S. ranks second on the

    consistently led the world in global agricultural exports, long a source of economic power and global influence.

    When food systems fail, whether a failure of agricultur- al production, a supply chain failure that interferes with food processing or transport, or economic or financial disruption affecting demand, outbreaks of civil conflict and social unrest become more likely.58 Global food se- curity hinges on the production of four crops: maize, wheat, rice, and soybeans.59 These commodities, along with a long list of foodstuffs moving through both formal and informal channels, are the core outputs of the glob- al food system – the poorly defined, highly dynamic, complex web of transfers and interactions. Climate-in-

    Studies.” National Intelligence Council. 2012. files/documents/nic/NICR 2012-23 Global Food Security FINAL.pdf.

    1. Barbet-Gros, Julie and Jose Cuestra. “Food Riots: From Definition to Operationalization.” The World Bank. 2015. http://www. uments/Introduction%20Guide%20for%20the%20Food%20Riot%20 Radar.pdf.
  • Winkler, Elizabeth. “How the climate crisis could become a food crisis overnight.” The Washington Post. 2017. https://www. crisis-could-become-a-food-crisis-overnight/?noredirect=on&utm_ term=.e9f324e6c009.

  • Global Food Security Index.


    The U.S. spends 6.4 % of

    its income on food compared to countries such as Pa-

    kistan, Philippines, and Nigeria where a typical house-

    hold spends more than 40 % of their earnings for suste-


    to food are more vulnerable to fluctuations in food com- modity prices. Recent effects of price shocks because of food availability have occurred in crisis areas such as Syria and Venezuela. Price fluctuations in food will affect countries differently. Countries that rely heavily on im- ports will be most affected.57 The U.S., in contrast, has

    1. “Overview: Food Security in the U.S.” USDA. 2018. https:// in-the-us/.
  • “Global Food Security Index for 2017” The Economist Intelli- gence Unit. 2017.

  • Gray, Alex. “Which countries spend the most on food? This map will show you.” World Economic Forum. 2016. https://www.weforum. org/agenda/2016/12/this-map-shows-how-much-each-country- spends-on-food/.

  • “Global Food Security: Market Forces and Selected Case

  • 56

    Populations that dedicate more of their income


    fluenced impacts on food systems beyond impacts on

    crop production include interruption of planting or har-

    vest due to adverse weather, rapid freeze-thaw cycles

    in spring and fall,60 soil degradation, depletion of fossil

    water aquifers, intensified spread of agricultural pests

    and diseases,61,62 and damage to shipping infrastruc-

    ture as a consequence of flooding.63 During a global

    food crisis in 2007-2008, social unrest was reported

    in 61 affected countries.64 In war-time, the ability of the

    U.S. and allies to cooperate through extraordinary insti-

    tutional innovations delivered under great duress, such

    as the Combined Food Board, improved provisioning of

    U.S. and allied war fighters, munitions workers and ci-


    War, these institutions have been dismantled in the U.S. as the policy of supply management, driven by the U.S. population’s needs, shifted to policies that have em- phasized agricultural exports as a critical component of

    ing countries that are also food insecure.67 Population increases, coupled with the food demand and effects of climate change disrupting crop production will likely result in price instability.68 Furthermore, the wild card of weaponized genome editing and, more generally, hori- zontal environmental genetic alteration agents (HEGAA) applied to agriculture and food systems already under interacting stress from climate change, define a no-an- alogue future..69

    Climate change will have diverse impacts on local, re- gional and global food system stability, far beyond its immediate effects on agricultural production affecting both availability of food and the resilience of underly- ing ecosystems.70 Changes in the length and stability of growing seasons around the world, altered precipitation patterns resulting in droughts, high night temperatures, floods or shifted seasonal patterns will also impact crop production.71 Some evidence indicates that rising CO

    Through the decades since the Second World


    the U.S. balance of trade.

    Where climate change damages agricultural produc- tion, security concerns will likely follow. The world pop- ulation is expected to increase by 39% between 2005 and 2050, and 95% of that growth will occur in develop-

    1. Sinha, Tushar and Keith A. Cherkauer. “Impacts of future climate change on soil frost in the midwestern United States.” Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 115, D08105. https://doi. org/10.1029/2009JD012188.
  • Lenne, Jillian. “Climate change, crop plant diseases and future food production.” World Agriculture. 2018. http://www. and-future-food-production.

  • Deutsh, Curtis A. et al. “Increase in crop losses to insect pests in a warming climate.” Science. 2018. http://science.sciencemag. org/content/361/6405/916.editor-summary.

  • “Extreme Weather” in “National Climate Assessment.” U.S. Global Change Research Program. 2014.

  • Ibid.

  • Roll, Eric. The Combined Food Board: A Study in Wartime Inter-

  • national Planning. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 1956.

    1. Collingham, Lizzie. The Taste of War. New York: Penguin Press, 2011: 481-501.


    2 levels may increase crop yields to some extent via an

    effect known as CO2 fertilization.72 However, altered crop growth may affect nutrient composition, especially micronutrients such as zinc and iron, resulting in signifi- cant increases in mortality in vulnerable locations, which are those where DoD-supported humanitarian interven-

    1. Alexandratos, Nikos and Jelle Bruinsma. “World Agriculture Towards 2030/2050.” United Nations Food and Agriculture Organi- zation. 2012.
  • “Global Food Security.” National Intelligence Council: Intelli- gence Community Assessment. 2015. documents/Newsroom/Reports and Pubs/Global_Food_Securi- ty_ICA.pdf.

  • Reeves, R.G. et al. “Agricultural research or a new bioweapon system?” Science 362 (6410): 35-37. 2018.

  • “The State of Food and Agriculture: Climate Change, Agricul- ture, and Food Security.” Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2016.

  • “Climate Change and Food Security: A Framework Docu- ment.” Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2008.

  • Kirscbaum, M.U.F. Plant Phys 155(1): 117-124. 2011. https://

  • 15

    tion is most likely.73 Increased CO2 levels in the oceans and changes in ocean temperature will alter the avail- ability of fish and could potentially lead to the extinction

    Changes in temperature will also

    continue to draw in Army and other DoD resources.

    In September 2016, U.S. the Intelligence Community

    (IC) conducted analysis of possible impacts of climate

    change on national security over the next 20 years.79

    Their report highlighted the projected occurrence of

    more extreme weather and how damaging it may be to

    natural systems such as oceans, lakes, rivers, ground

    water, reefs, and forests. Most of the critical infrastruc-

    tures identified by the Department of Homeland Security

    are not built to withstand these altered conditions. The

    lower Mississippi River has sustained 100-, 200- and

    500-year floods (meaning the chance is 1% or less that

    a flood of that magnitude would occur 500 simulations

    of the current year) in the last 8 years. Between 2016

    and 2018, Ellicott City, Maryland sustained two 1,000-

    year floods.

    (80%) and imports (78%) are water-borne, floods that leave lasting damage to shipping infrastructure pose a major threat to U.S. lives and communities, the U.S. economy and global food security. The U.S. Intelligence Community’s 2016 study further emphasized the social and economic implications realized by damaging these systems. The increased urbanization of areas prone to these weather events will only further stress governmen- tal agencies tasked with recovery and support. Addi- tionally, the study captured potential instability of coun- tries, heightened social and political tensions, adverse effects on food prices and availability, increased risks to human health, negative impacts on investments and economic competitiveness.81

    1. “Implications for US National Security of Anticipated Climate Change.” US National Intelligence Council. 2016. https://www.dni. gov/files/documents/Newsroom/Reports and Pubs/Implications_ for_US_National_Security_of_


    1. Di Liberto, Tom. “Torrential rains bring epic flash floods in Maryland in late May 2018.” 2018. https://www. flash-floods-maryland-late-may-2018.
  • “Implications for US National Security of Anticipated Climate Change.” US National Intelligence Council. 2016. https://www.dni. gov/files/documents/Newsroom/Reports and Pubs/Implications_ for_US_National_Security_of_

  • Anticipated_Climate_Change.pdf

    of certain species.


    affect livestock by impacting their ability to thrive and

    provide adequate amounts of meat and milk.


    Increased Incidence of Extreme Weather

    Numerous climate models suggest that a warming cli- mate incurs more frequent extreme weather events and intensified weather patterns such as heat domes, polar vortices, super storms, monster ridges, and wider rang- es of extremes, especially in spring and fall in temperate climates.76 The U.S. Army is directly affected by these extremes, and has obligations connected to disaster recovery efforts related to a changing climate. Not only are Army personnel and installations at risk, the issue compounds when more than one major event occurs in a short interval or where natural disaster occurs where local social, political, and economic infrastructures are not resourced to handle the situation. Attention to a changing climate remains integral to the Army’s prepa- ration and response of devastating weather events like recent hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Harvey, Irma and Maria. Hurricane Michael in 2018 was the wettest hurricane on record, reflecting a more general trend of windier and wetter hurricanes.77,78 Natural disasters like these will

    1. Myers, S.S. et al. “Increasing CO2 Threatens Human Nutri- tion.” Nature 510(7503): 139-142. 2014. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pubmed/24805231.
  • “The State of Food and Agriculture: Climate Change, Agricul- ture, and Food Security.” Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2016.

  • Ibid.

  • “National Climate Assessment.” U.S. Global Change Research

  • Program. 2014.

    1. Belles, Jonathan. “Hurricane Florence Was the Nation’s Second Wettest Storm Behind Harvey.” The Weather Channel. 2018. ricane-florence-harvey-north-carolina.
  • “Hurricanes and Climate Change.” Union of Concerned Scientists. 2017. ence-and-impacts/impacts/hurricanes-and-climate-change.html.

  • 80

    Because most U.S. agricultural exports


    Stress to the Power Grid

    Changing levels of rainfall put the U.S.’s energy grid at risk. Over 7.3 billion people currently inhabit the plan-

    • Loss of heating/air conditioning and electrical lighting systems

    • Loss of computer, telephone, and communica- tions systems (including airline flights, satellite networks and GPS services)

    • Loss of public transportation systems

    • Loss of fuel distribution systems and fuel pipe- lines

    • Loss of all electrical systems that do not have back-up power87

    The Presidential Policy Directive-Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience lists 16 critical infrastructures susceptible to power grid failure that directly tie to U.S. national security and the homeland defense mission of the Department of Defense (DoD).88 The Congressional Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) Commission, in 2008, es- timated it would cost $2 billion to harden just the grid’s

    et, a little more than half of which live in cities.

    United States alone, ten cities contain more than one million people, and more than 35 with a population of over 500,000.83,84 The power grid that serves the United States is aging and continues to operate without a co- ordinated and significant infrastructure investment. Vul- nerabilities exist to electricity-generating power plants, electric transmission infrastructure and distribution system components. Power transformers average over 40 years of age and 70 percent of transmission lines are 25 years or older. The U.S. national power grid is susceptible to coordinated cyber or physical attacks; electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attacks; space weather; and other natural events, to include the stressors of a changing climate.85,86

    Effects of climate abnormalities over time introduce the possibility of taxing an already fragile system through increased energy requirements triggered by extended periods of heat, drought, cold, etc. If the power grid in- frastructure were to collapse, the United States would experience significant

    • Loss of perishable foods and medications

    • Loss of water and wastewater distribution sys- tems

    1. Giegengack, Robert. “The Carrington Coronal Mass Ejection of 1859.“ Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 159, no. 4: 425-426. 2015.
  • “Ten U.S. Cities Now Have 1 Million People or More; California and Texas Each Have Three of These Places.” United States Cen- sus Bureau. 2015. leases/2015/cb15-89.html.

  • “U.S. City Populations 2018.” World Population Review. 2018.

  • “Large Power Transformers and the U.S. Electric Grid,” U.S. Department of Energy. 2012. files/Large Power Transformer Study – June 2012_0.pdf.

  • “Transmission & Distribution Infrastructure: A Harris Williams & Co. White Paper” Harris Williams & Co. 2014.

  • ep_td_white_paper_06_10_14_final.pdf.



    In the

    critical nodes.


    The Task Force on National and Home-

    land Security calculates an additional $10 to $30 billion

    and many years necessary for a complete grid over-


    the very improvements of network interconnectedness created through the updated Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) network, which control pow- er distribution around the country, introduced additional weaknesses to cyber-attack.91 The Center for Security

    1. “Space Weather.” Department of Homeland Security. No date. Accessed November 10, 2017. space-weather.
  • “Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience.” The White House, Presidential Policy Directive. 2013. https://obamawhite- cy-directive-critical-infrastructure-security-and-resil.

  • Graham, William R. et al. “Critical National Infrastructures.” Re- port of Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse Attack. 2008. http://www.empcommission. org/docs/A2473-EMP_Commission-7MB.pdf.

  • “A Call to Action for America.” Task Force on National and Homeland Security, Secure the Grid Coalition, and Other Partners. 2017. 7-31-17.pdf.

  • Graham, William R. et al. “Critical National Infrastructures.” Re-

  • port of Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from


    The EMP Commission further cited that some of

    Policy reported that capability and capacity to repair or replace power grid unique infrastructure is reliant on production timelines exceeding a year. Most of these production facilities reside outside the United States, greatly adding to repair times and exacerbating vulner- ability.92

    Defense of the homeland requires reliable access to power generation capabilities to protect critical infra- structure areas, maintain sovereign security, and pro- vide aid to the nation’s population when needed. De- partment of Defense installations are 99 percent reliant on the U.S. power grid for electrical power generation due to the decommissioning of autonomous power generation capability for budgetary cost saving mea- sures over the last two decades.93

    While generators would allow continued operations for a time, a long-term outage of the power grid would rapidly erode the ability to perform numerous missions as re- sources were diverted toward humanitarian assistance/ disaster response operations in the homeland.

    Relief efforts aggravated by seasonal climatological effects would potentially accelerate the criticality of the developing situation. The cascading effects of power loss, as depicted below, would rapidly challenge the military’s ability to continue operations. (See Figure 5.94)

    Figure 5: Essential Services Interconnectedness Affected by Power Grid Outage

    Electromagnetic Pulse Attack. 2008. http://www.empcommission. org/docs/A2473-EMP_Commission-7MB.pdf.

    1. “Guilty knowledge: What the US Government Knows about the Vulnerability of the Electric Grid, But Refuses to Fix.” Center for Security Policy. 2014. wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Guilty-Knowledge-6×9.pdf.
  • Koppel, Ted. Lights Out: A Cyberattack, a Nation Unprepared, Surviving the Aftermath. New York, NY: Crown Publishers, 2015: 216.

  • Jamieson, Isaac. “Addendum – EMP & Cyber Security” in

  • Smart Meters – Smarter Practices: Solving Emerging Problems.

    EM-Radiation Research Trust. 2012. https://www.radiationresearch. org/articles/smart-meters-smarter-practices-document/.


    While securing the U.S. power grid will take a whole of government approach, the Joint Force’s responsibili- ty to defend the homeland is the strongest reason for DoD to prioritize funding towards a solution. The Ser- vices must be clear in their assessment of installation vulnerability to an outage of the power grid and the con- sequences for homeland through missile defense, De- fense Support to Civil Authorities, and military response to direct threats. Response delays in any of these areas will impair any effort to stabilize the situation or quickly respond to crisis anywhere in the United States.

    Aside from power distribution concerns, our power gen- eration capabilities are also at risk. Due to their water demands, safety requirements, and locations adjacent to waterways, nuclear power stations in the United States are at high risk of temporary or permanent clo- sure due to climate threats, as demonstrated by the ex- ample facilities in Connecticut and Tennessee. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) authorizes the current operation of 99 nuclear reactors, including both pressurized and boiling water reactors (PWR; BWR), which supplied 19.7% of the country’s utility-scale en- ergy in 2016.95 In general, the country’s reliance on nu- clear energy has increased marginally over time, with a net 1.2% increase in nuclear-generated electricity from 2016 to 2017.

    Ultimately, 59 (or 60%) of the country’s nuclear reactors exist in regions that are likely to suffer from one or more climate threats. These regions include New England (major risk: sea level rise), Mid-Atlantic (major risks: sea level rise and/or severe storms), South Atlantic (major risks: sea level rise and/or severe storms), and East South Central (major risk: water shortage). Based on their locations, 100% of reactors in New England, 26% in the Mid-Atlantic region, 38% in the South Atlantic re- gion, and 100% in the East South Central region are at risk of experiencing major climate threats.

    1. “FAQ: What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source?” U.S. Energy Information Administration. 2018. tools/faqs/faq.php?id=427&t=3.

    The dangers facing some of these reactors have not gone unnoticed. For instance, Florida’s Saint Lucie Nuclear Power Plant was shut down during Hurricane Matthew in 2016.96 Operation of its sister facility, Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station, was similarly ceased during Hurricane Irma in 2017.97 Furthermore, expan- sion projects at Turkey Point, with proposals and con- struction spanning the last decade, have been criticized by several South Florida government officials who cite the challenge of rising sea levels.98 New Jersey’s Oyster Creek BWR will be decommissioned by the end of 2019 because of an unwillingness to construct costly cooling towers;99 these structures will become increasingly im- portant for reactors operating in regions where warming trends are apparent. Such complications, critiques, and closures are examples of impending climate change impacts on other nuclear energy facilities in the United States.

    While it is true that nearly all types of energy infrastruc- ture may suffer from climate changes unique to their lo- cations, the only clean energy facilities likely to suffer as much or more than nuclear plants are their hydroelectric counterparts. In fact, hydropower’s reliance on steady water access makes this sector particularly susceptible to climate-induced dryness. Experts expect drought to reduce hydropower generation due to declining reser- voir levels, observed in 2007 when drought caused a

    30% decrease in hydroelectric capacity in Tennessee.


    1. Prasad, Nithin. “FPL says Saint Lucie 2 Florida reactor shut ahead of Matthew.” Reuters. 2016. us-storm-matthew-florida-nuclearpower/fpl-says-saint-lucie-2-flori- da-reactor-shut-ahead-of-matthew-idUSKCN1262I5.
  • Gardner, Timothy. “Florida nuclear plants to shut ahead of Hurricane Irma.” Reuters. 2017. https://www.reuters. com/article/us-storm-irma-nuclearpower/florida-nucle- ar-plants-to-shut-ahead-of-hurricane-irma-idUSKCN1BI2IA.

  • Staletovich, Jenny. “Mayors make case against FPL nuclear expansion.” Miami Herald. 2018. news/local/community/miami-dade/article18627960.html.

  • Oglesby, Amanda. “Christie: Oyster Creek shutdown sched- ule.” Asbury Park Press. 2017. local/land-environment/2017/10/05/oyster-creek-early-clos- ing/735491001/.

  • Tennessee River Drought Management Plan, http://web.knox-

  • 19

    This is consequential due to the nation’s increasing de- mand for hydropower. In 2016, hydropower comprised 6.5% of utility-scale energy generated in the United States, making up the largest component (44%) of the country’s renewable energy.101

    From 2016 to 2017, a net 10.6% increase in U.S. hy- dropower generation was recorded. These numbers indicate that the two regions having the second- and third-fastest increase in hydropower usage (i.e., East South Central and West South Central) are also at high risk of future temperature increases and prolonged drought. Currently, 47 and 34 hydropower plants are op- erating in the East South Central and West South-Cen- tral regions, respectively, totaling at least 81 facilities that could suffer from reduced capacity in the near future.

    Challenge 2: Climate Change and the So- cial, Economic, and Political Environment

    Most of the preceding discussion of the physical en- vironmental implications of climate change should be familiar. Less commonly discussed are the social, po- litical, and economic effects of human concerns about climate change. Regardless of the actual physical ef- fects of climate change, the belief in climate change as a threat to the earth and its inhabitants is an increas- ing force in international politics.102 This suggests that to some extent the debate about whether the planet is warming, or if human activity is the cause, is irrelevant. If a powerful section of the human population believes that the planet is warming, believes that this warming is human-induced and that climate change is a threat, and if that section acts on those beliefs, climate change will have political, social, and economic consequences that the Army will be unable to ignore.

    1. “FAQ: What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source?” U.S. Energy Information Administration. 2018. tools/faqs/faq.php?id=427&t=3.
  • “China, EU reaffirm Paris climate commitment, vow more cooperation.” Reuters. 2018. us-china-eu-climatechange/china-eu-reaffirm-paris-climate-com- mitment-vow-more-cooperation-idUSKBN1K60TC.

  • To understand the impacts of the indirect effects of mo- bilization around climate change (as opposed to the direct, physical effects), we propose the SMaRT frame- work: Social, Market, Regulatory, and Technological re- sponses.

    Social Responses

    Climate change taps into profound fears of insecurity. Humans are highly motivated by symbols, and what more potent symbol is there of human thriving and the fragility of life than the planet itself? A recent Pew survey indicated that climate change trailed only ISIS globally as a security concern.103

    The population of the United States is also concerned about climate change. Gallup News published a sto- ry in March, 2017 titled “Global Warming Concern at Three-Decade High in the U.S.”104 The polling data to support the story showed that, from a post-9/11 low of 51% in 2011, now 67% of the population worry about global warming a “great deal” or a “fair amount”.105 This concern is most prevalent among today’s youth, indi- cating a propensity for the electorate to become more climate sensitive as that demographic ages.106

    Powerful symbols engender social mobilization and change. To have a huge effect on human affairs, these symbols need not be deeply rooted in reality. Conquests of the companions of Mohamed remade the Middle East and North Africa. The Protestant reformation trans- formed European civilization. The American Revolu-

    1. Poushter, Jacob and Dorothy Manevich. “Globally, People Point to ISIS and Climate Change as Leading Security Threats.” Pew Research Center. 2017. globally-people-point-to-isis-and-climate-change-as-leading-secu- rity-threats/.
  • Saad, Lydia. Gallup, “Global Warming Concern at Three-De- cade High in U.S.” Gallup News. 2017. poll/206030/global-warming-concern-three-decade-high.aspx.

  • Ibid.

  • “Concern About Climate Change and Its Consequenc- es.” Pew Research Center. 2015. http://www.pewglobal. org/2015/11/05/1-concern-about-climate-change-and-its-conse- quences/climate-change-report-15/.

  • 20

    tion created a nation that would change the world. All of these phenomena derived much of their power from symbols. Grasping the power of the earth as a symbol requires little imagination compared to the nuances of Mohamed’s revelations, Luther’s theses, or the Ameri- can case for independence.

    Social mobilization around climate change will have winners and losers. Clear winners will be individuals and organizations perceived to be acting in the collective interest of both humanity and the natural environment. Clear losers will be individuals and entities whose ac- tions are perceived to undermine environmental stabili- ty. Increased access to mass communication platforms means that no single entity will control the narrative re- garding who these winners and losers are.

    What is the current perception of the U.S. Army, the

    U.S. military, or the U.S. government as a steward of the

    environment? We have no good data on this question.

    Anecdotally, the U.S. government is perceived to be an

    irresponsible actor in the global environment. The U.S.

    withdrawal from the Paris accords elicited strong reac-

    tions in the developed world.107 By contrast, although

    China is the largest carbon emitting nation,108 it has

    been more thoughtful about how it projects its image

    globally with respect to carbon emissions, and Chinese

    clean energy initiatives have been widely publicized in the U.S.109,110,111

    1. Shear, Michael D. and Alison Smale. “Leaders Lament U.S. Withdrawal but Say It Won’t Stop Climate Efforts.” The New York Times. 2017. is-climate-agreement-trump.html.
  • “Global Carbon Atlas.” Global Carbon Project. 2018. http://

  • “China Steps Up Its Push into Clean Energy.” Bloomberg News. 2018. cles/2018-09-26/china-sets-out-new-clean-energy-goals-penalties- in-revised-plan.

  • Dudley, Dominic. “China Is Set To Become The World’s Re- newable Energy Superpower, According To New Report.” Forbes. 2019. china-renewable-energy-superpower/ – 9eb1cfa745a2

  • Forsythe, Michael. “China Aims to Spend at Least $360 Bil- lion on Renewable Energy by 2020.” The New York Times. https://

  • The energy and pollution practices of the U.S. military have been subject to less scrutiny both domestically and abroad and have not yet risen to the level of urgen- cy of other issues such as sexual assault. However, as environmental and security concerns increasingly over- lap, the international perception of the U.S. as an irre- sponsible actor could have serious implications for the U.S. military, which relies on allies to maintain its glob- al posture. The U.S. military depends on access to the bases and ports of allies, it enjoys flyover privileges, and other preferential treatment. All of this exists because al- lies see the U.S. as aligned with their core interests. In the core powers of Europe, in the Commonwealth coun- tries, in Japan, and elsewhere, social mobilization due to perceived climate change has the potential to create a fundamental misalignment between the U.S. and its key allies.112 The U.S. may find itself more internationally isolated than at any times since its repudiation of the League of Nations.

    Market Responses

    The private sector will play the largest role as it explores ways to respond to society’s evolving need to “protect, retreat [from], or accommodate” activities that cause climate change.113 The market consequences of climate change are complex and ambiguous. Humanitarian and development organizations are also working intensely to build or rebuild markedly more resilient communities with enhanced distributed collective intelligence, de- centralized grid structures and other strategies that may improve overall resilience. In general, however, market consequences of climate change are complex and am- gy-investment.html.

    1. Milman, Oliver. “G20 leaders’ statement on climate change highlights rift with US.” The Guardian. 2017. https://www.theguard- paris-agreement.
  • “Technologies for adaptation to climate change.” United Na- tions Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). 2006: 13. tion_06.pdf.

  • 21

    biguous. Highly entrenched economic interests may distort market signals. Global reductions in demand for hydrocarbons means that gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel should become less expensive. On the other hand, re- duced demand tends to reduce incentives to explore potential oil fields or build new refining facilities. Much of the U.S.’s domestic oil extraction is unprofitable at oil prices below $30 a barrel. Technological advances tend to push this number lower, but exhaustion of oil fields tends to push the number higher. In all scenarios, global declines in oil consumption increase the sensitivity of oil markets to the choices of large consumers like the U.S. DoD.

    Regulatory Responses

    Regulations will play a factor in driving the behavior of both consumers and private sector companies. By establishing standards such as fuel economy, limiting carbon emissions, setting greenhouse gas targets, or providing tax incentives for individuals, the regulatory arm of the government can be a powerful tool over the next 30 years. The United States’ participation in Orga- nization for Economic and Cooperation Development (OECD) will continue to provide opportunities to identify shared values with partner nations and set global tar- gets.

    Regulatory action often flows from collective interest in change. In the case of climate change, many regula- tions may create compliance challenges for the U.S. military. We think it unlikely that the U.S. government would restrict military carbon emissions in combat op- erations, for example. We are less optimistic about the absence of such restrictions on force development. In- deed, we consider it likely that at some point in the next two decades the U.S. government will introduce carbon emissions restrictions that affect non-combat military operations. While the Air Force can quickly increase its reliance on flight simulation, the Army remains wedded to training and practicing in live scenarios. This makes the Army highly susceptible to disruptions in readiness development should the government introduce carbon emissions restrictions.

    Technological Responses

    To mitigate the effects of climate change, government organizations, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector will need to pursue technological en- hancements. These enhancements must be “climate in- formed” so that improvements do not create unintend- ed vulnerabilities.114

    The clearest opportunities for climate-change related in- novation are in clean energy production, transmission, and storage. Each of these areas creates risks and op- portunities for the U.S. military. The automated, A.I.-en- hanced force of the Army’s future is one that runs on electricity, not JP-8. More efficient or resilient production of electricity through micro-nuclear power generation or improved solar arrays can fundamentally alter the mobility and the logistical challenges of a mechanized force. Light, quick-charging batteries (super-capacitors) have tremendous value in such a force; so does the wireless transmission of electrical current.115

    Innovations such as weather control and weather miti- gation techniques may serve to stave-off the worst im- pacts of climate change. For example, researchers are exploring ways to combat the effects of climate change through geoengineering. This controversial program in- volves either “capturing and storing some of the carbon dioxide that has already been emitted so that the atmo- sphere traps less heat or reflects more sunlight away from the earth so there is less heat to start with.”116 Other opportunities for technological change include weather

    1. Hallegatte, Stephane et al. Shock Waves: Managing the Im- pacts of Climate Change on Poverty. 2016. Washington, DC: World Bank.
  • Bakken, Gretchen. The Grid: The Fraying Wires Between Americans and Our Energy Future. New York: Bloomsbury, 2016: 201-207.

  • Fountain, Henry. “Panel Urges Research on Geoengineering as a Tool Against Climate Change.” The New York Times. 2015. research-on-geoengineering-as-a-tool-against-climate-change. html?mcubz=3.

  • 22

    control,117* pollution control, flood management, and agricultural changes.118

    The last area of concern regarding weather threats cen- ters around attribution. The United States defends itself daily from activities of rival nations that fall below the lev- el of war but can still negatively target national security. Nations who feel they cannot compete with the United States directly use these methods to level the playing field. As an example, a 2015 DoD Cybersecurity Culture and Compliance Initiative states that the DoD had been the subject of over 30 million malicious attacks to its network in just the short period from September, 2014 to June, 2015.119 Targeted attacks by hackers or comput- er viruses can leverage naturally occurring events like space weather to disguise their intrusion into U.S. net- works as they create effects that mimic space weather threats. By using space weather events or manufactur- ing events that mimic space weather, adversaries can create a non-attributional attack on vital systems with little concern of detection until it is too late to react.

    One such possible event made international news in the Spring of 2016. Swedish air traffic controllers reported widespread and persistent outages of their aviation ra- dar network over the course of five days in November of 2015. Publicly attributed to a solar event, domestic and international flight operations halted while repair ef- forts searched for the cause of the outage. Anonymous sources pointed towards a more ominous culprit than space weather as further reporting claimed Swedish authorities traced the beginning of the outage to an advanced persistent threat group previously linked to the Russian military intelligence agency, Spetsnaz GRU. The Swedish Civil Aviation Administration later came

      • See Appendix: Weather Control.
    1. “Technologies for adaptation to climate change.” United Na- tions Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). 2006: 13. tion_06.pdf.
  • “Department of Defense Cybersecurity Culture and Compli- ance Initiative.” Office of the Secretary of Defense. 2015. https:// Final.pdf.

  • back with another announcement that this was a nat- urally occurring event and no cause for alarm. Howev- er, rumors persist that the events engineered over the course of a week had little or nothing to do with a space weather event, but more to do with the Russians testing

    out their electronic warfare capability.

    series of geomagnetic storms did occur during this pe- riod does create some doubt as to the validity of the rumors, however, that does not preclude the capability exists. That only Sweden’s radar network felt the effects of the storm lends credence to other explanations.

    While all countries claim a purely scientific interest and capability for experimenting with the natural environ- ment, a prudent strategic leader should look to the du- al-use possibilities of such labors and seek mitigation strategies.

    Challenge 3: The Army and DoD – Organi- zational Confusion and Lack of Account- ability for Climate Change

    No systemic understanding of the wide diversity of climate-change related intelligence.

    The section above on the environmental effects of cli- mate change demonstrates the wide variety of stake- holders who are monitoring climate change-related ef- fects. These include public health organizations such and the W.H.O. and the Centers for Disease Control, energy producers and regulators such as the Feder- al Energy Regulatory Commission, weather observers such as NASA and the NOAA, humanitarian organiza- tions like the World Food Program, national security entities like the U.S. military, and numerous private and public organizations like universities, NGOs, and so on. Climate change is at the center of a complex web of interactions. During this study, we were struck by how much many people knew about parts of the phenome-

    1. Russon, Mary-Ann. “Russia Blamed for Crashing Swedish Air Traffic Control to Test Electronic Warfare Capabilities.” Inter- national Business Times. 2016. sia-blamed-bringing-down-swedish-air-traffic-control-test-electron- ic-warfare-capabilities-1554895.


    The fact that a


    na, but we were also surprised by the lack of a holistic view of the problem, and a sense of how some areas would relate to each other. Climate change is a com- mon cause linking a disparate set of challenges, but we currently have no systemic view to assess and manage risk. In contrast, in China, systems science and engi- neering is considered so important to the future of Chi- na that this is a course of study required for all cadres in the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Party School in Beijing.121 Thanks in part to some spectacular historical failures and collaboration with the University of Hull, the hard systems approaches have been amended to sys- tematically take into account wuli (objective exploration of a problem, facts, futures), shili (mathematical and conceptual models used to organize a system), and renli (human relationships). The application of these ap- proaches at large scale, coupled with intensive urban surveillance, state-influenced social media, and biomet- ric fintech, have the potential to create very significant asymmetries in resilience between the U.S. and China to climate-induced effects and any other type of attack or disaster.

    In the U.S., there are many actions that would be war- ranted by recent past experience to reduce vulnerabil- ities of the Army, the DoD and the nation such that the DoD is mobilized under a State of Emergency. No single approach is likely to be adequate to prepare the U.S. Army and the DoD as a whole for altered conditions that are either in place already or virtually certain to occur at some point in the future. In the past two decades, the DoD has been under increasing pressure from Congress to prepare strategies, plans and capabilities necessary to ensure preparedness for the wide array of potential impacts on weather resulting from climate change. The NDAA for 2018 mandated at least two studies to this effect, one focused on climate per se, and one focused on DoD vulnerabilities to disruption of

    1. Hvistendahl, Mara. “A revered rocket scientist set in motion China’s mass surveillance of its citizens.” Science 359(6381): 1206-1209. 2018. vered-rocket-scientist-set-motion-china-s-mass-surveillance-its-cit- izens.

    the global food system. While there have been signifi- cant interagency investment and collaboration through the past two decades, there is an ongoing need for im- proved interagency collaboration between intelligence, defense, and civilian agencies on climate change data collection, analysis, and forecasting. Where not already routine, the intelligence community’s analyses would be improved by the systematic inclusion, as a matter of course, of closely synched present day and near-term insights from climate projections, modeling, and weath- er data into established products and processes. DoD and natural science agencies would benefit from the additional qualitative and quantitative collection, provid- ed by IC platforms, to improve their own processes and products.

    The lack of organizational accountability in the DoD and the Army

    They say that “what gets measured, gets done.” In large, complex, bureaucracies, getting “new” things done often involves adding structure. Especially in long-es- tablished organizations, the addition of new structures can engender distress by way of competition for fixed resources and local or general cultural opposition, this can create circumstances where new structures be- come disconnected from the normal socialization, in- tegration and resourcing processes. Such challenges can arise no matter how justified or important the “new” effort is. In many cases, new administrative structures, staffing and infrastructure are required. Under any cir- cumstances, “best laid plans,” can become hard to implement across the organization. Climate change presents the Army with a bureaucratically “new” and complex challenge that must be socialized, integrated, and resourced across the enterprise. Climate change is a national security imperative that cuts across the department and has no single organization wholly re- sponsible for addressing it. But the Army and its sister Services are not alone in wondering how to address cli- mate change. Congress’ oversight authority enables it to query the Department of Defense (DOD) about its plans to address the impact of climate change. The 2018 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), di-


    rected the DOD to provide a report on the vulnerabilities to installations and combatant command requirements resulting from climate change over the next 20 years.122 The report is required to list of the ten most vulnerable installations, mitigation and cost strategy, and frequen- cy of humanitarian assistance/disaster relief (HADR) missions.123 The Army will task within its organizations for the answer, but short of the occasional request from Congress, is there any organization within the Army that periodically assesses how it is doing across the enter- prise? Who is deciding what trades to make, where to invest, what to invest in, or what the Army’s priorities should be? The Army is making efforts toward address- ing climate change, but who or what body is defining those priorities?

    From an organizational structure, the Army does not have a good mechanism for holistically assessing and re-assessing the present and future impacts of climate change on the Army, nor is there a systematic mech- anism in place to track present and past impacts on the force. Any new organizing construct within the Army to address the very diverse impacts of climate change across scales and geographies should reflect the Army leadership’s objectives. It should provide vis- ibility across the enterprise about what the Army is do- ing, and the level of readiness or preparedness being resourced. And it should also provide leadership with an understanding of how climate change has and will impact areas such as training, readiness, supply chain, and its future cost implications.

    The Environmentally Oblivious Culture of the Army

    The Army has thrived despite a culture of environmental oblivion that exists within the force. Conditions may no longer favor this tendency. Trends show that the Unit- ed States is becoming more environmentally conscious and that the threat of climate change and our impact on the planet is seen as a threat to our national security by a majority of the population.124

    The Army is not an environmentally friendly organiza- tion. Frankly, it is not designed to be. For good rea- sons, the Army focuses on the most effective means to dominate an enemy on the battlefield. However, in the course of this endeavor, the turbine engines that pow- er helicopters and tanks burn thousands of pounds of JP-8 fuel per hour. Every time one of those turbine en- gines is shut off almost a pint of jet fuel is dumped over- board onto the ground. The munitions used in training rain lead and explosive residue into range complexes across the country. Armored vehicles churn up the soil in maneuver areas and contribute to erosion and sed- iment run off into streams. In myriad offices across the force, thousands of pages of PowerPoint presentations are printed off every day, simply to be thrown away af- ter the briefing. In short, the Army is an environmental disaster. Incidentally, this makes the Army a likely target of social mobilization (see above).

    Given the magnitude and variety of climate change-re- lated challenges, what specific actions can be under- taken by leaders of the U.S. Army today? We now turn to this question.

    1. “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018.” 115th Congress of the United States of America. 2017:169. https://
  • “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018.” 115th Congress of the United States of America. 2017: 169-170. pdf.

  • Saad, Lydia. Gallup, “Global Warming Concern at Three-De- cade High in U.S.” Gallup News. 2017. poll/206030/global-warming-concern-three-decade-high.aspx.

  • 25

    Part 2: Recommendations

    This section describes recommendations for climate change-related actions by the U.S. Army. We summa- rize each recommendation in terms of timing of imple- mentation (Now, 1-5 years, 6-10 years, or beyond 10 years), and we characterize the resourcing require- ments associated with it. “Low” resourcing assumes no substantive additional resources are required to imple- ment the recommendation. “Moderate” resourcing as- sumes that some reprogramming is needed, up to $100 million over a five-year period. “High” means that the recommendation requires substantive appropriations, in excess of $100 million over a five-year period. All re- source projections are estimates.

    Hydration in a Contested Arid Environment

    The U.S. Army is precipitously close to mission failure concerning hydration of the force in a contested arid environment. The experience and best practices of the last 17 years of conflict in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Africa rely heavily on logistics force structures to sup- port the warfighter with water mostly procured through contracted means of bottled water, local wells and Re- verse Osmosis Water Purification Units (ROWPU). The Army must reinvest aggressively in technologies both in-house and commercial off the shelf in the next 5-10 years to keep pace with rising global temperatures, es- pecially those arid areas in or poised for conflict. The Army must seek partnerships with industry, other na- tions, and other militaries currently working on the hy- dration issue.

    The Army must re-examine its planning approach to the hydration issue. The table below comes from the Command and General Staff College Student Text, The- ater Sustainment Battle book. The ability to supply this amount of water in the most demanding environment is costly in money, personnel, infrastructure, and force structure.125 (See Table 2.) The calculations for water (8.34 pounds per gallon) in an arid environment equates to 66 pounds of water per soldier.


    Problem: Hydration Challenges in a Contested Environment

    Recommendation: The Army must develop ad- vanced technologies to capture ambient hu- midity and transition technology from the United States Army Research, Development, and Engi- neering Command (RDECOM) that supports the water sustainment tenants of decentralizing and embedded, harvest water, and recycle and re- use.

    Implementation Timing: 6-10 Years Resource Requirement: Moderate


    1. Johnson, Michael, CPT and LTC Brent Coryell. “Logistics Forecasting and Estimates in the Brigade Combat Team.” 2016. Army Sustainment. PDF/176881.pdf.

    Table 2: Daily water consumption factors in gallons per person126

    bility Needs Assessment Process. The objective is to develop technologies enabling a logistics transforma- tion in the area of water sustainment by reducing the water distribution and storage load. Without technol- ogy advances, water remains 30%-40% of the force sustainment requirement. The reduction encompasses the water storage load on combat platforms, the Sol- dier, tactical systems, and current and future force wa- ter distribution requirements. The Army must develop advanced technologies to capture ambient humidity and transition technology from the United States Army Research, Development, and Engineering Command (RDECOM) that supports the water sustainment ten- ants of decentralizing and embedded, harvest water, and recycle and reuse. This technology enables wa- ter production capability to be embedded in platforms (possibility trailer mounted systems) creating distribut- ed water production that reduces resupply and storage requirements and supports a self-sustainment concept of 3 to 7 days without resupply. The objective is achiev- ing 7 gallons of water produced for every one gallon of fuel used.127

    The U.S. army must take aggressive steps to manage the risk of emerging technologies. As with any emerging technology, there is a risk. There is a risk in the level of investment of both finances and resources. The amount of time given to the research versus the payoff. The haz- ard of hydration is identified and through investment, research and development, and partnerships, controls can be emplaced to mitigate, monitor, and ultimately re- duce the risk.

    The Department of the Army must seek partnerships with foreign regional militaries and organizations who have proven the ability to operate in an arid environ- ment and leverage these techniques and apply them to U.S. military operations. Investments already by the Marine Corps in 2012 proved their worth. The Individual Water Purification System Block II allowed Marines to

    1. Burden, Jr., Charles E. Team Leader for Petroleum, Water and Material Handling Equipment, Combined Arms Support Com- mand. Telephone interview by author, April 10, 2018.


    Temper- ate




    Drinking 1.5 water

    Personal 1.7 hygiene

    Field feed- 2.8 ing

    Heat injury .1 treatment

    3.0 3.0 2.0

    1.7 1.7


    2.8 2.8 2.8

    .2 .2 .1

    Vehicle mainte- nance


    Standard planning factor





    Current planning methodologies remain heavily vested in bottled water meaning a more considerable force is needed to transport it. As of the 2017 Modified Tables of Occupation and Equipment (MTOE), most units retain some level of water storage or transportation based on force structure. This structure makes sense and requires continuation. This structure only works through the sup- plying of potable water by support units or through lo- cally procured methods. Force structure will not fix this problem. Very few Army units have water generation ca- pabilities, and as of 2015, Brigade Combat Teams can no longer organically support their water needs. The additional units needed to support them creates an un- supportable logistical footprint and reduces the speed of the combat units.

    Researchers at Ft. Lee, VA, with the Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM), in the Petroleum and Water Department, believe water generation is one of the leading fields for material approaches in the Capa-

    1. Ibid.


    self-purify water directly from the source. This system reduces weight and logistics supporting an ever-grow- ing expeditionary force.128 In the 2000s in Iraq, over 864,000 bottles of water were consumed each month at one Forward Operating Base (FOB) with that number doubling during hotter months.129 Reducing the depen- dence on bottled water dramatically reduces the num- ber of logistics formations freeing up that force structure for deliberate operations. Further reducing the cost of water was the Army’s expenditures in the past for the Lightweight Water Purifier Units. This system developed in early 2002 by MECO Defense cut the price of a gallon of water from $5.00 to $.07.130

    The Army must look at commercial, off-the-shelf (COTS) technologies to create a more self-sufficient warfighter. One of the most recent developments is in the area of at- mospheric water gathering. Some researchers estimate there may be as much as 13 trillion liters of water in the air. Previous techniques have proven costly to operate regarding fuel. There is a newer device called a water harvester. Using metal-organic frameworks (MOF), sci- entists are creating a reaction to force water vapor in the air to condense producing 3 liters of water for every liter

    Figure 6: Illustration of a micro water collector132

    Ironically, Dr. Jay Dusenberry and his team at the U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research Development & Engi- neering Center (TARDEC), as early as 2003, worked on similar technology.133 His opinion is an approach which focuses on multiple technologies such as small unit purifiers, desalinization, and reverse osmosis to sup- plement an atmospheric water gatherer. This is another capability that allows units to produce their own water. This paired with the water harvesting or mounted on a robot may provide complementary capabilities that would support sustainment for units over a wide range of operational scenarios and environmental conditions. He stresses the goal must be to produce as much water as possible at the point of need.

    The U.S. Army continues to make great strides on ways to reduce its dependency on this time-proven supply

    1. Ibid.
  • Dusenbury, Jay. “Water Treatment and Harvesting Systems.” US Army TARDEC/DARPA. 2003. u2/a461465.pdf.

  • of material used.


    (See Figure 6.)

    1. Browne, Mathuel. “Marines Invest in New System to Pu- rify Water on the Go.” Armed with Science: The Official US De- fense Department Science Blog. 2017. http://science.dodlive. mil/2017/02/01/marines-invest-in-new-system-to-purify-water-on- the-go/.
  • Vitter, Scott and Corey James. “In a Position to Lead: How Military Technology and Innovation Can Ease the World’s Water Challenges.” Earth Magazine. 2017. https://www.earthmagazine. org/article/position-lead-how-military-technology-and-innova- tion-can-ease-worlds-water-challenges.

  • Klie, John and Stephen Rome. “US Army Reduces Water Costs with Mobile Purifier Units.” Water and Waste International. 2005. issue-10/features/us-army-reduces-water-costs-with-mobile-purifi- er-units.html.

  • Service, Robert F. “This new solar-powered device can pull water straight from the desert air.” Science. 2017. http://www. pull-water-straight-desert-air.

  • 28

    process, but current funding priorities potentially will de- rail this effort in the areas of research and development. The technologies are appearing in the private sector which requires assimilation into the military formations. Force structure alone will not solve this problem. Sol- diers operating in contested arid environments with re- duced water sources need the ability to collect water from the atmosphere. Local procurement of water may not be safe or accessible due to conflict. The technolo- gy research being recommended could reduce conflict if placed in these water-challenged areas reducing or eliminating the need for U.S. military presence. The is- sue may well be served by the Cross Functional Teams (CFTs) model to address this dilemma aggressively.

    on research, development and fielding of vehicles and equipment that have a decreased environmental impact and are able to transit the Arctic terrain effectively.

    In terms of resource allocation requirements for the force, implementation for expansion of Arctic capabil- ities and capacity is a low to moderate priority in the near to mid-term. This priority increases to high from the mid to long term horizon. Correspondingly, the resourc- es required for implementation of these recommenda- tions also increase over time. Increased training and doctrine development are simply a reprioritization of existing resources, focused on burgeoning capabilities. In the mid-term, materiel solutions and augmentation of navigation capabilities for the Arctic are moderately resource intensive. Finally, the research, development and fielding of low environmental impact equipment with enhanced Arctic capabilities is very resource inten- sive and will require compromises and a realization of the increased importance of Arctic security.

    The Arctic remains at the forefront of the earth’s climate adaptation and variances in the global climate are most noticeable in the Arctic region. Increased accessibility to the region for economic activity will consequently increase the security requirements and competition in the region. Currently Russia is rapidly expanding their Arctic military capabilities and capacity.134 The U.S. mili- tary must immediately begin expanding its capability to operate in the Artic to defend economic interests and to partner with allies across the region.

    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 2014 report illustrating the Representative Concentra- tion Pathway (RCP) 4.5 model shows the Arctic Region anomalous temperature change through 2050 from +3 up to +6 degrees Celsius, more than any other area on the globe.135 This rapid climate change will continue to

    1. Nudelman, Mike and Bender, Jeremy. “This Map Shows Russia’s Dominant Militarization of the Arctic.” Business Insider. 2015. tion-of-arctic-2015-8.
  • “Fifth Assessment Report – Synthesis Report.” Intergovern- mental Panel on Climate Change. 2015.

  • Problem: Lack of adequate preparation and coherence in doctrine, training, and capabil- ities development to support effective Arctic operations.

    Recommendation: The Army and the Depart- ment of Defense must begin planning and im- plementing changes to training, equipment, doctrine and capabilities in anticipation of an ex- panded role in the Arctic associated with global climate adaptation.

    Implementation Timing: Now to 10+ Years. Resource Requirements: Moderate to High.

    Beginning immediately, the Army should implement Arctic training for a greater number of units to increase potential Arctic force capacity. In addition, the Army must focus on immediate doctrine development that will facilitate operations in remote and extreme environ- ments. In the mid-term, over the five to ten-year span, the Army should focus on materiel solutions to operat- ing in environmental extremes, coupled with execution of more environmentally friendly training practices. To enhance operational effectiveness, DoD must increase GPS satellite distribution to augment Arctic coverage and provide enhanced navigation capabilities through the establishment of eLORAN throughout U.S. and allied Arctic regions. Finally, long term focus must be placed


    result in increased shipping transiting the Arctic,136 pop- ulation shifts to the region and increased competition to extract the vast hydrocarbon resources more readily available as the ice sheets contract.137 These changes will drive an expansion of security efforts from nations across the region as they vie to claim and protect the economic resources of the region.

    In this role, the Army must be trained and equipped to operate across vast distances in extremely remote and inhospitable terrain. Choosing not to prioritize resources to this effort puts the Army at substantial risk. Simply put, the competition for resources in the Arctic will increase security requirements and the potential for conflict. The Army will not be excluded from those requirements or any conflict that develops. The Army will simply be un- prepared for the mission and the environment in which it will occur. This results in a significantly increased risk to mission as well as to personnel and equipment. Further risk is entailed with respect to service competition for re- sources. As Russian activity expands in the Arctic, both the Navy and the Air Force will compete for resources to meet the Russian threat. The Army must compete as well, not only to simply gain resources, but, moreover, to be ready to contribute as a member of the joint force.

    There are three primary timelines associated with these recommendations: near term (immediate to 5 years), mid-term (5-10 years) and long term (beyond 10 years). Generally speaking, the investment associated with im- plementing the recommendation corresponds with the timeline, with more immediate recommendations being less cost intensive than longer term ones.

    The first near term recommendation is to simply in- crease the number of soldiers and units exposed to


    1. Amos, Jonathan. “Arctic Ocean Shipping Routes ‘to Open for Months’.” BBC News. 2016. vironment-37286750.
  • Keil, Katherine. “The Role of Arctic Hydrocarbons for Future Energy Security.” Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainabil-

  • ity. 2014. the-role-of-arctic-hydrocarbons-for-future-energy-security/.

    training in the Arctic environment. The extreme climate and remoteness of the region requires specialized training that is currently available to only a small num- ber of Army soldiers. This expansion in training must be accompanied by development of doctrine that ad- dresses how brigades will fight in remote environments. In a wide area security mission in the Arctic’s vast ex- panse, a brigade will be expected to defend a much wider area, forcing battalions to operate in a more au- tonomous mode, removed from bases of supply and centralized command nodes. Expanding area coverage requirements will drive the development of advanced persistent sensors, both air and ground based, that can operate in extreme climactic environments to enable the brigades and battalions to detect enemies and maneu- ver to counter potential attacks.

    These near-term recommendations do not require a great deal of immediate investment. Primarily, the Army would need to reprioritize training funding to expand throughput and attendance at Arctic training areas. Additional investment would be required for sensor development, but the current capabilities both in the inventory and in commercial applications are not far removed from those the Army will require to meet near- term needs.

    The mid-term recommendations will require close co- ordination between the Army and other elements of the DoD. The first series of recommendations concerns materials engineering solutions to problems associated with current equipment in cold weather environments. For example, the current rotary wing fleet has many re- strictions on cold weather operations concerning bat- tery usage and life as well as requirements for auxiliary power unit (APU) operations and fragility of elastomeric bearings in the tail rotor sections. These restrictions are easily mitigated when conducting operations from con- trolled environment hangars but will severely hamper maneuver operations from austere locations.

    Next, in conjunction with the other services, the Army must expand search and rescue capabilities in the Arc- tic. An increase in population, economic activity and


    unit training will increase requirements for search and rescue assets. Recently the Army has abdicated prima- ry search and rescue responsibilities to the Air Force, as the proponent for combat search and rescue. Howev- er, the Army should expand capabilities and training to minimize response time for contingencies.

    Additionally, in conjunction with the DoD and other ser- vices, the Army must invest in expanding Arctic naviga- tion capabilities. Lack of GPS differential, ionospheric storms and low angle satellite intervisibility combine to reduce the effectiveness of GPS at high latitudes.138 The DoD can mitigate this risk through augmentation of the GPS satellite fleet that will enable greater GPS differen- tial to increase geolocation accuracy. Furthermore, es- tablishment of eLORAN land-based navigation facilities to augment satellite aided navigation will ensure both accuracy and redundancy for operation in remote Arctic areas. Consideration should also be given to the limita- tions of satellite aided communications in the Arctic as any geosynchronous platform will experience the same limitations as the GPS satellites.

    Finally, in the mid-term the Army must focus on reduc- ing the environmental impact of training. The Arctic will remain a delicate environment that the public looks to as “unspoiled” wilderness. Operations that damage or degrade the environment will foster a negative view of the Army and must be mitigated through careful training execution that minimizes the risk of petroleum spills and localizes training impacts to the smallest area possible. There are further recommendations associated with this challenge for long term consideration.

    Taken together, these mid-term recommendations will require moderate investment to bring to fruition. Mate- rial solutions to cold weather operating challenges are available for many of the Army’s current platforms, how- ever those materials will need extensive testing to incor-

    1. “Polar Regions.” The Swedish Club: International Marine In- surance. Accessed April 16, 2018. loss-prevention/trading-area/polar-regions/.

    porate into those platforms. Additionally, it is critical that those material solutions be viable across the spectrum of operational conditions as it is not realistic, for exam- ple, to install different batteries, APUs and bearings for different environments across the rotary wing fleet. Expanded search and rescue capabilities and capac- ity will require investment in both equipment and train- ing. However, the equipment required is available either within other services or is currently in use in commercial applications. The most cost intensive of the mid-term recommendations is augmentation to navigation and communication capabilities. However, these costs can be somewhat mitigated through normal satellite attri- tion and replacement with upgraded capabilities. Ad- ditionally, low earth orbit (LEO) satellite options can be employed that simply augment coverage in the Arctic region. LEO satellites are less expensive to deploy and limited capabilities for a limited coverage area may de- crease per unit costs.

    The final recommendation considers long-term solu- tions to the challenge of increased operations in the Arctic. As previously discussed, the austere and remote nature of the Arctic, as well as the vast area under con- sideration will require units to operate in a much larger area than current doctrine dictates. This will significantly stress the Army’s logistics capability to support those units in an environment with little transportation infra- structure. To mitigate this, the Army must invest in plat- forms that are far more fuel efficient or that operate off of alternative energy sources. A diminishing reliance on hy- drocarbon-based fuels will not only decrease logistical requirements but will also decrease the environmental impact of operations in the Arctic. These developments can put the Army at the forefront of environmental stew- ardship and ensure that the public remains firmly rooted behind the Army’s efforts.

    In conjunction with development of new fuel sources, the Army must explore vehicles more well-suited to Arctic maneuver. Thawing of the permafrost will create large expanses of bogs and marshes across many ar- eas of the Arctic. In addition, though the globe is warm- ing, extreme weather conditions will persist in the Arctic.


    The Army needs to focus on the development of an in- fantry carrier vehicle with low surface pressure to maxi- mize maneuverability in adverse terrain. An amphibious capable vehicle that has high weight distribution char- acteristics across the drive (either wheeled or tracked) contact patches will increase the speed of maneuver necessary for units to conduct wide area security across greater coverage areas.

    These long-term recommendations will require signifi- cant investment to come to fruition. Research and de- velopment of new fuels and a new class of vehicles is a long lead time requirement that the Army must begin investing in now. However, the research into new fuels or energy sources can be shared across the services and is already underway in many cases. Commercial companies are also well invested in these capabilities already. Public demand is driving innovation in this field and will help mitigate costs for the Army in development and fielding.

    that awards the unit that brings in the most waste to

    the recycling facility. This program, however, is a great

    example of one of the obstacles to environmental con-

    sciousness in the Army. In order for a unit to receive an

    annual award that may amount to $500 deposited into

    the unit’s Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) fund,

    every soldier in the unit must make the individual effort

    to identify those items eligible for recycling, separate

    their trash and then dispose of that trash in a special

    receptacle. The unit must then transport that refuse to

    the post recycling facility for credit. This is a classic ex-

    ample of concentrated costs with dispersed benefits,

    as demonstrated in Mancur Olson’s Logic of Collective


    tion, but not to the individual and therefore the individual does not see the direct benefits of his efforts to recycle. Whatever events may be sponsored from the MWR fund would likely occur anyway. The only benefit of the re- cycling award is that potentially the soldier may get an extra hamburger at the MWR picnic. This is not much of an incentive. Creating and promulgating a culture of environmental stewardship throughout an organization as vast and diverse as the Army will take years, and the tide of public opinion shows no signs of slowing.

    The Army’s norms and values must change.141 The Army does not have a set of norms that promotes environ- mental stewardship or leadership where it is in the best interest of the force. To create these, the underlying as- sumptions that focus simply on the ends must change to consider the ways. Edgar Schein maintains that those assumptions are based on deeper dimensions such as

    1. Olson, Mancur. The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and Theory of Groups, 2nd ed. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1971. Olson argued that in a large, or what he called latent, organization, rewards and punishment used to incentivize a greater good must be administered at the private level to incur direct costs or consequences associated with a given behavior.
  • Congleton, Roger D. “The Logic of Collective Action and be- yond.” Public Choice Online 164, no 3-4: 219. 2015. https://search- site=summon.

  • Gerras, Stephan J., Leonard Wong and Charles D. Allen. “Organizational Culture: Applying a Hybrid Model to the U.S. Army.” US Army War College. 2008: 6.

  • The Army has attempted some small-scale efforts at environmental stewardship. At installations across the country there are areas that are off limits to training because some endangered species is resident there. In nearly every office there is a blue recyclables trash can and most installations have a recycle program


    The reward is distributed to the organiza-


    Problem: The Lack of a Culture of Environmen- tal Stewardship

    Recommendation: Army leadership must create a culture of environmental consciousness, stay ahead of societal demands for environmental stewardship and serve as a leader for the na- tion or it risks endangering the broad support it now enjoys. Cultural change is a senior leader responsibility.

    Implementation Timing: Now Resource Requirements: Low


    reality, truth and human activity.142 These are the same challenges echoed in climate change debates today.

    The youth of the military is a powerful potential source of cultural change. If the younger population as a whole is more environmentally conscious in the United States, it stands to reason that the younger members of the military will be as well. However, the military as a highly hierarchical organization is resistant to the adoption of innovative input from lower ranking and younger indi- viduals.

    Army leaders can achieve the necessary cultural change through what Schein calls embedding and reinforcing mechanisms. “Embedding mechanisms emplace the assumptions into an organization,” while “reinforcing mechanisms…support the embedded assumptions.”143 Schein’s first embedding mechanism are those things that leaders pay attention to or measure on a regular basis. If Army leaders, for example, rewarded units with the lowest per soldier energy consumption in the bar- racks, that may create lower energy consumption. To use another embedding mechanism in this example, if the reward was a day room in the barracks outfitted with the latest Xbox or PlayStation, a UHD 70” OLED TV and the fastest Wi-Fi, the soldiers would see the benefit of reduced individual electricity consumption through a reward that they can individually appreciate. Finally, perhaps the most effective embedding mechanism is for Army leaders to put their money where their mouth is. How the Army chooses to allocate future resources will communicate to the soldiers where the real focus lies. Significant increases in the budget for simulations as well as R&D for alternative fuels and energy efficient platforms will help anchor the organizational changes into the long-term culture of the Army.

    To support these embedding mechanisms, Schein sug- gests aligned reinforcing mechanisms, without which “cultural change is much more difficult, if not impossi-

    1. Ibid
  • Gerras, Wong, and Allen, 17.

  • ble”.144 The first of these is a change to organizational design or structure necessary to support the cultural change. An example of this might be to decrease fu- ture investments in logistical support capacity to match decreased support requirements achieved through in- creased fuel efficiency. These investments could then be redirected into developing additional combat capac- ity or capability.

    Another important mechanism is the design of physi- cal spaces and buildings. A focus on energy efficient design and renewable energy sources will reinforce a sense of conservation and efficiency. Couple this tac- tic with formal statements of mission and organization- al philosophy that include references to environmen- tal stewardship posted on the ubiquitous unit bulletin boards will support the foundational assumptions put in place by the embedding mechanisms.

    The Army is at a crossroads. The current administra- tion may have backed out of the Paris Accords, but the majority of the American people believe that climate change is a threat. Steps taken now can put the Army on a path to lead the nation in preparedness and envi- ronmental awareness. At the same time, the Army may come to recognize environmental awareness, not as an add-on, but as a core strategy to ensure the force is leveraging all insights possible for war-fighting and U.S. preparedness. Alternatively, the Army can continue its present trajectories, ignoring the myriad existing and potential threats that result from climate change and environmental concerns more broadly, including alien- ation of youth, allies and voters on whose largesse it depends, hurtling through the night in the belief that it is as unsinkable as the Titanic.


    1. Gerras, Wong, and Allen, 19.

    Problem: Potential disruptions to readiness due to restrictions on fuel use.

    Recommendation: The Army must significantly increase investment in more realistic simulation that incorporates the advances in virtual and augmented reality. It should also continue to in- vest in the development of lower CO2 emissions platforms and systems.

    Implementation Timing: 6-10 years (VR/AR), 10+ years (alternate energy platforms).

    Resource Requirements: Moderate to High.

    The Army must significantly increase investment in more

    realistic simulation that incorporates the advances in

    virtual reality. The current resistance to greater simula-

    tion in training is primarily based on a lack of simulation


    cate the sights, sounds, smells and feel of weapons, platforms and situations is developing rapidly. The Army is at risk of being left behind.

    This change will impact nearly every facet of Army op- erations today. Nothing is likely to fully replace field training in the foreseeable future. However, the Army must invest now in developing future capabilities. The required investments cross the entire range of activities, from administration to training to combat.

    Currently Army investment in virtual training is primarily based on the Virtual Battle Space (VBS) simulation plat- form that most of industry has already abandoned in favor of the Unity platform, “the engine of choice among virtual reality developers”.146 The Army is not investing enough in simulations to be agile and change with the industry, or to command industry trends. The 2018 Na-

    1. “Going Virtual to Prepare for a New Era of Defense.” Govern- ment Business Council. 2014. docs/gbc_rc_going_virtual_final.pdf.
  • Tucker, Patrick. “Better Simulation Could Save the Military Millions.” Defense One Online. 2015. technology/2015/01/better-simulation-could-save-military-mil- lions/104172/.

  • tional Defense Authorization Act authorizes nearly $700 billion in military spending for the year, yet industry ex- pects the entire U.S. military to invest only $48.9 billion in simulations through 2025.147 Greater simulation in- vestment can create overall budget savings. Depending on the airframe, training in flight simulators costs only 5-20% the cost of operating the actual platform.148 Be- yond the environmental impact, increased investment in simulations can result in decreased training costs, lon- ger life for the actual platforms, an increased opportu- nity for training repetitions and improvements in acqui- sition through better environments for prototyping and new platform integration.

    Finally, the Army’s primary platforms, its weapons sys- tems and the vehicles, are not designed for energy and fuel efficiency or to minimize the impact to the environ- ment. Alternative fuel research and new technologies that limit emissions and increase fuel efficiency are ex- pensive. The slow pace of military acquisition ensures that development and integration of these technologies into future platforms will be laborious and incremental. However, if current requirement documents do not re- flect an organizational drive to change the environmen- tal footprint of future systems, the Army will remain de- cades behind the public demands.


    However, the technology to perfectly repli-

    1. “Military Simulation and Virtual Training Market: $15.8B Worth Global Opportunity by 2025.” Cision PR Newswire Online. 2015. ulation-and-virtual-training-market-158b-worth-global-opportuni- ty-by-2025-499209471.html.
  • Going Virtual to Prepare for a New Era of Defense.” Govern- ment Business Council. 2014. docs/gbc_rc_going_virtual_final.pdf.

  • 34


    Problem: Lack of coordination and consolida- tion in climate-change related intelligence.

    Recommendation: Advocate for a comprehen- sive organization, functional manager, technol- ogy, and process review study to identify the current state of intelligence community agencies with regard to climate change, with the goal of formalizing Interagency coordination on Climate Change-related intelligence.

    Implementation Timing: Now Resourcing Requirements: Low

    To support and improve interagency collaboration in the Intelligence Community (IC), the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) should initially assign an office and/or National Intelligence Manager (NIM) with the requisite authority and budget to coordinate and champion climate change endeavors within the IC and greater interagency. This office and/or NIM should man- age a comprehensive organization, functional manag- er, technology, and process review study to identify the current state of IC agencies regarding climate change. Following the completion of the review, an IC-wide Cli- mate Change strategy should be developed.149

    The IC should dedicate collection, targeting, and anal- ysis resources into monitoring global geo-engineering technologies and state-programs. This area of technol- ogy focus and growth is expected to continue globally; this topic, therefore, should be added to the National Intelligence Priorities Framework (NIPF). 150

    1. “Functional Managers.” Office of the Director of National Intel- ligence: Intelligence Community Directive 113. 2009. https://www.
  • “National Intelligence Priorities Framework.” Office of the Director of National Intelligence: Intelligence Community Directive 204. 2015. 204 Na-

  • The IC should partner with allied nations on the collec- tion and analysis of climate-related intelligence. This partnership should be included in existing partner en- gagement programs.

    The National Intelligence Council should lead and en- sure the reoccurring completion of a National Intelli- gence Estimate or akin intelligence assessment for use across the United States and partner governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), industry, and academic institutions. The Defense Intelligence Agen- cy – in coordination with the Department of Defense – should lead and ensure the reoccurring completion of a Defense Intelligence Assessment on climate change drivers that are expected to affect the security environ- ment globally. Both assessments should identify threats and opportunities for the National Security apparatus.

    DoD Combatant Command theater and operational plans could be improved by including climate and re- lated systems which affect the security environment into existing processes like, Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Environment (JIPOE), Infectious Disease Risk As- sessments, and Country Cooperation Plans.151 Inclu- sion of climate change data into existing and comple- mentary intelligence planning processes would improve the Joint Planning Process and meet DoD’s statutory requirements.

    Initial resourcing for IC expansion to include climate change into existing products and processes is expect- ed to be minimal. IC, DoD and natural science agencies are manned to react to burgeoning national security is- sues. Sensor improvement that can better collect on cli- mate change and related driver issues can be included in requirement generation for future programs.

    In terms of a NIM or like office to champion this issue in the IC, the ODNI may need to provide an initial allotment

    tional Intelligence Priorities Framework.pdf.

    1. Defense Intelligence Agency, National Center for Medical Intelligence, “Infectious Disease Risk Assessment Methodology,” in Annex.


    of NIP funds for 2-3 years until programmatic can be determined.

    The National Intelligence Council identified climate change and related drivers of instability were identified as a global trend with implications for the national se- curity environment by 2035.152 The IC and DoD are the responsible government-arms to observe, track, as- sess, and respond to national security threats that are increasingly emanating from climate change drivers.

    While climate change and related drivers are expected to increasing affect and change the global landscape, there is still time. Initial investments in the next 5-10 years will ensure applicable government department and agencies are right fit for the future.

    Secretary of Defense Mattis stated, “I agree that the ef- fects of a changing climate – such as increased mari- time access to the arctic, rising sea levels, desertifica- tion, among others– impact our security situation.“ To respond to these security implications he then indicat- ed, “It is appropriate for the Combatant Commands to incorporate drivers of instability that impact the security environment in their areas into planning.” The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Joseph Dunford, explained military forces may have to be prepositioned globally to respond to natural disasters and other crises that are as a result of climate change. 153

    In June 2016, CIA Director John Brennan spoke at the Council on Foreign Relations, stating, “An Stratospher- ic Aerosol Injection (SAI) program could limit global temperature increases, reducing some risks associat- ed with higher temperatures and providing the world economy additional time to transition from fossil fuels. The process is also relatively inexpensive—the National

    1. “Global Trends, Paradox of Progress.” National Intelligence Council. 2017: 6. Report.pdf.
  • “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 – Sec. 335.” 115th Congress of the United States of America. 2017. pdf.

  • Research Council estimates that a fully deployed SAI program would cost about $10 billion yearly.” 154

    The last two National Defense Authorization Acts and In- telligence Authorization Act noted climate change, food system security and stability, and other related issues that affect the IC and DoD’s missions. These Congres- sional acts require the IC and DoD to study, analyze, and identify where these emerging areas affect their mission areas and the security environment.

    Problem: Lack of Organizational Account- ability for Climate-Change Related Activities

    Recommendation: Re-commit to the Senior En- ergy and Sustainability Council (SESC). Add a resourcing element to the council by providing the USA and VCSA with funding across each POM cycle to support climate-related projects that improve readiness and resiliency of the force.

    Implementation Timing: Now, 1-10 Years

    Resource Requirements: Low, though potential- ly moderate through reprogramming.

    There are a variety of options for rallying an organization around a mission. For enduring issues, the goal should be to institutionalize the thought. In other words, cre- ate a culture where military and civilians regularly con- sider how their mission could be impacted by climate change. The goal for enduring issues should also be to institutionalize the process, so that the mission does not get disconnected from the normal battle rhythm of a bureaucracy. When a disconnection happens, these missions lose visibility, prioritization, and oftentimes, re- sourcing.

    Climate change will present a challenge to the Army and

    1. “Director Brennan Speaks at the Council on Foreign Re- lations.” Central Intelligence Agency – News and Information. 2016. mony/2016-speeches-testimony/director-brennan-speaks-at-the- council-on-foreign-relations.html.


    the DoD for decades to come. With readiness as the number one priority, mitigating the disruption caused by extreme weather activity should be included amongst the Army’s goals. The Army must be able to train, fight, and win across all domains and in all environments. To do this will take a collective effort to ensure a wide range of missions are able to support the needs of the force.

    Considering the challenges presented by climate change, the Army should re-energize the Senior En- ergy and Sustainability Council (SESC) within the next six to twelve months. This cross-functional council can address complex, ambiguous problems routinely and ensure its recommendations are integrated across the organization. As the proponent for SESC, ASA IE&E already collaborates as-needed across the enterprise. SESC Council of Colonels level meetings are held pe- riodically, but this is not a decision-making forum. A quarterly meeting at the General Officer Steering Com- mittee (GOSC) and a semi-annual meeting with the Un- der Secretary of the Army and Vice Chief of Staff of the Army, will signal the importance of the issue, improve its visibility, and provide direction on prioritization of ef- forts. Policy drives resources, and a senior leader-driv- en council can shape how the Army operates in what will become one of the Army’s future challenges. And for the Secretary of the Army and the Chief of Staff of the Army, the SESC will be their center of gravity for “All Things Climate Change.” It will provide them with an organization that will: ensure their priorities are being addressed; oversee what the Army is doing to address climate change; and make strategic decisions about where to invest and take risk.

    The Army should also add a resourcing element to the council by providing the USA and VCSA with funding across each POM cycle to support climate-related projects that improve readiness and resiliency of the force. The SESC could champion innovation by having funds available for organizations to compete to have cli- mate-related projects. With an ability to resource proj- ects, the SESC has the ability to make tangible changes on the ground that affect the force and local communi- ties. Although it is difficult to predict when an extreme

    weather event will occur or how it will affect military op- erations, the Army must leverage the knowledge and resources it has to build resilience across the force. As retired General Martin Dempsey noted, “[w]e need to act based on the information we have, not remain immobile waiting for ‘better options’ to emerge.”155 Se- nior leader involvement will be key in creating a resilient force of the future.

    Problem: Lack of Climate Change-Oriented Campaign Planning and Preparation

    Recommendation: (A) Develop Bangladesh Re- lief Campaign Plan as notional plan for prepar- ing for broader climate change-related require- ments. (B) Work more closely with the CDC to ensure appropriate military support to infectious disease treatment and containment.

    Implementation Timing: Now Resource Requirement: Low

    Bangladesh Crisis Campaign Plan

    Climate change is likely to cause an increase in cata- strophic climatic events. Some of these events, such as tropical cyclones, will have an acute impact on the affected residents of any given region. Others, such as relative sea level rise and increased desertification, will have a more long-lasting effect. Even acute incidents, given an increasing frequency and severity, may have impacts on the population that are more chronic in ef- fect. The result of these events is likely to manifest itself in increased population migration to escape the desta- bilization brought on by climate change.

    The DoD is unlikely to dedicate significant resources to better preparing the force for humanitarian and di- saster response (HADR) missions. However, it should analyze areas where climate change events are likely to exacerbate other political, economic or social issues

    1. Dempsey, Martin and Ori Brafman. Radical Inclusion. USA: Missionday. 2018: 120.


    and where the scale of the potential human migration will tip the balance toward conflict and mass humanitar- ian strife. In other words, those areas where the United States will be compelled to respond. After an analysis to determine those areas at greatest risks, the Army should develop a campaign plan-like approach to mit- igate future risk and to set conditions for a more suc- cessful response, if necessary.

    The U.S. should immediately initiate a campaign plan to mitigate the effects of future crises and set conditions for more effective assistance. We recommend devel- oping a campaign based on the notional scenario of a massive, permanent dislocation of the population of Bangladesh, rated as the planet’s most at risk country from climate change, according to Verisk Maplecroft, a global risk analysis firm.156 Additionally, Germanwatch, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, rates Bangladesh as already the sixth most impacted country from climate events in the last 20 years.157 Other factors also com- bine to create an even greater probability that the Unit- ed States would intervene if a humanitarian disaster struck Bangladesh.

    As discussed above, nearly 160 million people live in Bangladesh, nearly half of them at sea level.158 Sea level rise and alluvial subsidence has resulted in a relative sea level rise for the delta of approximately 1.5 meters since 1960.159 Both Al-Qaeda and affiliates of ISIS are currently active in Bangladesh.160 In summary, 80 million

    1. “Environmental Risk and Climate Change.” Verisk Maplecroft. 2011.
  • Eckstein, David, Vera Kunzel, and Laura Schafer. “Global Climate Risk Index 2018.” Germanwatch: German Federal Min- istry for Economic Cooperation and Development. 2017. https://

  • Greenfieldboyce, Nell. “Study: 634 Million People at Risk from Rising Seas.” National Public Radio. 2007. https://www.npr. org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=9162438.

  • Schmidt, Charles W. “Delta Subsidence: An Imminent Threat to Coastal Populations.” Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 123: 8. 2015.

  • “The World Factbook: Bangladesh.” US Central Intelligence

  • people fleeing an uninhabitable portion of their coun- try in what is already one of the most densely popu- lated countries on earth will have nowhere to go. Ban- gladesh’s neighbor, India, is a nuclear armed country persistently in conflict with Pakistan and with which the United States is trying to forge stronger ties to counter Chinese regional influence. These factors will drive U.S. involvement in any crisis.

    This approach is not resource intensive but will signifi- cantly reduce mission risk. The military, in conjunction with interagency partners such as the State Department and USAID, should immediately establish liaison teams to work closely with the Bangladeshis to understand their plan to deal with internal migration and the resourc- es they have available. After this analysis the U.S. can offer assistance to strengthen the resilience of govern- ment agencies and provide training for the Bangladeshi military. The Army Corps of Engineers, in conjunction with multi-national partners, can assist the Bangladesh- is in determining what effective steps to take that can slow the effects of relative sea level rise. Through the State Department the U.S. should work with the Indian Government to establish a crisis response team with Bangladesh to help ensure mass migration does not result in conflict. Humanitarian relief supplies should be prepositioned at Diego Garcia to speed the response effort. In addition to interagency efforts, the U.S. should reach out to multi-national partners to determine what kind of coalition can be built to respond to the region, preventing the inefficient and piecemeal collaboration of an ad hoc coalition.

    This is just a short list of the many steps the U.S. can take in an area where future intervention is highly like- ly. Through analysis, the U.S. can determine where, globally, campaign plans should be instituted so that the response efforts are less the execution of a hastily assembled contingency plan and more the sequenced execution of a resourced and ready plan.

    Agency. 2018. factbook/geos/bg.html.


    Infectious Disease Treatment and Containment Support

    The research in this report indicates a greater likelihood for outbreaks of vector borne infectious diseases world- wide, including in the United States. The Intergovern- mental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) research us- ing Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) 4.5 data (the midrange prediction of climate change used throughout this report) predicts areas in the Southeast- ern U.S. will see an increase in precipitation of .5-.8 mm/ day and an increase in average annual temperatures of 1-3 degrees Celsius by 2050.161 This change will likely allow the proliferation of disease vectors (such as mos- quitoes and ticks) over a wider area than they currently inhabit and limit Winter kills of the vectors, resulting in a larger population to spread any diseases. This phe- nomenon is likely to increase the incidence of diseases such as Zika, West Nile Virus, Lyme disease and many others, some of which may be previously unseen in the U.S. As the largest source of potential capacity and ca- pability to respond to widespread disease outbreaks in the United States, the military should be prepared to execute defense support to civil authority (DSCA) mis- sions of this type.

    The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, Geor- gia undoubtedly has robust and detailed plans for wide- spread disease response. The Army, through the DoD, must liaise closely with the CDC and the IC to determine the validity of the plans and the expectations of the mil- itary in assisting in the response. Response to disease outbreaks generally follows two tracks, containment and treatment. From a military standpoint, containment of the disease resembles wide area security operations, and treatment is a robust logistics effort. The Army ex- cels at these tasks.

    To ensure proactive response, the active force, in sup- port of Reserve Component units, should predetermine locations for key logistics nodes throughout the areas

    1. “Climate Change 2014 Synthesis Report.” International Panel on Climate Change. 2015.

    most at risk. These nodes will requires APODs, rail links and robust highway systems to speed the deployment of equipment and materials. Appropriate medical facil- ities should be identified capable of providing patient isolation and those areas lacking that capability must be identified. Army assets can fill those capability gaps in more remote areas.

    Climate change is introducing an increased risk of in- fectious disease to the U.S. population. It is increasing- ly not a matter of “if” but of when there will be a large outbreak. The U.S. Army will be called upon to assist in much the same way it was called upon in other disas- ters. Detailed coordination with local, state and federal agencies in the most high risk regions will hasten re- sponse time and minimize risk to mission.


    Problem: Power Grid Vulnerabilities

    Recommendation: A. An inter-agency approach, coupled with collaboration of the commercial sector, should catalogue the liabilities across the electrical grid and prioritize budget requests for infrastructure improvements. B. The DoD should pursue options to reverse infrastructure degra- dation around military installations, including funding internal power generation such as solar/ battery farms and small-nuclear reactors.

    Implementation Timing: Now (A); 6-10, 10+ Years (B)

    Resource Requirement: Low (A); High (B)

    The susceptibilities of the power grid to climate effects should drive the DoD to pursue options to reverse in- frastructure degradation around military installations and ensure that cutting edge strategies for decentral- ized power generation and storage are employed. Con- tracts with utilities, including rural electric cooperatives now thought to be especially vulnerable, should con- tain requirements that mandate tougher cyber security


    protocols to limit damage done by the intensive cyber assaults the grid is currently sustaining, and ideally, to preclude further attack to the US electrical grid. This could reduce exposure to fluctuations in the survivabil- ity of military capability.162 The ability to enable safety protocols like Faraday cages would prevent a massive grid failure in the event of a cascading grid collapse al- lowing for a logical and orderly redistribution of critical power where needed. The development of new options for replacing crucial extra high voltage large power transformers damaged by age and overload will remain essential due to year-long lead times for construction and production of this unique equipment existing out- side the country. Additional infrastructure challenges lie in the lack of heavy lift capacity, bridges, and roadways needed to transport these transformers, given each

    weighing between 200 and 300 tons.

    ment of a domestic production capability for these large transformers or innovative new, lighter technologies for replacing those systems remain a significant barrier to recovery from a widespread power outage. Distributed technologies that are hardened to cyber-attack, such as solar installations, may reduce several major classes of vulnerability simultaneously.

    One option that has met with success stems from the Smart Power Infrastructure Demonstration for Ener- gy Reliability and Security (SPIDERS) Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (JCTD). The purpose of the test was to improve cyber security around installations, bolster survivability during a blackout using a microgrid and smart grid technology demo and share that knowl- edge with the non-military services infrastructure sup- porting the test locations. Successful test results hold promise for investment on military installations across

    1. Mehta, Aaron. “Pentagon Weighs New Requirements to Secure Military’s Vulnerable Power Grid. “ Defense News Online. 2017. gon-weighs-new-requirements-to-secure-militarys-vulnerable-pow- er-grid/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_cam- paign=EBB 11.30.17&utm_term=Editorial – Early Bird Brief.
  • Koppel, Ted. Lights Out: A Cyberattack, a Nation Unprepared, Surviving the Aftermath. New York, NY: Crown Publishers, 2015: 95-100.

  • the DoD, as well as sharing with vital services supplying the military and the community. Adoption of this concept generates the possibly for integration of renewable, like micro-nuclear reactors, and other distributed energy generation concepts to increase endurance during a natural or man-made widespread outage of the pow- er grid.164 Addition of a SPIDERS infrastructure extends beyond military installations and local communities as cyber security improvements could also lead to protec- tion of uplink and downlink stations thus improving resil- ience of space borne assets from infection.

    The results of the SPIDERS JCTD highlight the impor- tance of infrastructure investment and decisions at DoD facilities while reducing the unacceptably high risk of an extended outage of the power grid. The original SPI- DERS initiative launched under the co-sponsorship of the DoD, Department of Energy (DOE), and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and demonstrated the sur- vivability of an installation protected by a cyber secure micro-grid, smart grid technologies and investment in infrastructure modifications. The SPIDERS technology delivered capabilities tied to power generation reliability, installation and cyber security, reduction of energy costs while being cost effective, and minimizing environmen- tal impacts, all goals the DoD seeks to achieve.165

    The Joint Staff can further signal their support to Con- gress by addressing this need through use of the Joint Risk Assessment Framework to develop a prioritized list of critical DoD infrastructure necessary to defend the homeland and execute Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan-directed contingency operations. Upon completion of this list and with SPIDERS funding approval, each af- fected Service can execute necessary activities to hard- en their networks, infrastructure, and power generation capabilities thus protecting military installations from cy- ber, physical, or coordinated attacks; electromagnetic

    1. “Technology Transition Final Public Report: Smart Power Infrastructure Demonstration for Energy Reliability and Security (SPIDERS).” Naval Facilities Engineering Command. 2015. https://
  • Ibid.

  • 163

    The develop-


    pulse attacks; space weather; and other natural events.

    The SPIDERS implementation across the Services promises to lessen the impacts of a U.S. power grid loss while hardening cyber protections to critical re- sponse capabilities. The NORTHCOM and PACOM Combatant Commands, Congress, and the Services’ working together in support of this critical initiative en- able a change in prioritization of infrastructure security, often overlooked, within the defense budget. The cost is such that, with the proper advocacy, a key vulnerability to the homeland defense mission becomes manage- able and the Department of Defense priority of protect- ing the homeland is realized.

    well as increases to the overall average water tempera- ture used to cool nuclear reactors. This plan should include projections of fiscal resources and military tri- tium requirements needed to maintain and modernize the U.S. nuclear stockpile. It should also include U.S. government requirements for use of helium-3, a decay product of tritium used primarily for neutron detection when searching for special nuclear material (SNM) and

    enforcing nuclear non-proliferation agreements.

    Currently, the Department of Energy conducts tritium production using 2 to 4 commercial nuclear pressur- ized water reactors (PWRs) run by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA).167 This commercial capability currently meets the U.S. stockpile tritium production capability; however, due to the overall age of the U.S. nuclear pow- er industry, future PWRs may not be available to contin- ue tritium production.168 The loss of tritium production directly reduces the effectiveness of the U.S. nuclear stockpile by reducing or hindering the overall yield pro- duced by the nuclear warheads. Without an effective U.S. nuclear stockpile, the U.S. cannot deter peer nu- clear competitors and rogue nuclear states increasing the risk to all-out war against the United States.169

    Directly tied to tritium production is the future of the nu- clear power industry. It is filled with an aging fleet of re- actors built in the late 1960s and 1970s. Most receive a commercial license by the Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion (NRC) to operate on average 30 years, but many have or are seeking extensions to increase the opera- tions out to 40 and 50 years.170 The age of the industry

    1. Special Nuclear Material (SNM) refers to fissile nuclear ma- terial such as uranium 235 or plutonium 239 that is used as fuel in nuclear weapons.
  • NNSA Expanding Tritium Production at TVA Reactors. Vol. 245 Access Intelligence, LLC, 2010.

  • Horner, Daniel, “GAO Finds Problems in Tritium Production.” Arms Control Association. 2010. act/2010_11/GAOTritium.

  • Schelling, Thomas C. Arms and Influence. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966: 22-23.

  • Lester, Richard K. “A Roadmap for U.S. Nuclear Energy Inno- vation.” Issues in Science and Technology 32, no. 2:45-54. 2016.

  • 166

    Problem: Climate Change and Threats to Nuclear Weapons Infrastructure

    Recommendation: The U.S. Department of De- fense, in combination with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) should develop a long term 15 to 20 year tritium production plan that accounts for advances in nuclear technology and the pos- sibility of rising climate induced water levels as well as increases to the overall average water temperature used to cool nuclear reactors. This plan should include projections of fiscal resourc- es and military tritium requirements needed to maintain and modernize the U.S. nuclear stock- pile. It should also include U.S. government re- quirements for use of helium-3, a decay product of tritium used primarily for neutron detection when searching for special nuclear material (SNM) and enforcing nuclear non-proliferation agreements.

    Implementation Timing: Now to 10+ Years Resource Requirement: High

    The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) in combination with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) should de- velop a long term 15 to 20-year tritium production plan that accounts for advances in nuclear technology and the possibility of rising climate induced water levels as


    and the lack of new reactors coming on-line creates a significant risk to both the environment and the mainte- nance of the U.S. nuclear stockpile. “The highest priority of nuclear innovation policy should be to promote the availability of an advanced nuclear power system 15 to 20 years from now”.171

    Nuclear reactors produce far less atmospheric pollution than fossil fuels and radioactive waste can be minimized and managed accordingly. Reducing carbon monoxide emissions in the near future must include a replacement of the underlying nuclear power production capability in this country. Increasing the underlying U.S. baseline nu- clear power generation capability from a mere 20% (and declining) to more than 80% (to cover the 60% coal pro- duction capability that currently exists) can significantly reduce greenhouse gases.172 The government will need to lead this expansion which goes against the fossil fuel business paradigms that have existed for more than 100 years. Any nuclear industry expansion must include a long term review of tritium production requirements and analyze how the government will maintain its re- quired tritium production capability.

    The production of tritium directly effects the production of helium-3. Tritium has a half-life of 12.3 years. This means that if you have 10 liters of tritium, 12.3 years later you will only have 5 liters. Every time you hit a half- life milestone (every 12.3 years) the volume of tritium available drops in half. After about 7 half-lives, tritium has decayed away to trace amounts. This affects the amount of tritium needed in our existing nuclear stock- pile and will not decrease over the next 50 to 75 years.

    An added benefit to tritium decay is the production of helium-3. This direct byproduct currently supports the non-proliferation efforts of nuclear inspectors conduct- ing treaty verification, Special Forces conducting crit- ical lost or stolen SNM search missions, and the U.S.

    1. Lester, 48.
  • Lester, 50.

  • Army’s Chemical, Nuclear, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Response forces conducting troop health and safety sweeps at suspect nuclear and industrial facili- ties or identifying the detection of SNM at suspect nu- clear weapon production facilities. The Defense Threat Reduction Agency currently has research efforts look- ing at replacing helium-3 as a detection gas since its availability in the future may come into question. The risk to these programs remains high over the next 5 to 7 years until newer viable research methods reveal stable and reliable neutron detection methods for use by the Army’s Special Forces and CBRN response forces in the field. The long-term outcome for neutron detection capability remains low due to these new technologies.

    Any expansion of nuclear power should also take into account the stability of tritium production to maintain U.S. national security through a strong nuclear deter- rence. The DoD, especially the Army, must consider the consequences if the U.S. nuclear stockpile can no lon- ger maintain its effectiveness. Without an effective stra- tegic nuclear deterrent, the risk of conventional conflict will increase.

    The strategic nuclear force is the backbone of U.S. na- tional defense. This is the last-ditch defensive capability designed to keep rational peer adversaries out of the U.S. homeland and out of direct conflict with U.S. military forces. Any erosion of this force or its value in present or future conflict mandates the need to identify alternative deterrence mechanisms at scale. The Army will need to compensate with adding more soldiers or robotic capabilities because countries may try to engage the U.S. more frequently in sub-kinetic or hybrid compelling and coercive actions to halt or dissuade U.S. foreign and national security policy motives around the world. The force may falter under the diversity of threats, with the potential for increased local escalation as a result of other peer competitors. A strong Army must compen- sate for such actions since it will be called on to hold ground, interact with populations (civilian and military), and advance and take positions to shut down enemy actions. The loss of an effective nuclear capability could overtask the U.S. Army and possibly bankrupt the coun-


    try in an attempt to maintain U.S. post-Cold War hege- mony.

    The Army should support the DoD efforts to maintain and replace tritium production levels, especially in any future climate efforts that may change the availability of nuclear power generation in the commercial sector that ultimately effects the effectiveness of the nuclear stock- pile.

    The Army can achieve this through the Nuclear Weap- on Council (a joint DoD and DOE senior decision com- mittee focused on nuclear weapon matters) under the Nuclear Weapon Council Standing and Safety Commit- tee (NWCSSC) (See Title 10 of U.S. Code section 179 for summary of the NWC).173 Currently, the Army has a position on the NWCSSC to help review safety, military requirements, and future needs of the nuclear stockpile. The NWCSSC sends its recommendations to the NWC for approval. The Army should maintain an active role on the committee and start pushing for development of a long term 15 to 20 year plan for maintaining tritium production requirements. The Army should consider the consequences to the size and technological makeup of its forces if tritium production changes and reduc- es overall nuclear stockpile effectiveness. The United States government’s ability to deter and dissuade must remain a number one priority in order for the U.S. to continue to push and achieve its national objectives of peace, prosperity, and open market competition for the benefit of the American people.174 Without a credible strategic nuclear force, the Army and the DoD risks fu- ture long term conflicts requiring extensive resources in manpower and equipment.

    1. “10 U.S. Code § 179 – Nuclear Weapons Council.” Legal Information Institute, Cornell Law School. No date.
  • Mattis, Jim. “Secretary’s Preface,” in Nuclear Posture Review. US Department of Defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense. 2018: I-III. 1/1/2018-NUCLEAR-POSTURE-REVIEW-FINAL-REPORT.PDF.

  • Large-scale Army deployments overseas require ac- cess to ports in the continental United States. While rising seas are a near-term concern for some ports and shipyards, our research indicated that the major trans-shipping areas used by the U.S. Army are insen- sitive to the mid-range predictions for sea-level rise and would remain accessible to the Army in those scenarios.


    Problem: Port Access Challenges Due to Rising Seas

    Recommendation: No action – Continue to Monitor.



    The implications of significant, global, regional and local change produced by a general warming of the Earth’s climate are far too extensive to be addressed by this study. Therefore, the guiding principle of this study was to explore diverse areas of importance for the Army that are or will be likely affected by climate change and to develop reasonable, useful recommendations in con- nection with those areas. A larger and perhaps even more urgent lesson from this study is the importance of developing regular administrative and institutional structures and processes that allow the Army and the DoD to detect, evaluate, respond and regularly review the implications of systemic risk relevant to the Army’s missions and preparedness. Large scale threats like cli- mate change and mass migrations are systemic risks, with emergent features not captured by the simple sum- mation of threat-by-threat-by-threat assessments. The Army must find governance mechanisms that generate greater flexibility, without risk of compromise to the in- tegrity of the force, to deal with the various significant stresses on the Army inherent to a warming climate. These stresses are occurring for military and civilian institutions alike against the backdrop of exponential changes in technology, human population, resource consumption, urbanization, sea level rise, etc.

    It is useful to remind ourselves regularly of the capac- ity of human beings to persist in stupid beliefs in the face of significant, contradictory evidence.175 Mitigation of new large-scale stresses requires a commitment to learning, systematically, about what is happening.

    On 22 June, 1941, the Third Reich launched Operation Barbarossa, a massive invasion of the Soviet Union.

    1. This section adapted from Hill, Andrew: “Red Beard, Black Swan: Recognizing the Unexpected.” US Army War College, War Room. 2017. swan_red_beard/.

    The assault, named after the red-bearded (“barba ros- sa” in Italian) German crusader and emperor Frederick I, involved over 3.5 million Axis troops, killed millions, and almost destroyed the Soviet Union. Although the attack is sometimes called a “surprise,” this is mislead- ing. It is more accurate to say that Barbarossa surprised the one person who could not afford to be: Josef Stalin. How could a military operation involving about 150 divi- sions have found its political target so unprepared?

    Life is full of the unexpected, or the overlooked obvious. The term “black swan event” describes surprises of an especially momentous and nasty type. Popularized by the mathematician Nicholas Nassim Taleb in his 2007 book of the same title, Taleb argued that black swan events have three characteristics: “rarity, extreme im- pact, and retrospective (though not prospective) pre- dictability.”176 In recent years, the concept of black swan events has gained currency in political, military, and fi- nancial contexts.

    The black swan has a venerable history as an illustra- tion of the ancient epistemological problem of induction: simply stated, no number of observations of a given re- lationship are sufficient to prove that a different relation- ship cannot occur. No amount of white swan sightings can guarantee that a different color swan is not out there waiting to be seen. The discovery of black swans by European explorers in Australia has proven too tempt- ing to ignore as a powerful metaphor for the problem of induction.

    However, in emphasizing the importance of anticipa- tion, Taleb’s concept of the black swan ignores key facts about history and how it is understood by those who live it. Two characteristics of the strategic environ- ment epitomize this problem.

    1. Taleb, Nicholas Nassim. The Black Swan: The Impact of Highly Improbable Fragility. New York: Random House, 2007: xxii.


    First, the list of things that can happen but have not happened yet is long. It is, in fact, infinitely long. For each thing that exists (e.g., cats) we can come up with more variations that do not, to our knowledge, exist (fly- ing cats, cats with gills, six-legged cats, and so on). It is fun to think about all the cataclysmic, history-alter- ing events that might happen, but thinking about those things in a way that appropriately organizes them and informs strategy is extremely hard. That said, tech- niques used in Systems Thinking, when applied to this concern, often reveal relatively obvious blind spots that obscure even high impact, high likelihood events. The Chinese focus on building universities, programs and initiatives focused on Systems Thinking over the past 20 years, and the inclusion of this curriculum in the training cadets destined to lead China in the future should be notable, as it is may be the basis of large asymmetries with broad implications for the U.S. Army, the U.S. IC, the DoD, and allies.

    Second, events that present as tremendous shocks have often taken months, years, or even longer periods to emerge. In the time between weak signals of change and the onset of a deeper crisis, there are often op- portunities to prepare and adapt. These opportunities may be much more readily apparent if important “emer- gent properties” of major concern to the force, espe- cially those resulting in threat that is orthogonal to force strength, are systematically characterized.

    The real challenge with black swan events is not accu- rate anticipation, but timely recognition. While it can be useful to imagine what might happen, we should focus more on recognizing what is happening as quickly as possible and limiting the damage through timely learn- ing.

    The black plague took half a decade to advance from Sicily to the Baltic states. More recently, the 2008 finan- cial crisis is already remembered as a “shock” event

    that surprised global finance.177,178 However, the truth is more nuanced, and depressing. Notable observers of the system (including Dr. Taleb) recognized serious problems long before the fall of Lehman Brothers in September, 2008 (and the onset of a full-blown banking crisis).179,180 Yet this was mostly recognition, not predic- tion. The clearest early signal of big trouble in the mort- gage market came in the March-April, 2007 collapse of New Century Financial, an originator of risky mortgag- es, almost a year and a half before Lehman’s end, and a year before Bear Stearns was rolled up.181,182 What happened in the meantime? In All the Devils Are Here, Bethany McLean and Joe Nocera describe two embat- tled Bear Stearns asset managers who provide a micro- cosm of the wishful thinking that made the crisis much worse than it needed to be. In the face of mounting ev- idence that their investment strategy is failing, “the two men simply couldn’t bring themselves to believe that the picture was as dire as the model suggested.”183

    When the facts do not match our strong theories for how the world works, we prefer to change the facts. How can we more quickly recognize the unexpected for what it really is?

    1. Srivastava, Spriha. “On this day 8 years ago, Lehman Broth- ers collapsed: Have we learned anything?” CNBC. 2016. http:// ers-collapsed-have-we-learned-anything.html
  • “Crash course: The origins of the financial crisis.” The Economist. 2013. brief/21584534-effects-financial-crisis-are-still-being-felt-five-years- article.

  • Cox, Jeff. “Best and worst predictions of the past 25 years.” CNBC. 2014. predictions-of-the-past-25-years.html.

  • “The collapse of Lehman Brothers.” The Telegraph. Ac- cessed August 29, 2018. cialcrisis/6173145/The-collapse-of-Lehman-Brothers.html.

  • “New Century files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.” CNN Money. 2007. century_bankruptcy/.

  • “Bearing all: The fall of Bear Stearns.” The Economist. 2009.

  • MacLean, Bethany and Joe Nocera. All the Devils Are Here: The Hidden History of the Financial Crisis. New York: Penguin, 2011.

  • 45

    In Frank Tashlin’s classic children’s book, The Bear That Wasn’t, a bear awakes from hibernation and, exiting his cave, finds himself in a huge factory that has been built over his forest home. Encountering a foreman, the bear is told to get back to work, to which the bear replies, “I don’t work here. I’m a bear.” Incredulous, the foreman says, “You’re not a bear. You are just a silly man who needs a shave and wears a fur coat.”

    Aside from its entertainment value, the Bear that Wasn’t provides a humorous example of a profound philosophical problem: When the facts do not match our strong theories for how the world works, we prefer to change the facts. How can we more quickly recog- nize the unexpected for what it really is? The foreman (along with various executives that the bear meets) has a simple belief: No bears are in factories.

    If we have a theory of factories that says (among other things), “No bears are in factories,” the theory is based on our experiences observing who is in a factory (i.e., human workers). It is an inductive theory: every obser- vation to date has been of human workers. We could not arrive at such a theory independent of our accumu- lated experience. In addition, the more workers we see, the more certain we become (in terms of probability) that all workers are human (and none are bears), but we will never, ever observe every possibility.

    Although we should not make the unjustified leap from making a probabilistic statement based on induction to a universal statement based on deduction, we often do it anyway. Our beliefs then shape how we treat the evi- dence. For example, prior to seeing a non-white swan, we develop the following syllogism:

    1. Major Premise: All swans are white.
  • Minor Premise: That bird is a swan.

  • Conclusion: That bird is white.

  • When we see a black swan, if we are unemotion- al, Spock-like empiricists, we will immediately recognize that “if swan, then white” is false. That is, we will know that our conclusion, “that bird is white,” is false based

    on observation that the bird is black and a swan. Find- ing ourselves in a situation in which we believe that our premises are true but our conclusion is false, and there- fore not entailed by the premises, we will conclude that our major premise must not be true, and therefore reject it.

    Here is where human experience departs from the clean abstractions of logic. We are not Spock. We have emo- tional attachments to our beliefs. This is as true of atti- tudes towards a changing climate as it was of attitudes towards the financial crisis.

    Three maxims can help us avoid dangerous failures of recognition, and speed learning when unexpected things happen.

    1. Everything we believe about the world is pro- visional – “serving for the time being.” Adding the words “so far” to assertions about reality reminds us of this.
  • Unjustified certainty is very costly. The greater your certainty that you are right when you are wrong, the longer it will take you to recognize and incorporate new data into your system of belief, and to change your mind. General Doug- las MacArthur was a confident man, and this confidence usually served him well, such as when he undertook the risky landings at Incheon in the Korean War. Yet MacArthur’s confidence betrayed him when China entered the war. He was certain that this would not happen, and MacArthur’s certainty delayed his recognition of a key change, exposing forces under his com- mand to terrible risk. Confidence in your beliefs is valuable only insofar as it results in different choices (e.g., I choose A or B). Beyond that point, confidence has increasing costs.

  • Pay special attention to data that is unlikely in light of your current beliefs; it has much more information per unit, all else equal. In this sense, information content is measured as the potential to change how you think about the world. Infor-

  • 46

    mation that is probable in light of your beliefs will have minimal effects on your understand- ing. Improbable information, if incorporated, will change it.

    It is doubtless correct that many awful things that have not happened before will yet happen. Foresight regard- ing such events would be nice. It would be nicer still if we could recognize more quickly what is happening right in front of us. That is the right starting point for thinking strategically about the warming climate.


    Appendix: Weather Control

    Weather control is a fascinating and worrying potential technology. If used in with intentionally nefarious intent, its effects could be catastrophic. It is not exactly climate change in the sense that we define it here, but it brings many of the problems of climate change, with the pros- pect of these problems arising at the time and place of an adversary’s choosing.

    Naturally occurring terrestrial and space weather events constitute only one set of challenges to national securi- ty. The concept of weaponizing the natural environment is nothing new. Congressional testimony dating back to the early 1950s recommends approval of research and development funding for weather modification exper- imentation. This in response to concerns Russia was beating us in learning how to control the weather and the potential threat that posed to the United States.184 The United States has already demonstrated the po- tential to modify the weather in support of combat op- erations through its efforts in Vietnam. United States’ cloudseeding techniques used aircraft to disperse lead iodide into the atmosphere above portions of Southeast Asia to create a super-saturated environment during the Vietnamese monsoon season. The increased precipita- tion produced significant degradation of Vietnamese lo- gistic capabilities as vehicles, carts, and men remained bogged down on certain roadways and paths soaked by nearly continuous rainfall.185

    Much like the United States, potential rivals already pos-

    1. “Prohibiting Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Tech- niques,” in Multinational Corporations and United States Foreign Policy: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Multinational Corpo- rations of the Committee on Foreign Relations, vol. 3, parts 15-17: 36-37. U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations: 94th Cong., 2nd sess. 1976.
  • “Weather Modification.” U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment of the Committee on Foreign Relations, 93rd Cong., 2nd sess., March 20, 1974:88-93. https://

  • sess the capability to artificially manufacture effects that manipulate the terrestrial and space weather environ- ment. An example is the superheating of the ionosphere through directed-energy generation. This capability has the potential to disrupt communications, limit capabili- ties of missile defense or other monitoring radars, and contaminate the ionosphere to such a degree as to pre- vent use of U.S. space or missile defense systems. Nor- mally these ionospheric scintillation experiments, like those performed at the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in Alaska, are benign in na- ture and used for purely scientific research purposes. However, the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) original- ly developed, designed and operated HAARP as a joint project to perform experiments that manipulate and po- tentially control the ionosphere to enhance Department of Defense (DoD) command, control and communica- tions capabilities. Experiments ranged from extremely low-frequency waves for submarine communications to over-the-horizon-radar enhancement and even super scintillation events to disrupt or disable space assets in low Earth orbit. The HAARP program transferred to the University of Alaska for educational research after the DoD successfully accomplished their original exper- imental goals and determined to cut costs by terminat-

    ing the experiments and HAARP facility.


    However, the United States is not the sole possessor of a HAARP-like capability. Partner nations, such as Japan and Norway, operate their own antenna farms, as do Russia and China.187 The use of ionospheric sounders operated by the Air Force make it possible to monitor

    1. National Research Council. Opportunities for High-Power, High-Frequency Transmitters to Advance Ionospheric/Thermospher- ic Research: Report of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. 2014: 1,3.
  • National Research Council, 18-19.

  • 48

    when manipulations of the ionosphere occur, so it would be difficult to heat the ionosphere without anyone’s knowledge. However, the current distribution of these ionospheric sounders leaves large gaps in coverage exposing them to possible exploitation by an adversary.

    Still another artificially induced weather effect manifests through the use of a nuclear detonation to induce an artificial radiation belt. The consequences of such an event would produce significant and far-reaching im- pacts to U.S. national security. First, the electromagnet- ic pulse generated during the initial explosion mimics the disastrous costs produced by a Coronal Mass Ejec- tion (CME) induced geomagnetic storm. The United States would witness widespread power grid outages, loss of communication and navigation capabilities, plus long-term modification to the space environment. Dam- age to space assets in various satellite orbits would vary depending on detonation altitude and a loss of asset capability expected. These concerns do not spring from speculation. On July 9, 1962, the United States explod- ed the STARFISH PRIME nuclear device in the low Earth orbit at around 400 kilometers. Only 24 satellites were in orbit during the time of this test and subsequent tests that followed, but eight satellites suffered immediate damage during the tests while still others demonstrated shortened life spans from the artificially induced radia- tion belts. This nuclear testing also impacted communi- cations and changed the space operating environment for decades to follow.188

    A similar detonation in today’s congested space envi- ronment promises significantly worse outcomes. Ac- cording to the Union of Concerned Scientists website, the space environment hosts over 1,738 known satellites as of August, 2017. No country has more to lose than the United States if a space-based nuclear detonation occurred. Leading all nations at 803 satellites, the Unit- ed States has over 476 commercial, 150 governmental (with an additional 159 military), and 18 civil satellites

    1. Conrad, Edward E. et al. “Collateral Damage to Satellites from an EMP Attack.” Defense Threat Reduction Agency. 2010: 11- 15.

    on orbit at various altitudes above the Earth.189 While

    other nations would feel the effects of such an event,

    they are less likely to feel the level of national security

    implications when compared to the United States. Con-

    cerns over North Korean intentions during recent tests

    of their growing nuclear capability raise this to a very

    real threat. There is evidence that North Korea reached

    back to the early experiments of the United States and

    the Soviet Union during the late 50s and early 60s to

    gain insights on their own nuclear program. An atmo-

    spheric or space-based test of a North Korean nuclear

    weapon, designed to demonstrate national power or

    will on the international stage, would generate substan-

    tial disadvantages to U.S. national security as losses of

    space capability occur across a wide range of possible


    Numerous additional examples exist that demonstrate the ability to manipulate the natural environment as an instrument of national power. Commonly referred to as Geoengineering, it is defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as “a broad set of methods and technologies that aim to deliberately alter the cli- mate system to alleviate impacts of climate change.”191 However, many of the geoengineering experiments currently underway to combat climate change possess the dual-use potential for weaponization of the natural environment. A report on Chinese efforts in the arena of solar geoengineering call for a variety of terrestrial or space-based options to combat CO2 concentrations. The various methods discussed could change the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of the Earth’s climate system. While some of these options

    1. “UCS Satellite Database.” Union of Concerned Scientists. 2017. satellite-database.
  • Sanger, David E. and William J. Broad. “Prospect of Atmo- spheric Nuclear Test by North Korea Raises Specter of Danger.” The New York Times. 2017. world/asia/north-korea-atmospheric-nuclear-test-risks.html.

  • “Climate Change 2014 Synthesis Report: Summary for Policy Makers.” Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 2014:89. NAL_SPM.pdf.

  • 190


    may reduce greenhouse gas concentrations, they may also potentially create negative effects to an environ- ment where one did not exist previously.192

    A report examining the United States’ history in geoen- gineering reveals very similar possibilities. A National Center for Atmospheric Research, and Environmental Studies Program explored U.S. weather modification exertions back to 1947 and found a reactionary, check- ered past. In developing science and technology op- tions, along with the accompanying legislation, weather modification ran the gamut of beneficial and detrimen- tal outcomes across society. The study recommends any plans using geoengineering in climate change mitigation would benefit from a guiding framework of rules and regulations. It further endorses the establish- ment of a centralizing U.S. federal weather modification governing body to provide proper stewardship of the environment during any experimental development or actual implementation.193 Anything less could lead to a broad range of potential environmental, technical, polit- ical, and ethical issues.

    These very concerns culminated in the United Nations General Assembly holding the Convention on the Pro- hibition of Military or any Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) of 1976. The EN- MOD Convention was the tool used to capture the spirit of international disarmament law explicitly envisioned to keep the manipulation of the environment out of the armed conflict arsenal. An additional protocol added a further ban on the use of methods and means of war- fare that purposefully and excessively damage the en- vironment. The overall language bans the hostile use of the natural environment to wage war and went into force as of October, 1978. The United States, along with 77 other nations, have ratified the treaty and agreed to live

    by its restrictions.

    the future would carry with it an almost certain interna- tional condemnation for any nation willing to undertake the effort. If someone could prove who did it.

    1. Cao, Long, Chao-Chao Gao and Li-Yun Zhao. “Geo- engineering: Basic Science and Ongoing Research Efforts in China.” Advances in Climate Change Research, vol 6: 188- 196. 2015. S1674927815000829.
  • Hauser, Rachel. “Using Twentieth-Century U.S. Weather Mod- ification Policy to Gain Insight into Global

  • Climate Remediation Governance Issues.” Weather, Climate and Society, vol. 5: 180-191. 2013. pdf/10.1175/WCAS-D-11-00011.1.

    1. “1976 Convention on the Prohibition of Military or any Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques.” In- ternational Committee of the Red Cross, Advisory Service on International Humanitarian Law. 2003. document/1976-convention-prohibition-military-or-any-hos- tile-use-environmental-modification.


    A decision to weaponize weather in


    “Three Little Maids” From “Brainwashing-School” … Are We! +++MUST READ !+++

    This article is a backup from:

    Original article

    Backup 2

    by Patrick OCarroll

    November 16, 2018 06:07 EDT

    Angela Merkel, Theresa May, and Dalia Grybauskaitė - Then & Now
    Angela Merkel, Theresa May, and Dalia Grybauskaitė – Then & Now
    “Three Little Maids”
    From “Brainwashing-School” … Are We!
    Patrick Ocarroll
    The reason the truth sounds strange is because the licensed monopoly-media no longer carry the truth, thus vastly increasing its scarcity value. The licensed monopoly-media have become self-parodying and self-ridiculing outlets, at least when you consider the likes of Faux News, CIA Network News (CNN) or the Beast’s Brainwashing Corporation (BBC). Their motto remains “Last Week’s News Tomorrow”, and we have evidence galore of their one key maxim;
    “If It Were True, Then Why On Earth Would We Need To Keep Repeating It?”.
    Naïve people who still believe in Santa Claus may well tell you that “democracy” exists and that each electorate gets to “elect” its future “leader”.
    But here is the strange truth.
    By pure “coincidence”, the following photograph was taken at the Tavistock Institute around 1970 and shows the following trio in their teens as fellow members of the very same class in brainwashing-school for the London-NY-Axis (the English monarchy, the City of London, Wall Street and the House of Rothschild):
    Angela Merkel (now Chancellor of Germany),
    Theresa May (now Prime Minister of Britain), and
    Dalia Grybauskaite (now president of Lithuania
    Related Links:
    See also:
    This latter photograph gives us yet more confirmation that, already around 1970, all the following things were widely known in top circles across the world, because they had already been decided by the London-NY-Axis (the English monarchy, the City of London, Wall Street and the House of Rothschild):
    1. The staged “cold war” was run centrally from London and, all along, both so-called “superpowers” were under the thumb of the London-NY-Axis (the primary control mechanism of course being world Freemasonry; see also Roland Perry’s 1994 book “The Fifth Man” which exposed Victor Rothschild as the fifth member of the notorious Cambridge “spy”-ring and showed clearly how, all along, the Rothschilds were running both sides of the staged “cold war”, a “war” staged purely for big profit and brainwashing by means of the oldest trick in the book, the Hegelian Dialectic, and a “war” that made them a huge fortune; see also Father Malachi Martin’s final fact-based novel “Windswept House” depicting Freemasonry and the Church’s enemies ultimately having to please a mysterious, shadowy figure known only as “Capstone”);
    2. The London-NY-Axis had already decided the break-up of the “soviet” “union” and, along with it, the reestablishment of the three Baltic states Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia which had previously been “soviet” “republics” run from Moscow;
    3. The staged “cold war” was to be brought to a close with the reunification of Germany whose future “leader” was to be Helmut Kohl’s East-German protégé within the CDU called Angela Merkel, who had also worked in East Germany for the London-NY-Axis agency called the Stasi (“StaatsSicherheit”), itself based on and very similar in nature to the Tavistock Institute, a brainwashing and torture camp. By pure “coincidence”, when Putin was in Germany, he was Merkel’s KGB officer in Operation Luch (also called Operation Beam, Gruppe Strahl, Gruppe Lutsch). Both Kohl and Merkel were awarded the Kalergi Prize in gratitude for their contributions toward genociding the White-European-Christian population. So far, the Kalergi Prize has been awarded to the following recipients for the same effort: Raymond Barre (FR, 1978), Konstantinos Tsatsos (GR, 1980), Rudolf Kirchschläger (AT, 1982), Sandro Pertini (IT, 1984), King Juan Carlos (ES, 1986), Franz-Josef Strauss (DE, 1988), Helmut Kohl (DE, 1990), Ronald Reagan (US, 1992), Otto von Habsburg (AT, 1994), Alois Mock (AT, 1994), Lennart Meri (EE, 1996), Emil Constantinescu (RO, 1998), Yehudi Menuhin (GB/US, 2000, posthumously), Franjo Komarica (BA, 2002), Ibrahim Rugova (AL, 2004), Vaira Vike-Freiberga (LV, 2006), Wladyslaw Bartoszewski (PL, 2008), Angela Merkel (DE, 2010), Herman van Rompuy (BE, 2012), Jean-Claude Juncker (LU, 2014) and Kenneth Clarke (GB, 2016);
    4. The “soviet” “union” and East Germany were vassal states of the London-NY-Axis and in particular of the House of Rothschild, so in the late-1960s it was simple for the Rothschilds to command East German Angela Merkel and Lithuanian Dalia Grybauskaite over to Britain for their brainwashing at Tavistock (which is today centered at the University of Sussex in Brighton on the south coast of England). Anyone who believed in “defection” by “dissidents” was in fact believing in fairy-stories, possibly written by the likes of MI6-agents John Le Carré or Ian Fleming who were both Freemasons. London’s Fabian Society had a permanent desk in the Kremlin to provide financing and “advice” to communist Russia throughout its world-altering career. Chatham House (RIIA) still owns and controls the real government of Russia, the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO); it founded it on 14 Oct 1944 as its Russian affiliate. The MGIMO is the Russian equivalent of the CFR in Harold Pratt House, NYC, and these are the agencies through which the London-NY-Axis controls Russia and the US respectively by wholly bypassing the showbiz puppeticians. In late 1991, the UN assumed communist Russia’s former role in spreading soviet-totalitarianism to all countries in the world for the UN’s owners (of course the London-NY-Axis);
    5. New Soviet Europe (misleadingly titled the European “Union”) would become stronger and would even get to absorb former “soviet” republics, such as in this case Lithuania. Today, New Soviet Europe generates over 100 million euros per day in salaries and expenses for its carnival of powerless puppeticians while it serves as the template for the totalitarian “new world order” under the London-NY-Axis. A puppetician is about as relevant to the direction of his country as a logo is to the direction of a car (a “Stern” for a Mercedes, a “Stuttgarter Rössle” for a Porsche, and “Vier Ringe” for an Audi etc.; nice figureheads, but no relevance whatsoever to direction). Puppeticians are interchangeable dummies, who read dummy-boards, and only pretend to represent the public, the only tie between the two being the fact that the public are unfairly compelled to finance every puppetician’s ride on the gravy train;
    6. Women were to play an increasingly important role in future politics and in the future workplace, with the vast majority of women “leaders” born after 1950, as in these three cases, and with these three women “leaders” later installed by the London-NY-Axis into top roles of world politics. All three of these “leaders” later took major replacement-migration steps to create the single race of “Egyptoids” explicitly demanded by the Kalergi Plan, which was secretly adopted in the 1950s by Western regions especially New Soviet Europe (misleadingly titled the European “Union”) and North America. The Kalergi Plan is the London-NY-Axis plan to destroy forever the White-European-Christian population, which it perceived as the biggest obstacle to its totalitarian “new world order”, in the interests of leaving only an Ashkenazi power-elite (by pure “coincidence”, the English monarchy is, by now, most likely over 95 percent Ashkenazi);
    7. Tavistock-brainwashed “leaders” will always get the top jobs, especially those “leaders” brainwashed by Tavistock from a very young age (as in these three cases). Today, Angela Merkel is nicknamed “Merkel-Ferkel” for her porcine features, Theresa May is nicknamed “the fish-eyed zombie-corpse” while Dalia Grybauskaite is nicknamed “the ironing lady of the Baltic”. So, at some stage, voters always grow very weary of their Tavistock-brainwashed or Rothschild-installed “leaders” who, by pure “coincidence”, only ever seem to “say the right thing” before they get “elected” (in reality of course preselected by the London-NY-Axis, then to follow London-NY-Axis orders forever more thereafter). The victims of these three women “leaders” will generally invert the soviet-sloganeering rallying-cry prescribed by Tavistock with the following contradiction: it is now finally time for women to GIVE BACK their power;
    8. MI5-insider Greg Hallett is most likely bang-on correct in his MI5 research and revelations that London-NY-Axis Agent Adolf Hitler (a rabid Zionist) was brainwashed by Tavistock-predecessor Wellington House in 1912-13, as Adolf’s sister-in-law Bridget Dowling also confirmed in her autobiography (she married Adolf’s older half-brother Alois when he was a kitchen-porter at Dublin’s ritzy Shelbourne Hotel). From within London’s Luciferian-Freemasonic lodge QUATUOR CORONATI (“Crowned Quartet”), the London-NY-Axis created the NSDAP as its very own controlled-opposition agency. Keeping it simple, Wellington House most likely said: “Call them something like ‘the Nasties’ and give them feces-colored uniforms!”. Monarch Edward VII, the House of Rothschild and the top-brass of British politics at the time all belonged to the QUATUOR CORONATI lodge. The NSDAP was never required to sign the deed of surrender ending WW2 because it was on the winning side. The onerous task of surrendering was left to the three arms of the German military (none had NSDAP members); the Deutsche WehrMacht, the Deutsche KriegsMarine and the Deutsche LuftWaffe. It is very likely that Edward VII (which started planning WW1 and WW2 around 1870, as shown masterfully by Webster Tarpley) knew Adolf personally or at least knew of him, especially given the evidence that Zionist Adolf was himself a Rothschild, with Zionist Edward VII very likely a Rothschild too, on top of all that. Around 1970, Zionist Adolf had only recently croaked in his late 70s in San Carlos de Bariloche Argentina where he lived out the freedom granted him in gratitude for having smashed Germany on behalf of the London-NY-Axis, by making hundreds of deliberate military blunders. Note too: WW1 and WW2 were fought not for “freedom” or “democracy” but to establish the totalitarian “new world order” under the London-NY-Axis (the English monarchy, the City of London, Wall Street and the House of Rothschild). All that hot air about “freedom” or “democracy” was merely, as usual, deception to get men to give their lives willingly and to commit genocide (for instance as members of the Brutish Air Force) for a cause completely different from the one for which they were told they were fighting;
    9. The BrExodus-Theater may well have been planned in advance for the following three purposes:
    1. To oust David Cameron (himself a “bâtard” (blood-relative of the English monarch) whose recent ancestors controlled HSBC and laundered all monies from the genocidal opium-trade for the English monarchy, just as HSBC continues to do to this day for the same English monarchy and from the very same genocidal opium-trade, with the true purpose of the Afghan War primarily to wrest control over Afghanistan’s opium crop from the Taliban (a name that in Pashto simply means “students”, because the Taliban were students passionate about wiping out corruption in their country and about reducing that poppy crop);
    2. To install Tavistock-brainwashed Theresa May whose task it was to prevent BrExodus from happening properly, or else to force an “à-la-carte BrExodus” in accordance with the precise wishes of the London-NY-Axis (which is the real owner and controller of both Britain and the EU), meaning in particular that the sovereign tax-free offshore entity called the City of London must remain in place;
    3. To ensure that the City of London would remain a sovereign tax-free offshore entity untouched by Brussels regulators and that Britain would keep financing the EU, which all along was a project launched by the London-NY-Axis (the original founders of the EU having all been financed or bribed directly by the House of Rothschild which always wanted, and still wants, the EU to serve as an embryo for the soviet-totalitarian “new world order” still today being constructed by the London-NY-Axis as its most favored mode of socialism to control for it all the world’s human livestock (peasants, serfs and plebeians).
    4. It must be borne in mind that, in the twentieth century, international-socialism (communism), national-socialism and welfare-socialism were all launched by the London-NY-Axis as experimental forms of socialism, and that it studied their progress and results and then cherry-picked the best parts from each to construct its “now-finalized” system). From its experiments in communist Russia, the main thing the London-NY-Axis learned was that any multilingual or multicultural super-state, such as the future political bloc it was planning for Western Europe, would have to be constructed as a centralist tyranny run by a centralist bureaucracy.
    5. And that is precisely why Brussels in 2018 is much more a replica of Moscow in 1958 than anyone would care to admit. Also, by pure “coincidence”, the sovereign tax-free offshore status of the City of London is never even mentioned by the West’s Rothschild-controlled licensed monopoly-media nor even mentioned, let alone complained about, by any other EU member-states because it is totally anathema, or one of the top taboo-topics in the world, and because all major world “leaders” are in fact puppeticians owned and controlled by the London-NY-Axis. If the City of London were counted in Britain’s GDP, Britain would be unmasked as a much larger and more powerful economy, which is also why the pound currency GBP was never really in danger. But the London-NY-Axis does not want City-of-London profits being shared out among Britain’s human livestock, so Britain’s real and massive GDP remains one of its best-kept secrets. On the other hand, the London-NY-Axis does want Britain’s human livestock to continue paying lavishly into the financial black-hole that is New Soviet Europe (misleadingly titled the European “Union”).
    The British “conservative” and “labor” “parties” are wholly owned and controlled by the House of Rothschild and their “leaders” have always been chosen directly by the House of Rothschild. Since the 1960s, the “leader” of the British “conservative” “party” has always been chosen personally by Serena Dunn Rothschild, who is the owner and chief financier of the British “conservative” “party” and the wife of Jacob Rothschild. Jacob Rothschild is the de-facto owner and controller of New Soviet Europe (misleadingly titled the European “Union”) and, when he finally kicks the bucket, he is set to be succeeded in his role as Supreme-Fearless-Leader of New Soviet Europe by his imbecilic son Nathaniel Rothschild, who currently lives in Klosters-Switzerland. The only puppeticians of New Soviet Europe (misleadingly titled the European “Union”) who have any decision-making power whatsoever are the commissars of “the Eurovision Politburo” who get appointed and commanded directly by Jacob Rothschild. The politburo bears the title of “the Eurovision Commission” to accentuate its flavor as a supreme-soviet. The job of the totally powerless “Eurovision Parliament” is to just robo-sign any laws handed down to it by Jacob Rothschild and to then draw its enormous expenses and throw wild “parties”. Even a different “leader” of the British “conservative” “party”, such as controlled-opposition clown Boris Johnson (yet another member of the notorious Bullingdon Club), would again have to be chosen personally by Serena Dunn Rothschild, who would then simply demand that the new “leader” just continue following Rothschild orders. To spell this out for the hard of understanding: Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss; And Meet The New World Order, Same As The Old World Order …
    By pure “coincidence”, none of the West’s Rothschild-controlled licensed monopoly-media (including the wholly Rothschild-owned center-“right” Telegraph of London and the wholly Rothschild-owned center-“left” Economist of London) ever even mention the fact that the House of Rothschild is the owner of both the British “conservative” “party” and of the EU, or the fact that, from the very start, the whole BrExodus-Theater could only ever have been a Punch & Judy Show in which both sides were always controlled directly by the House of Rothschild.
    It is likely that the House of Rothschild launched the BrExodus-Theater partly as a business venture in which it could make a mint off financial markets, e.g. through currency futures. The BrExodus-Theater is most likely being set up to deliberately fail so that each and every member-state (soviet republic really) of the EU gets a live-real-time demonstration that even “The Most Reluctant European In History” (Britain) cannot properly leave the EU; so therefore Portugal, Italy, Greece or Spain, and anyone else who may have such “pretensions”, will IMMEDIATELY have to FORGET FOR EVER any ideas they may have had about leaving New Soviet Europe (misleadingly titled the European “Union”). The very best policy may well have been never to join in the first place, as Switzerland chose (or was allowed, or designed, by the Rothschilds to choose) and as Serbia now looks like choosing.
    If the BrExodus-Theater comes to a crashing halt, then New Soviet Europe will effectively thenceforth have a check-out policy akin to that of Hotel California (which is spelled out as You Can Check Out Any Time You Like, But You Can Never Leave, followed by demonic guitar-solos by Joe Walsh and Don Felder). And this Hotel California Check-Out Policy will also apply forever to any members of the other London-NY-Axis “trading” blocs (political blocs really) being constructed today in accordance with the plans made as early as the 1850s by London-NY-Axis agent Karl Marx, who worked in London-England directly for the House of Rothschild; Marx having planned the three major blocs Europe (now the EU), North America (now NAFTA) and Asia-Pacific (now PARTA) for the Rothschilds that got adopted in the 1850s as London-NY-Axis policy for its soviet-totalitarian “new world order” because the London-NY-Axis viewed soviet-totalitarianism as being the very best way to control the human livestock by what has been labeled “a more scientific form of slavery” in countless hundreds of books over the decades by dozens of the authors themselves of the London-NY-Axis Agenda.




    Socialism always meant the scientific control of the body-social by experts for the power-elite-owners of the “human herd”; no more, no less. That is what socialism always meant and that is what socialism will always mean. Socialism never had anything to do with “helping” the poor, just as it never did yet “help” them. In fact, socialism, eugenics and human-farming are all the very same thing, or else branches of the same thing. Humanism is hardly better, with many “humanists” counted among the biggest genociders.
    The authors of the London-NY-Axis Agenda include, among others, Luciferian eugenicists HG Wells, Bertrand Russell, Aldous Huxley, Julian Huxley, Thomas Henry Huxley, Cecil Rhodes, Lionel Curtis, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Heinz-Alfred Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Maurice Strong, Charles Darwin, Francis Galton, Charles Galton-Darwin, John-Stuart Mill, Kurt Lewin, Winston Churchill, Mikhail Gorbachev, John Holdren, Rudyard Kipling, Arthur C Clarke, George-Bernard Shaw, Edward Bernays, Walter Lippmann, Jacques Attali, Arnold-Joseph Toynbee, José-Manuel Durão-Barroso, Arthur Koestler, Aleister Crowley, Alfred Pike, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Eric Pianka, Jonas Salk, José Delgado, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, Alan Guttmacher, David Suzuki, Jacques Cousteau, Ray Kurzweil, Alice Bailey, Peter Singer, Alan Gregg, and Robert Mueller.
    Even more notorious and historic members were Ioseb Dzhugashvili (nickname “Stalin”), Vladimir Ulyanov (nickname “Lenin”), Lev Bronstein (nickname “Trotsky”), Mao Zedong (financed into power by the London-NY-Axis and installed by the Freemasonic lodge Skull & Bones via its subgroup Yale In China, to which Mao Zedong belonged before he went on to genocide 100 million Chinese (some say 200 million) for the London-NY-Axis), and of course vaccine-genocider Bill Gates. The entire London-NY-Axis Agenda can be found in black and white in their documents and books, and it is amplified all over the web.
    George Orwell was a top-MI5-insider who knew the soviet or international-socialist agenda of the London-NY-Axis and tried to warn his readers about it in his great masterpiece 1984, probably the single greatest political (not really literature) novel of the twentieth century. Orwell’s “Outer Party” is today the combo of London’s Chatham House (RIIA) and New York’s CFR; his “Inner Party” nowadays comprises several secretive, often unnamed, groupings centered on the dark-occult All Souls College Oxford and the murky depths of Freemasonry.
    In his poorly-written 1966 classic Tragedy And Hope, the official historian to New York’s CFR, Professor Carroll Quigley, confirmed that, since around 1890, no major “leaders” in the world were ever permitted to become “leaders” unless they were first approved for the London-NY-Axis by the combo of London’s Chatham House (RIIA) and New York’s CFR (or predecessor clubs bearing names like the Milner Group). Hence, the above photograph, from around 1970, of three future “leaders” in world politics comes as absolutely no surprise to anyone who simply invested some time in reading the London-NY-Axis Agenda by the aforementioned authors, an agenda which remains very much “hidden in plain sight”, meaning it is still very widely available for full perusal across the internet and in most libraries.
    Luciferians must ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS adhere to the legalism whereby they must leave the truth in plain sight so as to give fair notice to the souls their “prince” intends to reap.
    Otherwise their “prince” Lucifer would have very little legal basis on which to claim those souls when the time finally arrived.
    Old arguments include “I Did Not Know” orI Was Only Doing My Job”, but Lucifer knows these well and is a very skillful, slick and urbane DA who is highly proficient, deft and astute at arguing his case in Court, a case he is very-well-versed in preparing and advancing.
    And although Jesus says He does not condemn, He also makes clear that the Law does condemn.
    How do we know for sure that Freemasonry is Luciferian?
    Because the writings of the all-time, top-three “officially-approved” writers on Freemasonry (Albert Pike, Manly-Palmer Hall, Albert Mackey) all made this admission and expounded in detail on how the Freemasonic godhead is in fact Lucifer.
    And to make matters even worse, this is further aggravated by the fact that the English monarch is the worldwide patron of Freemasonry. Since 1517, between 470 and 620 million human beings and counting have been genocided in the name of the English monarch.
    The London-NY-Axis may well be something akin to a Babylonian Death Cult that has been ruling the world for at least 200 years, maybe even longer.
    So now we know or now we have yet more proof of all this, the last few slow-coaches in the audience (the slowest 10 percent perhaps), who still believed that “democracy” was something real, will be obliged to revise opinions and defect to reality. “Voting” and “democracy” only ever constituted a Freemasonic ruse for providing the illusion of “choice” or “debate” while the same old London-NY-Axis agenda was being implemented anyway. “Voting” and “democracy” also constitute a Freemasonic legalism whereby a voter is deemed to give his legal consent to the evil the Freemasonic puppetician requesting that authority intends to do in his name or in the name of his country. That is also why, during its staged “cold war”, the London-NY-Axis required that “voting” and “democracy” be taken just as seriously in its vassal states to the “east” as they were to be taken in its vassal states to the “west”. It even decreed that several vassal states in the “east”, such as East Germany or Vietnam, must explicitly bear the word “democratic” in their titles. So too, for example, Freemasons consider a vote for a Freemason as implicit legal consent to the evil that Freemason intends to commit in the voter’s name (and that is exactly the legal reason why Freemasons always praise “voting” and “democracy” as if it were the bee’s knees, the fox’s socks and the cat’s pajamas all rolled into one; because they think that, in this way, they can take more souls with them when they go down, or at least that is the reasoning or “warped logic” they are applying for their “prince” Lucifer in this context).
    Despite now knowing that their “leaders” are in fact appointed, some exceedingly slow people will nonetheless choose to continue believing that “democracy” and Santa Claus are both just as fine as they are genuine.
    Recently, Maggie Rose McGrath interviewed Vinny Eastwood of Auckland-NZ and asked him the inept or perhaps quite silly question “Is New Zealand controlled by the English monarch?” to which Vinny’s quick, accurate and apt reply was “Well, we all are, Love!”; truth in simplicity. Vinny calls his show “The Lighter Side of Genocide”.
    And today, the next generation of world-soviet puppeticians is being brainwashed by the London-NY-Axis at its brainwashing and torture camp Tavistock. And it is this next generation of puppeticians that will probably oversee the final completion of the totalitarian “new world order” under the London-NY-Axis (unless the people of the world finally wake up, despite the odds of that happening currently remaining frighteningly low, probably less than 5 percent; as they just slumber on, munch on, amble on …).
    Of course, wise people realized decades or centuries ago that all future “leaders” in the world are preselected by the London-NY-Axis (the English monarchy, the City of London, Wall Street and the House of Rothschild) and that “democracy” was only ever a Freemasonic ruse whereby the blame gets shared with the populace for the evil that Freemasons intended to do in the name of that populace.
    A prime example of this blame-sharing ruse was the Second Gulf War, which the London-NY-Axis launched in March 2003 and in which the responsibility for the genocide got shared down to the populaces that voted into power (and paid taxes without protest to) those Freemasons who had planned it. Planning in earnest for the second gulf war began in 1996 from within the Freemasonic super-lodge HATHOR PENTALPHA.
    Luciferian Tony Blair, of the Freemasonic super-lodge HATHOR PENTALPHA, is often regarded as a one-man-band-act who dragged Britain into Gulf War 2003. But nothing could be further from the truth. Behind the scenes, the Freemasonic super-lodge HATHOR PENTALPHA was calling all the shots and Blair was only acting out his part [source: “Massoni; The Discovery of the Ur-Lodges” (2014), by Gioele Magaldi, grandmaster of the Freemasonic lodge Grand Orient of Italy].
    Notable members of the Freemasonic super-lodge HATHOR PENTALPHA include:
    1. Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani (IR), president;
    2. Ariel Sharon (IL), military general, prime-minister;
    3. Bill Bennett (CA), provincial puppetician, insider-trader;
    4. Condoleezza Rice (US), national security advisor;
    5. David Klein (IL), central-bankster;
    6. Donald Kagan (US), neoconservative, historian at Yale University (nicknamed Skull & Bones University);
    7. Douglas Feith (IL), neoconservative defense advisor, senior fellow at the Hudson Institute;
    8. Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Eje’i (IR), cabinet-minister, chief justice;
    9. GW Bush (US), president, member of Skull & Bones, genocider, Freemasonic dark-occult byname or cryptonym Temporary, alleged grandson of Aleister Crowley (the dark-occult byname of Crowley’s alleged daughter Barbara Bush was Enforcer);
    10. Heydar Moslehi (IR), cleric, cabinet-minister;
    11. Jan Peter Balkenende (NL), prime-minister;
    12. Joe Käser (DE), CEO of Siemens AG (the vehicle used to bribe German foreign-minister Joschka Fischer into two foreign wars by offering him 200 million euros in “consultancy” fees despite the fact that Fischer, who left school around 16, had no skills as a “consultant” besides deceit, choosing statesmanlike suits or tying his own shoelaces; today, Fischer has a net-worth of around 150 million euros for the genocide);
    13. Karl Rove (US), neoconservative, senior advisor, deputy chief of staff in the GW Bush regime;
    14. Klaus Kleinfeld (DE), CEO of Alcoa, former CEO of Siemens AG (vehicle used to bribe German foreign-minister Joschka Fischer into two foreign wars, hundreds of millions of euros for Joschka’s genociding);
    15. Mahmoud Alavi (IR), cleric, cabinet-minister;
    16. Michael Ledeen (US), neoconservative foreign-policy “analyst”;
    17. Moshe Ya’alon (IL), defense-minister, chief of general staff of Israel Defense Forces;
    18. Nicolas Sarkozy (FR), president, genocider;
    19. Osama bin-Laden (SA), “leader” of the terror organization Al-Qaeda which was launched and sponsored directly by the London-NY-Axis and by the wholly-Rothschild-owned vassal state of Israel;
    20. Peter Mandelson (GB), cabinet-minister, “trade” commissar for New Soviet Europe;
    21. Qaboos bin-Saïd (OM), sultan;
    22. Richard Perle (IL), neoconservative political “advisor”, member of PNAC, genocider, member of WINEP, member of CSP, member of the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research;
    23. Robert Zoellick (IL), MD of Goldman Sachs, president of the World Bank;
    24. Samuel Phillips Huntington (US), political scientist, senior member of the Trilateral Commission, author of the notorious doctrine “The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order” as the ideological manifesto for Freemasonry in the twenty-first century;
    25. Tamim bin-Hamad al-Thani (QA), emir;
    26. Tony Blair (GB), prime-minister, genocider;
    27. Valiollah Seif (IR), central-bankster;
    28. William Kristol (US), neoconservative political analyst and co-founder of PNAC, genocider.
    Perhaps some might assume that the presence of five Iranians on the list was the real reason why the London-NY-Axis never attacked Iran … yet.
    In September 2000, PNAC called for a “New Pearl Harbor Event” to shock the USA into multiple Middle-East wars which Freemasonic super-lodge HATHOR PENTALPHA was at the very same time planning in detail. Richard Perle and William Kristol acted as liaisons between PNAC and HATHOR PENTALPHA. By pure “coincidence”, PNAC had its wish granted by the “bad fairy” when the London-NY-Axis launched its 11 Sep 2001 attacks and its war of terror (WW3 really) on the very first day of 6001 Anno Lucis by the Sirius-based Freemasonic calendar (in honor of the Freemasonic “New Seventh Millennium”). Anno Lucis means the year of Freemasonic “prince” Lucifer. In London, HATHOR PENTALPHA trained so-called transition-teams for each target-country on the PNAC list of seven countries (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran) which the London-NY-Axis wanted to “liberate” by genociding civilians. Each transition-team would speak the language of the target-country and would be installed into power when the carnage and destruction were drawing to a close. Several Freemasons have gone on record to say that this war of terror must last “as long as it takes” (at least until 2100), meaning that it is a war on all of humanity until it finally submits unconditionally and absolutely to the totalitarian “new world order” under the London-NY-Axis. And that can only mean that, on 11 Sep 2001, the London-NY-Axis actually launched the third of its three world wars which it had originally designed in the nineteenth century and described in Albert Pike’s letter to Giuseppe Mazzini dated 15 Aug 1871. For this reason, we must assume that the London-NY-Axis actually launched WW3 on 11 Sep 2001 and that it is intended to be a war-of-attrition lasting perhaps a century until humanity finally submits absolutely. Note: Albert Pike, Giuseppe Mazzini and Vladimir Ulyanov (nickname “Lenin”) were stellar Freemasons generally regarded and recorded as the first three ringleaders of Freemasonry’s world “revolutionary” movement.
    Nowadays, there is very little the London-NY-Axis will ever leave to “coincidence” anymore. It takes very seriously what it views as its “need” to control all important major events, while leaving minor events to “coincidence”. Its documents call for nothing short of worldwide “full-spectrum dominance”. If it does not achieve “full-spectrum dominance”, it feels that genociding humanity might be a bit more difficult and might take quite a bit longer. Power simply does NOT allow what you might think of as “democracy” to run rampant and go its own strange way. The first duty of power is to perpetuate itself by never losing power. Power always tries its very best to never, ever allow chance to take over. At the very top, power is like a military strategy that plans for every eventuality that could possibly take place, even events having tiny or remote possibilities. The whole purpose of power is to bar “coincidence” as best it can so as to thus avert the accompanying slings and arrows of outrageous “coincidence”.
    It is currently foreseen that the following general items get implemented by 2100 in the scope of the Agenda of the London-NY-Axis (the English monarchy, the City of London, Wall Street and the House of Rothschild). Of course, no one knows to what extent the London-NY-Axis will succeed since our system is, at least in theory, supposed to supply pushback as this agenda continues to be unmasked increasingly despite all the efforts of the centrally controlled licensed monopoly-media (all mainstream fake-news outlets controlled by the London-NY-Axis) to get the victims and the targets to go back to sleep:
    1. Final destruction of the world’s White-European-Christian population by 2050 as per the Kalergi Plan, the London-NY-Axis policy that was secretly adopted by Europe and North America in the 1950s. Because of inbreeding with the House of Rothschild, the English monarchy is now likely over 95 percent Ashkenazi. MI5-insider Greg Hallett stated that the House of Rothschild actually purchased the breeding rights to the English monarchy in 1818. We have no DNA to prove the allegations that William V’s grandfather (or Lady Diana’s father) was James Goldsmith-Rothschild, or that William V’s father was Guy de Rothschild, or that most of William V’s other ancestors were Rothschilds too. The eradication of the world’s White-European-Christian population may be intended in order to leave an Ashkenazi power-elite in charge of a mixed-race Proletariat having a newly invented world-irreligion known as Gaya Worship which is being pushed by London-NY-Axis agent Mikhail Gorbachev, by the UN and others. None of this sounds strange if you know what the London-NY-Axis has been up to for the past 70 years, or for the past 300 years for that matter;
    2. Deliberate asset-stripping of all middle-classes to leave two economic classes of people only. Excuses deployed by the London-NY-Axis to include “austerity” (poverty enforced, if need be, by martial-law), climate “change” (a filthy lie) and interest payable on the “national debt”, despite the latter being a wholly fictional device invented by the House of Rothschild for its own personal enrichment;
    3. Just as it planned for communist Russia, the London-NY-Axis plans that citizens of its the totalitarian “new world order” will be only either Nomenklatura or Proletariat, nothing in between, with the Nomenklatura naturally to include puppeticians, CEOs, actors, stars of Freemasonic “pop”, stars of Freemasonic “sport”, stars of Freemasonic “science” (in fact fake-science by the Chatham-House-controlled “royal” “society” of “science” which acts as the central-soviet “keeper of official-scientific-truth” for the entire world). Primarily, the Proletariat will be forced down to third-world status while the Nomenklatura will simply grow richer;
    4. Only two classes of company (either a mammoth world corporation with its very own retail trade, or else a microenterprise like “Joe the Plumber Inc”, nothing in between);
    5. Mass infertility (5G, Wi-Gig, “smart”-meters, “smart”-phones and Wi-Fi in schools, already causing most women to be sterilized by 2040, the MO being the destruction of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum of the human ovum, and with BPA or artificial estrogen in plastic bottles and can-linings deployed from the 1960s on to collapse by design the male human sperm-count, and that is already confirmed to have succeeded);
    6. Mass die-off of 90 percent of the human population (as decreed by documents on UN websites today and cited explicitly and implicitly in UN papers like Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Codex Alimentarius etc.);
    7. Further reduction in atmospheric CO² so as to deplete O² from the Earth’s air and water, and thus impair all life on Earth but in particular to enhance genocide. In one of Mother Nature’s most spectacular touches of environmental magic, plants thrive on CO², converting CO² and sunlight to O². That means that the amount of oxygen (O²) is directly dependent on the amount of carbon-dioxide (CO²). The London-NY-Axis is demonizing CO² so it can deplete oxygen by stealth, since it would lose “credibility” (assuming it had any in the first place) if it were to target O² directly. The whole “Reduce CO²” scam is just another method by which the London-NY-Axis can kill more people, in this case effectively by suffocating them;
    8. More electronic genocide operations like the one the London-NY-Axis launched as Operation Crimson Mist in Rwanda in the four months from Apr-Jul 1994 (with similar “applications” in Gulf War 2003). The Central Lack-Of-Intelligence Agency (CIA) deployed microwaves very many times over those four months of 1994 from the same Lockheed C-130 Hercules plane above crowds of Hutus to induce them to suddenly go berserk and slaughter Tutsis. In the late 1950s, scientists had discovered that there is a precise frequency to “control” brainwaves for many things we do and feel (like rage, fear, panic, lethargy, vomiting etc.) assuming they get transmitted with an accuracy of three decimal places. The CIA agents and security-“service” people first had to point the Hutu tribesmen in the direction of the Tutsi; then induce reasonable anger on the ground by inciting them to kill, and of course ensure they were appropriately armed with machetes. Only then could the C-130 go to work with transmitting the precise “control-brainwaves of rage”, thus augmenting the behavior of each Hutu participant from “mere angry demonstrator” to “uncontrollable genocidal maniac“. An expert in this field, Dr Elizabeth Rauscher-Bise, demonstrated the effects many times in quasi-public forums and claimed to experiment only on “fully-informed people”. The London-NY-Axis only stopped the Rwandan genocide after it had achieved a death-toll of about 1 million, but this “test” showed that it can easily induce uncontrollable genocidal attacks wherever it wants in the world. It could set two sides against each other, get them rioting and then microwave them from a Lockheed C-130 Hercules to induce uncontrollable genocide anywhere; from the north of Ireland, to Los Ángeles CA, to Detroit MI. By pure “coincidence”, most shares in the genocidal corporation Lockheed Martin are owned by the English monarchy and the House of Rothschild. To reduce the world’s population, the London-NY-Axis is currently crying out for much higher murder-rates everywhere; evil but logical. Some were perplexed by the fact that “crimson mist” may be related to “purple rain”; maybe the CIA genociders on the ground or some higher-ups in the London-NY-Axis were fans of Prince. The “test” also helped the London-NY-Axis decide which weapons-frequencies it wanted to deploy for more effective genocide via mobile-phones and the TETRA system (a microwave system for the emergency services in major population centers);
    9. Increased deployment of vaccines, which in his TED talk of Feb 2010 Bill Gates admitted were for genocide. Gates presented his notorious pseudoscientific formula CO² = P * S * E * C, saying that it meant (total CO²) = (number of people) * (services per person) * (energy per service) * (CO² per unit of energy), no doubt pulled out of his nose, and then stated: “Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines … we could lower P by perhaps 10 or 15 percent”. Thus, Gates explicitly advocated using vaccines to lower the Earth’s population by about a billion, also explicitly admitting vaccines were in fact for genocide. Boy, when things slip out … In the West, you are less likely to get tetanus from a rusty nail than you are to be hit by a flying bus. The tetanus vaccine is totally surplus to requirements given that the only people who die from tetanus are the ones who get vaccinated to “prevent” it. Proper scientists know that the tetanus vaccine gets trapped in the left lobe of the thyroid; thus, you literally “need” a tetanus vaccine like you “need” a goiter. By giving its victim the very disease it claims to “protect” him against, a vaccine is designed not to “prevent” but to spread that disease. That is why, around the end of WW1, it was completely logical that the “Spanish” Influenza got spread by the very vaccine that had been designed to “prevent” it. Proper scientists also know that no vaccine has ever been proven to be safe or effective. By injecting ineffective vaccines into its “herd of livestock”, the London-NY-Axis has managed to get mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, aspartame, glutamate, cancer viruses, squalene and nagalese into the human body for more effective genocide. Nagalese is particularly noxious given that it destroys the human body’s own GcMAF so as to kill more victims and increase the profits of the cancer-business. GcMAF (or Gc protein-derived Macrophage Activating Factor) is a protein produced by modification of Vitamin-D-binding protein and was discovered in 1990 as the most effective approach or cure for cancer and as being even more effective at preventing cancer and many other illnesses. Naturally, GcMAF clinics, e.g. those of Dr David Noakes, were shuttered by Big Pharma so as to protect their chemo-“therapy” profits which amount to a stunning 400,000 USD per patient for mere mustard gas;
    10. Increased deployment of designer viruses (nicknamed “Kissinger Viruses” after the chief crown-agent of the London-NY-Axis in North America) to genocide humanity, either by the virus itself or by the vaccine the London-NY-Axis gets to deploy as the “solution”. The London-NY-Axis developed and controls the Zika virus (ATCC® VR-84™) for which the Rockefellers deposited the patent. The London-NY-Axis also developed and controls the Ebola virus; the patent “EboBun” (CA2741523A1) is owned by the US CDC (centers for disease “control” whose function is in fact disease circulation). The London-NY-Axis develops most of its genocidal viruses in laboratories and even openly patents many of them. These included AIDS, whose true story was researched and told by Harvard’s Len Horowitz. British mil-intel developed the West Nile Virus in a lab in West Nile Province Uganda. These viruses and many others are intended for deployment against humanity in the coming decades. They have also been the subject of several movies that engage in predictive programming to prepare their viewers for this predesigned or intended future;
    11. Proliferation of artificial-scarcity-lies to dupe the human population into believing that oil, water, wood, gas etc. are “finite resources”, which of course on this Earth of excess overabundance for every human being, they definitely are NOT. This is yet more London-NY-Axis nonsense about “sustainability” which is not only a total lie, it is moreover so laughable that it is not even funny;
    12. Increased “induced suicide” due to frequencies from “smart”-meters, and mortality caused by “extreme or prolonged heat events” induced by the London-NY-Axis. But these events will not register by thermometer because the London-NY-Axis achieves them using microwaves, so the heat is only FELT by the victims;
    13. Proliferation of regime-cannabis in keeping with Huxley’s Soma, drugging of schoolchildren, pushing even more escapism to counter the pain and adverse effects of microwaving and of pharmaceuticals;
    14. More-widespread killing by euthanasia, “post-natal abortion”, assisted suicide and by the deathcare business (orwellized to “healthcare”) which is set to push the Suicide Pill for more and more tiny ailments it encounters, with the bonus system for white-coated witchdoctors and pill-pushers also upgraded in the interests of massively elevating their kill-counts (“Are you feeling depressed? Why not take this Suicide Pill?”). In future, the white-coat with the highest kill-count will “earn” the biggest bonus because, if there is nothing else it knows how to do, the London-NY-Axis certainly knows how to incentivize);
    15. Increase in directed-energy weapons, pulsed electromagnetic plasma rifles, machine-gunning with pulsed energy projectiles, psychotronic weapons, all for more enhanced genocide by the London-NY-Axis;
    16. Destruction of industry by the London-NY-Axis via UN campaign “Diesel-Free by ’33” to destroy medium-sized industry in particular; so as to then leave only the two abovementioned classes of company standing;
    17. Urbanization of all Proletariat populations, and hence a Proletariat rural population of zero, by 2050-70. UN “Wildlands Maps” show “human habitat areas” and the locations of the mega-cities to which humans are to be confined. Birth rates always plummet for humans held in captivity, as in the case of city-dwellers. The rural Proletariat will be “encouraged” to relocate to “smart” cities by means of “events” like forest fires (many induced by the London-NY-Axis using weapons of weather-warfare) and by the known-in-advance effects of fracking (planned by the London-NY-Axis specifically to destroy the water-table in rural areas);
    18. Rewilding of all rural areas (no agriculture, no access granted to the Proletariat, but hunting grounds and other access still granted to the Nomenklatura, plus today’s “nature parks” to become the central hubs from which ever-increasing rewilding zones will fan out and encompass more and more land each year as the London-NY-Axis-dubbed “century of change” progresses);
    19. Urban farming and vertical gardening in cities (e.g. aquaponics currently being tested in the more soviet-leaning cities such as Berlin-Germany, Vienna-Austria, London-England, NYC-USA etc.);
    20. Destruction of food supply, food shortages, forced austerity (enforced poverty), rioting, microwaving of protesters using ADS by soviet storm troopers, robo-cops and police in ski-masks dressed as Darth Vader. In the 1950s, the London-NY-Axis decided to revoke all civil liberties from “democracies” (orwellized to “spreading freedom by strip-searches”) using the ploy of terrorism, and that is why it launched its “war of terror” in order to by pure “coincidence” obtain the very pretext for revoking civil liberties. The London-NY-Axis designed the “troubles” in the north of Ireland from 1968-98 to serve as the test-bed for planning its worldwide “war of terror”. By pure “coincidence”, the “troubles” in the north of Ireland ended roughly three years (roughly 1300 days) before the London-NY-Axis launched its attacks on NYC on 11 Sep 2001 to inaugurate that “war of terror”. Those “troubles” were easy to bring to an end because both sides were led by Freemasons appointed by the very same MI5 (and MI6) agents, who were controlling both sides from London all along. If the green side had ever been “republican”, it might have opposed the English monarch, but it never did, proving it was a tool of Freemasonry and of MI5 possibly from 1968 on (but certainly from Dec 1969 on, when MI5 launched the Provos and the non-terrorist Official IRA split away);
    21. Increase in the intentional poisoning of the human food, air and water supplies by the London-NY-Axis (as described in its “Report from Iron Mountain”), e.g. by means of geo-engineering chemtrails (US patent 5,003,186 owned by the London-NY-Axis) which spread noxious nano-particles and chemicals into the human air and water supplies containing 10-micron-size particles of aluminum-oxide and nano-particles of barium, strontium and aluminum so as to get these into the human bloodstream and past the blood-brain-barrier for more effective genocide. The US regime officially admitted geo-engineering chemtrails in its document titled “Tropospheric Aerosol Program, Program Plan”, dated 1 Mar 2001 by SE Schwartz and P Lunn of the US department of energy, office of science, office of biological and environmental research, environmental sciences division;;
    22. Yet more open Luciferianism (already seen in Olympics ceremonies or at halftime in “sports” events) pushed by the London-NY-Axis and its private corporation called the UN (DUNS® number 824777304));
    23. More open Luciferianism in the classroom (despite macroevolution theory having long been disproven and despite all the known problems with scientism, which assumes science is the controlling reality about life, when in fact scientism is merely pseudoscience or pseudoscientific language and a very dangerous worldview. And although science cannot measure love, beauty, good, evil, conscience, ethics, sin etc., scientism concludes these are all “subjective fantasy”);
    24. Increased fluoridation of municipal water supplies (fluoridation being the exact same as rat-poison) plus an increase in newer, even more lethal, poisons being introduced into municipal water supplies;
    25. Increased genocide by GMOs; in the Americas totally ubiquitous, in Europe currently in most livestock-feedstuffs, and in Africa disguised as “aid” (being pushed with the help of London-NY-Axis agent Bono). Glyphosate is specifically designed to attack the human intestines where 70-80 percent of the immune system resides. GMO foods or feedstuffs (for meats you eat) are bathed in lethal glyphosate. Glyphosate is called “herbicide”, but it should be called genocide because glyphosate is designed to kill all its eaters;
    26. Continued suppression of known natural cures for heart-disease, cancer, diabetes etc. so as to achieve quicker genocide and to make more profit, either as plain profit or to reinvest in yet more genocide;
    27. Continued suppression of biodegradable plastics so that the London-NY-Axis can continue to blame humanity for the mess in accordance with the old Club of Rome formula “Man, then, is the Enemy”;
    28. Increased deployment of depleted uranium in all empire-building wars launched by the Zionist London-NY-Axis for establishing Greater Israel, which is planned to span from the Nile to the Euphrates (as signified by the two blue stripes in the flag of Rothschild-vassal-state Israel, which is also the Mid-East’s largest and most dangerous nuclear power), with DU getting carried on the jet-stream to all four corners of the Earth;
    29. Continued suppression of cheap-energy so as to increase air-pollution even more and to deplete yet more oxygen from the air;
    30. Increased infanticide (euphemized to “abortion”) as a child-sacrifice to Baal, the London-NY-Axis god of child-sacrifice and as a method of population-control;
    31. Increased deployment of “smart”-technology (Orwellism for dumb-technology). As director of the Central Lack-Of-Intelligence Agency (CIA), David Petraeus bragged that the CIA was already spying on everyone through their dishwashers and “smart” devices (Orwellism for dumb devices). Cyber-expert John McAfee already verified that the US regime can spy on everyone through the E911 chip in every “smart”-phone by gaining full access to microphone, camera, location and every function of the phone. Whistleblower Mark Klein already exposed NSA spy-room 641A at the AT&T building in FEMA-infested San Francisco CA, via which the NSA vacuums up all US phone-calls. The Orwellism “public-private partnership” is used when S&P War-Economy corporations give the regime backdoor-access to literally everything, and the regime sells the data on to other members of the Big “Public-Private” Club whenever it can make a buck off of it. A great example of a “public-private partnership” is the Mafia and shown in the first two “Godfather” movies;
    32. Increase in genetically-modified mosquitos and other insects or pests, to kill more humans;
    33. Proliferation of yet more NGOs sponsored by the tax-exempt London-NY-Axis foundations to dupe humanity into believing false doctrines (such as the CO² lie which is in fact designed to deplete oxygen from all air and water) and to “help” humanity make bad choices based on false pretenses or sheer lack of information. At least 99 percent of the NGOs in the world today are the equivalent of soviets in communist Russia, mostly acting as controlled-opposition for the London-NY-Axis which always makes sure that its human livestock pays for its own genocide and that it can even turn a profit from the genocide by asset-stripping the victims and by applying the deathcare system’s timeworn maxim whereby a patient cured is a customer lost (i.e. treat illness for longer and for more profit, instead of curing it quickly for less profit);
    34. Genocide Watch is an NGO sponsored by tax-exempt London-NY-Axis foundations to focus on all genocide except the greatest genocide, namely that being committed by the London-NY-Axis (the English monarchy, the City of London, Wall Street and the House of Rothschild). The job of Genocide Watch is thus to call the kettle black and, by deception and deceit, to aid the very cause of genociding humanity. NGOs paid to lie for the London-NY-Axis are very much a tradition and, unfortunately, have today become par for the course. But genocide does not stop when the UN (a private corporation owned by the London-NY-Axis, DUNS® number 824777304) PRETENDS to deal with it; it can only be stopped if the London-NY-Axis finally gets compelled to stop genociding. Any donation to Genocide Watch is money that will go towards helping the London-NY-Axis to genocide more people more quickly;
    35. Transparency International is an NGO sponsored by tax-exempt London-NY-Axis foundations to focus on all corruption in the world except the greatest corruption, namely that practiced in the world’s most corrupt country, Britain, where three sovereign organized-crime-entities control the purely-for-showbiz parliament of powerless puppeticians, with the country utterly rotten from top to bottom with Freemasonry. Transparency International is paid a lot of money to give “a clean bill of health” to Britain for its “total lack of corruption”. A donation to Transparency International is money that will go towards helping the London-NY-Axis to genocide more people more quickly;
    36. Greenpeace is an NGO sponsored by tax-exempt London-NY-Axis foundations to focus on reducing resources and CO², so as to reduce the human oxygen supply. Greenpeace is paid a lot of money never to mention the ecological damage to the environment being done deliberately by the London-NY-Axis (such as its suppression of cheap-energy like the hydrogen motor, or its suppression of biodegradable plastics so that it can continue to blame humanity for the mess, the Club of Rome doctrine always having been “Man, then, is the Enemy”. A donation to Greenpeace is money that will go towards helping the London-NY-Axis to genocide more people more quickly, and towards destroying the Earth’s environment all the more quickly in the process;
    37. You get the picture. A similar story applies for every single NGO sponsored by tax-exempt London-NY-Axis foundations, meaning most NGOs in the world are working to genocide more people more quickly;
    38. More secret testing of new methods of genocide such as vaccines, spraying, slow-poisons, quick-poisons, microwaving etc. on human guinea-pigs of “low social value” (value calculated by Freemasonic irreligion called Social-Darwinism) such as the long-term unemployed, prisoners, other inmates, soldiers, police, addicts, long-term patients of the deathcare system (orwellized to “healthcare”), victims in general;
    39. Increased blindness, inner swelling and body heat due to microwaving and 5G (the cooking of humanity);
    40. Increased destruction of any major corporations who refuse to partake in the genocide by subjecting them to industrial espionage by London-NY-Axis mil-intel agencies (MI5, MI6, Mossad, CIA, NSA, BND etc.) and then “fining them out of existence” with the same red-tape and regulations as have already been deployed to kill off all mid-sized companies (so as to leave the aforementioned two classes only);
    41. Possible Cobalt-60 attacks by the London-NY-Axis, which can send one of its ISIS or Al-Qaeda agents to explode a dirty bomb in a Tesla factory and transform the 5 kg Cobalt-59 in the batteries of each car to radioactive Cobalt-60. According to weapons expert Tim Rifat, there are 15 kilograms of Cobalt-59 in the batteries of each Tesla car (but also in the batteries of cellphones, laptops, tablets, electric trucks and the electric cars of other makers). If one Tesla car got nuked, the amount of resulting radioactive Cobalt-60 would be sufficient to kill 15 million people. Rifat says a thousandth of a gram of radioactive Cobalt-60 will kill a human being in three minutes by literally cooking him alive with seared flesh peeling off his bones. “50 tons of Cobalt-60 will wipe out the Northern Hemisphere and 100 tons of radioactive Cobalt-60 will wipe out the whole world”, says Rifat. If the London-NY-Axis chose to deploy this method of genocide, it could wipe out whole countries and regions overnight, and blame it on an invented Bond-Novel-Villain like Osama bin-Laden of the Freemasonic super-lodge HATHOR PENTALPHA;
    42. Possible increase in the recurrence of nuclear “accidents on purpose” launched by the London-NY-Axis. Many researchers have stated the plausible case that both nuclear “accidents” Chernobyl and Fukushima were in fact launched by agents of the London-NY-Axis. CIA-insider John Lear provided evidence that Mossad launched Fukushima on 11 Mar 2011 and pointed out that the “tsunami” did not make sense since it never reached US coasts having been “apparently unidirectional”, he said;
    43. With increased urbanization, the London-NY-Axis wishes to rapidly change the world map of “smart mega-cities” (“smart” being an Orwellism for dumb). The London-NY-Axis needs more people urbanized because once people are in the cities, they are much easier to genocide by microwaving them to death using “smart” appliances or “smart” street-signs, by water fluoridation, by passing them through “care”-pathways in the deathcare system (orwellized to “healthcare”, they are called “care”-pathways because the London-NY-Axis really CARES, you see, it really CARES about its human livestock, or even by Cobalt-60 attacks;
    44. More deliberate “dumbing-down” and forced vaccination of schoolchildren to increase autism so as to thus create Huxley’s caste of Deltas (his Epsilon caste already exists as robots). Reagan and Gorbachev merged the US and Russian “education” systems in the mid-1980s because the London-NY-Axis deemed this necessary to prepare the USA for its soviet future;
    45. Increase in covert electronic harassment of Targeted Individuals by the London-NY-Axis;
    46. Possible trashing of the US economy by the House of Rothschild and the City of London if the USA fails to more speedily adopt the soviet system which the combo of London’s Chatham House (RIIA) and New York’s CFR is still trying to force through, irrespective of opposition. If the London-NY-Axis drops the USA, then China and New Soviet Europe (misleadingly titled the European “Union”) will assume greater roles;
    47. Possible forced-transfer of 1000 US-military bases in the world to UN control as the World Army for the World Regime, by order of the House of Rothschild and the City of London, to act as military enforcers of London-NY-Axis policy with the help of drones, robotic soldiers and some conventional forces (orwellized of course to “peacekeepers”, naturally);
    48. Greater role for China (currently the UN’s model state for all soviet republics in the world, being designed as the template for all others to follow. The London-NY-Axis is now rolling out, worldwide, China’s recently launched “Social Credit Score” which ostracizes anyone who does not continually praise Big Brother, the soviet state and the London-NY-Axis in his mails, antisocial media and other electronic dispatches);
    49. Greater role for New Soviet Europe (misleadingly titled the European “Union”);
    50. Emergence of New Soviet America (North and South, misleadingly titled the American “Union”);
    51. Emergence of New Soviet Asia-Pacific (misleadingly titled the Asia-Pacific “Union”);
    52. Emergence of New Soviet Eurasia (misleadingly titled the Eurasian “Union”);
    53. Enormous genocide in Sub-Saharan Africa (with the help of microwaves such as in the Rwandan genocide of 1994 by the London-NY-Axis (Operation Crimson Mist) and with help from vaccine-genocider Bill Gates, plus help too from celebrities-of-ill-repute such as London-NY-Axis agents like Bono or Bob Geldof, who are both probable Freemasons of the OTO and Golden Dawn lodges);
    54. Emergence of New Soviet Africa (misleadingly titled the African “Union”);
    55. Possible physical destruction of Japan (as openly threatened more than once by the London-NY-Axis);
    56. Because the British people have always in fact been the living dead, it is very unlikely that they will ever to be alerted to the reality that they are living in the longest Monty Python Sketch in history, in which the parliament of powerless puppeticians pretends to be the real government and the people pretend to believe that. This is set to continue for several centuries longer as the British get zombified even more thanks to microwaving. Meanwhile, the English monarchy, the City of London and the House of Rothschild dictate all policy (from within their microwave-proof alcazars, drinking filtered water, breathing filtered air and shielded from all the toxic radiation they release), as they call all the shots, using the powerless puppeticians as a shield to weather any adverse impacts of their decisions (no problem, they can just sacrifice and replace each pawn as the need arises);
    57. DEAGEL.COM is a military-equipment guide run by the London-NY-Axis which cites as its sources the US Department of Defense, the US Department of State, the Central Lack-Of-Intelligence Agency (CIA), the World Bank and New Soviet Europe (misleadingly titled the European “Union”). In its population forecasts, DEAGEL.COM “predicts” by 2025 a 77 percent drop in Britain’s population from 66 million to 15 million; a 69.4 percent drop in the USA’s population from 327 million to 100 million; a 65 percent drop in Germany’s population from 81 million to 28 million; a 42 percent drop in France’s population from 67 million to 39 million; a 35 percent drop in Switzerland’s population from 8.2 million to 5.3 million; a 35 percent drop in Australia’s population from 23 million to 15 million; a 29 percent drop in Italy’s population from 62 million to 44 million; all by 2025. The UN (owned by the London-NY-Axis) cites similar trends but none of these agencies ever states explicitly how their owner, the London-NY-Axis, intends to achieve such colossal genocide. If these figures are correct, the London-NY-Axis and its private agency the UN would appear to really mean business with their “century of change”. The word “change” may be a code-word for genocide given how often it was used by US puppetician-in-chief O’Bomber, who went on to genocide a lot of victims for the London-NY-Axis;;
    58. Enhanced, widespread, induced skepticism about whether genocide is even taking place (when all the while it IS). Of course, the London-NY-Axis wishes to enhance this skepticism via the licensed monopoly-media, who will encourage people to go back to sleep so that the London-NY-Axis can get on with the serious business of killing them. If an outlet does not toe the line, the London-NY-Axis simply revokes its license, easy. Indeed, it was for a very good reason that George Orwell gave the nickname “Big Brother Corporation” to his employer, that “fake-news beauty” known as the BBC. The fake-news MO is that the eyes can only see very little when the mind gets blinkered or even blinded;
    59. Because it wants to cull the population, in all its agenda documents, the London-NY-Axis euphemizes the twenty-first century as the “century of change”. If there is one statistic that will go down in history as the most striking actuarial correlation of the twenty-first century, it will be this: Being skeptical on whether the London-NY-Axis was actually even genociding people vastly increased your chances of getting genocided in the first place. Only those who took the matter seriously stood any chance of saving themselves. Because, just as Mohammed Ali once said to George Foreman “this is THE WRONG PLACE to get tired“, this twenty-first century is THE WRONG TIME to get skeptical;
    60. The London-NY-Axis even has the means, motive and opportunity to commit genocide by “natural” or “apparently natural” means but it always prefers its favorite cover, Plausible Deniability. Cumbre Vieja is a potential bull’s-eye on La Palma, Canary Islands. The London-NY-Axis (or an agent like Goldfinger) can topple it with one missile from a submarine, which would induce a mega-tsunami that would smash the coastlines of North America and Western Europe and wipe out hundreds of millions of “soiling humans” overnight. Apart from the aging populations of those cities, the London-NY-Axis wants all cities to be replete with spying technology and not just cameras on every street-corner. Hence, it has nothing against completely rebuilding everything with Hadrian X robo-builders and filling every square-centimeter of it with eavesdropping spyware. Would you really be surprised if the London-NY-Axis dropped Cumbre Vieja in the morning? Now-declassified files show that the London-NY-Axis told the Brutish Air Force to spray bio-warfare chemicals and carcinogens including Zinc Cadmium Sulfide on the civilian population of Britain from 1946-79 because, as you well know, government is there to “protect” the people. The London-NY-Axis loves killing people and it loves bull’s-eyes. Other bull’s-eyes that might potentially be visited by “natural” events include Yellowstone (Montana, Idaho, Wyoming), the San Andreas Fault (California) and the Brothers Fault Zone (Oregon). The London-NY-Axis can flatten the world in more ways than one;
    61. It really must be said that the single most efficient and cost-effective genocider in the history of the world is the London-NY-Axis (the English monarchy, the City of London, Wall Street and the House of Rothschild);
    62. Many predict that all “public” entities will be bankrupted and then merged into a corporation known as the totalitarian “new world order” under the London-NY-Axis. Given that every city and nation in the world is now a private corporation, each has the option of declaring bankruptcy. The USA is actually the United States of America Inc, file number 2193946, type religious nonprofit, 2711 Centerville Road, Suite 400, Wilmington, Delaware. The USA’s SEC (standing for Securities and Exchange Commission, but also for Sudden Economic Collapse) uses the CIK (central index key) to uniquely index all SEC filings. Some CIK numbers for private corporations which were formally sovereign countries include Italy (CIK 0000052782), Japan (CIK 0000837056), Finland (CIK 0000035946), Israel (CIK 0000052749), Brazil (CIK 0000205317), New Zealand (CIK 0000216105), Hungary (CIK 0000889414), Panama (CIK 0000076027). Dun & Bradstreet lists all private corporations in the world. Some DUNS® numbers for private corporations which you may have mistaken for sovereigns include the US regime (DUNS® number 052714196), Bank for International Settlements (DUNS® number 481964443), the United Nations (DUNS® number 824777304), the UN World Homicide Organization (WHO, DUNS® number 618736326), Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland Finanzagentur GmbH, Lurgiallee 5 Frankfurt am Main, DUNS® number 314802591). Would it not to be the most enormous “coincidence” in history if the new owners of most of the world’s formerly sovereign entities transpired to be the London-NY-Axis (the English monarchy, the City of London, Wall Street and the House of Rothschild)? So, while you were sleeping and dreaming that the nation-state was still real, the London-NY-Axis privatized everything, even your own city, region and country, and then by the year 2100 merged everything into a single corporation owned by the London-NY-Axis. But what did they call the corporation? What was its misleading title? Might it have perhaps been The World “Union”?
    If people pray and wake up, there is still hope that the openly Luciferian plans of the London-NY-Axis can be foiled. It would seem logical to wake up. Otherwise you would have to ask: How long are you going to stand idly by, while a murderous London-NY-Axis agency called the UN genocides the world population down to 500 million under the guise of “saving the baby seals”? Or else you might have to ask: How long do you propose to wait while the Freemasonic “magician” keeps pulling more and more hat-tricks on you? Or else: Precisely when are you going to consider waking up, standing up and finally growing a pair of Cajones?
    If people woke up, they could change a lot if they just went on a peaceful demonstration only once a week. There would have been no need to demonstrate if they had not been so distracted by tell-lie-vision and other nonsense since 1960. But, it is what it is. Another great idea would be to pray the Rosary;
    Because governments are the cause of most corruption, all wars and all genocide, the time has finally come to clip their wings. One solution is to simply eliminate government over a 10-year period, after which the government will be only 10 percent of its original size. This can be financed by paying a one-off GET (Government Elimination Tax) which would be the very last tax payable ever in history. Once the positive economic effects are noticeable, citizens could decide to simply reduce government once again over a second 10-year period, after which the government would only be 1 percent of its original size. Whatever vestige of the original regime is left should be self-financing by way of a simple parking-fines system. People would no longer need to pay any more taxes because government would not be able to steal from them anymore. Currently, we still have the situation where a government is permitted to steal and call that “sharing”. Because citizens no longer consent to theft, that must end now, and the law of man must be brought back in line with the law of God in this connection. As for the fictional “national debt”, citizens should simply tell the London-NY-Axis to eat the loss because it invented the debt in the first place and citizens are no longer willing to submit to its slavery system. Thereafter, all public-serpents and regime-officials should be given a fair trial and jailed for felonies such as genocide, murder, fraud, harming or maltreating members of the public, or for any misdemeanor, malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance. This would NOT bring utopia, but it could never be any worse than the current state-of-affairs. Finally, the English monarch and its family, plus the House of Rothschild, need to be extradited on genocide charges to the ICJ in Den Haag. Do you still need a government to manage your life for you? Really? From cradle to grave? Really?
    An additional solution would be to simply boycott London-NY-Axis corporations which engage in genocide, and that includes most of the S&P War Economy and most major world corporations. Instead of the current state-of-affairs, citizens could start a new economy based on buying locally and on peer-to-peer networking. Any of the corporations which engaged in genocide need to be asset-stripped and terminated (meaning, at long last, the introduction of capital punishment for corporations) and the corporate-officials who approved the acts jailed.
    The western world would appear utterly doomed because of the outright stranglehold over it held by the London-NY-Axis (the English monarchy, the City of London, Wall Street and the House of Rothschild) and by Freemasonry, of which the English monarch is the worldwide patron.
    In his 2014 book “Massoni”, Gioele Magaldi verified that President Vladimir Putin of Russia was a member of the worldwide Freemasonic super-lodge GOLDEN EURASIA (to which, by pure “coincidence”, Tavistock-brainwashed Rothschild-agent Angela Merkel also belongs). It is obvious that Putin could never have been “clean” if the combo of London’s Chatham House (RIIA) and New York’s CFR saw fit to approve him into his top position in the first place. However, in the past decades, Putin has stepped out of line, has bucked the trend and has infuriated the London-NY-Axis on at least three occasions, namely:
    1. Putin said Russia would not stand idly by while the White-European-Christian population of Western Europe got genocided in accordance with the London-NY-Axis Kalergi Plan that was secretly adopted in the 1950s by New Soviet Europe (misleadingly titled the European “Union”). Naturally enough, this scared the living daylights out of the Zionist London-NY-Axis, whose top priority is the creation of Greater Israel, which is planned to span from the Nile to the Euphrates, and emptying all Arabs from Greater Israel into New Soviet Europe (misleadingly titled the European “Union”) with the willing participation of the London-NY-Axis agents who are Europe’s chief puppeticians assigned the main task of accepting “migrants”;
    2. In a speech at Schneerson Jewish Museum on 13 Jun 2013, Putin stated openly that 80-85 percent of the people who ran the Bolshevik “revolution” were Jews. He was thus the very first Russian head-of-state in a century to speak this truth loud and clear, to state it so openly and, furthermore, to state it brazenly in a venue run for the London-NY-Axis by the powerful sect Chabad Lubavitch. In doing this, Putin stated a well-known fact that the London-NY-Axis prefers its the licensed monopoly-media not to mention, namely that most of the London-NY-Axis agents involved in the coups d’état it launched in St Petersburg and Moscow were in fact Jews from the northeast USA. The true history is that there was never a Russian “revolution”, only two coups d’état both of which were planned, orchestrated, financed and carried out by the London-NY-Axis in Mar 1917 and Oct 1917. In the event, Putin’s open and honest speech again scared the living daylights out of the Zionist London-NY-Axis which finds the truth acutely embarrassing;
    3. Putin has developed a habit of visiting Holy Mass at the Russian Orthodox Church, not necessarily to help his image but to throw his powerful weight behind encouraging young Russians to re-embrace Christianity. And Putin has definitely succeeded in boosting church attendance in Russia. When Vladimir Putin visited the Vatican on 25 Nov 2013, he even asked Pope Francis specifically about his plans for the Consecration of Russia to Our Lady in accordance with the 1917 Apparitions at Fatima but received a tepid response. It is not known whether Putin is still a Freemason, but he would at least appear to be moving in the right direction, which is much more than can be said for western puppeticians who are absolutely bought and paid for (and no doubt blackmailed too into the bargain) by the London-NY-Axis.
    It remains debatable whether Putin can or cannot have any major influence. It also remains debatable whether Putin is even proper opposition in the first place, or more controlled-opposition. One obvious question theologians also pose is whether the people of today actually deserve to be bailed out of the mess anymore. What if they just continued with their old ways or errors? Catholic Prophecy speaks of a Great Tribulation involving a chastisement by fire, but no one knows when. The Prophecy also speaks of Christianity thereafter being reborn in the East, “in Russia and Kiev”, to then grow much stronger than ever in all of history. But because the Catholic Church was undermined by Freemasonry on 28 Oct 1958, with the election of alleged Freemason Angelo Roncalli as Pope John XXIII, Christianity’s rebirth will probably not be Catholic but something wholly new instead. And the Catholic Church is now set to pass through the Agony in the Garden, the Via Dolorosa and the Crucifixion. Finally, Catholic Prophecy speaks of the Islamic Faithful converting “almost overnight” to Christianity but the Jewish Faithful not converting “until the end of the world”. If we put all these pieces together, it would seem that very hard times are in store for those alive today, but much better times are saved up for those born after the Great Tribulation.\
    One of the greatest deceptions in the world today is that the combo of Chatham House (RIIA) and the CFR (who are basically joined at the hip) can so easily masquerade as “a pair of think tanks”. But nothing could be further from the truth. In the world’s true system of organized crime, the Chatham House Rule is the equivalent of the Sicilian Omertà. It means one version for the power-elite and a totally different version for the public, and serves as both a front and an affront to the public. Via the combo of London’s Chatham House (RIIA) and New York’s CFR, the London-NY-Axis has direct control over the following affiliates within its network of organized-crime:
    • the European Council on Foreign Relations (founded by Rothschild-agent George Soros);
    • the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO);
    • the Institute for Pacific Relations;
    • the Canadian International Council;
    • the Australian Institute of International Affairs;
    • the Israel Council on Foreign Relations;
    • the Pakistan Institute of International Affairs;
    • the Singapore Institute of International Affairs;
    • the South African Institute of International Affairs;
    • the IIEA (Institute Of International and European Affairs); and
    • many, many other similar puppet agencies masquerading as “think tanks”, designed to bypass the local pretend-power or showbiz “parliament” and all taking direct orders from the Capo Di Tutti Capi within the London-NY-Axis. Welcome to the Mafia, be grateful for your “freedom” and thrilled that it is “democratic”.
    Those who feel angry at the thought of so much manipulation of their thoughts and minds, and of so much utter deception and deceit, may recall this Al Pacino line from the 1997 movie “The Devil’s Advocate”: “You’ve got to hold on to that fury … that’s the last thing to go … that’s the final hiding place … it’s the final fig leaf“.
    The right thing to do is to tell the truth and oppose what the regime requires, especially in this, their “century of change”. Nonetheless, Orwell did point out that telling the truth would become treasonous in the age of universal deceit, i.e. in this totalitarian “new world order” here and now. Already in the “free” England of around 1970, it was treasonous to criticize the monarch, for instance, by mentioning that between 470 million and 620 million human beings and counting had been genocided in its name. In England, the required thing was to worship the Beast (the English monarch) and to wave the Butcher’s Apron on Prom Night. Over the decades, the Beast visited hundreds of hospitals and pretended it was a “philanthropist” that really, really CARED about its human livestock (it really CARES, you see) and the gullible English just lapped it up. The problem is that most people who are complicit simply tag along and do the required thing willingly, instead of the right thing, and indeed they mostly followed an approach like that throughout history, with some notable exceptions. Doing the right thing is hard but, soon, there will be no other option left; because, after that, it may well be too late.
    All the best,
    Patrick O’Carroll