USA Genocide 2021-2025 |Email update from Tom on Project Zyphr, Pogo, 5G & USMCA

Please backup important videos here!

David Goldberg’s close friend and Project Zyphr whistle-blower, Tom ( – This email was immediately shut down once it was posted, and Tom is working on getting a new email), has provided us an email update. (His latest videos include, USA Genocide 2021-2025 A.D. – Project Zyphr & The End Game – PART 3” and “How to leave the USA Satanic Control Grid“)

Editor’s note: this article will be periodically updated as we receive new emails from Tom on various topics. The newest updates are posted last and bolded.

The following are quotes from a series of email exchanges shared between the Friends of David Goldberg and Tom over the past week:

1) “I can’t emphasize it enough: plan on getting out of the USA if you can. Nowhere in the continental U.S. is remotely safe. Alaska and Hawaii are only marginally safer due to their distance from the main hubs of control and operations. The hinterlands of Canada will offer some measure of safety due to their distance but they still fall under the control grid. They also have too much control in Mexico and if you’ve seen the news, the U.S. has made major inroads in economic and military relations with many Central American countries. Why? To expand Zyphr.”

2) “The USMCA is a total sellout, it’s worse than NAFTA. You’ll see Canada, USA and Mexico combined into one entity, ruled by an E.U.-style authority, which will happen during the economic collapse over a period of years. Now your freedom and national identity is completely gone, while right now you still have a few ounces of it left. Interestingly enough, in this scenario, Canada will still retain a certain level of sovereignty. You will see free travel between the USA and Mexico border, but it will remain very hard for Americans to immigrate to Canada. Even during the economic mess, this will remain in place and is by design.”

3) “A couple of new ops are underway, not sure their names. Watch for two things. You will see a new round of ‘predictions’ via many disinfo YouTube channels announcing dates and times, none of which are accurate. New warnings, nothing but them ‘crying wolf’ again. They are not telling you the real plans, which are Project Pogo and Zyphr. Not a single one is telling you to leave, that is how you know it is disinfo. The second thing to watch for is for world leaders and celebrities to release videos that appear to have been shot or filmed in the USA. They are not filmed there. This may be hard to spot. Many of the elites are moving to the Southern Hemisphere but will maintain a presence up north via fake videos or doubles in their place.”

4) “They are getting more brazen with the overt messaging. You are seeing more releases on Epstein, more hints and talk out of Hollywood about pedophilia, child sacrifice, and some celebrities fairly bold in their commitment to Satanism and the Illuminati. This is why you know the end is getting close, they’re totally unafraid to just put it in your face. It’s part conditioning, part arrogance.”

5) “People can’t get out of the USA because they’re economically strapped and mentally conditioned to never leave. So the steps to get out, I’ll try to provide some more of that in the next video. We’re going to talk about Gangstalking and Safe Zones, those will be the two themes. The simple steps to prepare include getting your passports, documents in order, selling everything you have, figuring out some kind of income stream or income source, researching Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, New Zealand, Tasmania, Western Australia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay. Stay the hell out of Brazil, though.”

6) “Western Europe is part of the control grid. They have underground bases there and the surveillance grid has expanded widely in the past few years. It’s going to be hit hard by the economic collapse, too. There are some safe spots. Remote parts of Turkey. Parts of Croatia, Montenegro, think about Moldova, too, there’s less control there, also the northern part of Africa. Morocco used to be a safe zone, but they’ve really stepped up immigration controls recently. Spain is compromised, way too much police control there. The U.K. is also by far the least safe country. Anything under E.U. control isn’t really safe, because every citizen will have to take the microchip if they want to eat.”

7) “My military source told me that on the U.S. Interstates at night, usually between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m., they are closing the freeways and routing traffic through side roads for about a mile or two. This is a test run and it’s happening all over the U.S. the past few months. Anybody talking about it? Nope, it looks like road work. But smart observers have noted there isn’t any visible road work going on. It’s also unusual to see that much road work going on at those times. No, it’s all a test run for funneling traffic during the collapse.”

8) “Watch local police in the USA, they’re getting crazier by the day. More shootings, more out of control behavior. It’s a combination of the training, the militarization of these police, the vaccines they take and most of all, the psychological profiles they’ve been using for over ten years to spit out the good candidates and more or less only hire psychopaths or people who fit a mentally imbalanced criteria. Remember, this is all planned. The police insanity in the USA is no accident. They changed the psych profiles on their hiring process and militarized departments. What do you think is going to happen? They need these goons so they’ll comply with the micro-chipping of Americans, removing their freedom, and in some cases, killing them in cold blood.”

9) “America’s lost, and was never a Christian nation to begin with, since it was founded by Freemasons who worshiped Satan or were deists, or non-believers. All of Washington D.C. is an ode to Moloch and full of Illuminati symbolism in how it was designed. You are trying to ‘save’ something that cannot be saved, and isn’t worth saving. Save yourselves, your families, instead. Their goal is to keep you there, domesticated like cattle, rounded up, easy targets. Getting out at least gives you a chance. If every American woke up and did it, and left, they’d clamp down on that quick, restrict travel right away, but that’s not happening. I’m trying to just reach a few thousand, if I can, if we can. So far it looks like we’re not even reaching that many which might be why they leave the channel up, it’s not a real threat right now, there’s not enough views or people seeing it.”

10) “Christians will be persecuted the most and experience the most severe torture in the underground bases. They’re already persecuted all over the world, but it rarely makes the news. Now keep in mind, the American Christian churches are totally compromised, almost all of them. You might find a few that teach the true Word, which must be read in the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. You can’t rely on the King James version, because there are intentional mistranslated parts in it. These good churches, they don’t teach the Rapture, which is false. They don’t teach prosperity gospel. They instead teach that your role, your life, as a Christian, is persecution, pain and being tested so severely your will and faith will break. That test is coming, but if some Christians do not escape the control grid or the micro-chipping there will be none left.”

11) “The next video I’ll talk about Gangstalking. Viewers need to know this is real and many, many Americans have been terrorized for years by it. We’re going to see that increase dramatically over the next year or two. It’s going to send some people over the edge, right to the nuthouse, if they aren’t prepared for it. The methods they use involve mostly electronics but there are some other things they are using, things discovered using CERN. It’s a torture beyond imagination.”  

12) “My military source gave me another bit of shocking info, which I may share in the next audio. I’m not sure about sharing it, though, because it could for certain get the channel removed. I’m thinking of a way I can say it without the channel getting taken down. It scared the hell out of me. We’re at a point where we’ll have to start using code language.”

13) “QAnon is designed to just distract Patriots for long enough for their plans to be put into place. It’s worked like a charm! It’s a psy op. Keep Patriots satiated, comfortable and believing in Trump. Meanwhile, Trump promotes vaccines, 5G and takes away our free speech with various Executive Orders. No one gets locked up, we’re just distracted with stories where we have to ‘just wait a little longer’ for QAnon to deliver, which they never do.”

14) “5G has to do with infertility, mind control and surveillance. It serves multiple purposes. It is not safe at all, and there will be serious health problems. This is where I think we’ll see a major drop in U.S. total population in line with the Deagle predictions.” 

15) “My military source told me they will begin freezing the bank accounts of hundreds of thousands of Patriots in mid to late 2020, in the run-up for the implementation of Project Zyphr. This will severely hamstring your ability to move, plan, prepare or do anything. This move will be devastating, and will not go reported in the media. There will be an information blackout and the disinfo channels won’t even report on it. This scares me a lot because once your bank account is frozen, you’re going to be in a very desperate position. They’ll also have their legal reasons lined up for it, dozens of judge orders based on your online activities which they will call ‘domestic terrorism’ or a ‘domestic threat’ or come up with some other reason.”

16) “I talked about Bitcoin in my last video and I’ll probably talk about it more. What people need to realize is that once you have Bitcoin they can’t freeze or steal it from you, in the way they can do so with your bank accounts, debit cards and credit cards. Bitcoin is not as easy to spend as cash but it’s still going to be better than having your assets frozen. There’s also some speculation the price may go up in 2020, so buying it now is probably a good idea as it’s not that expensive right now.”

17) “I’m looking into forming some kind of online group so we can all communicate and I’m thinking of sharing my email, or at least a safe email I set up. I have to be really careful with email so I’ll look into something that is encrypted, protected, not linked to me easily. That’s a tall order since all the email companies share all of your emails with the U.S. government, but there are a few that don’t. We might have to look at using code language, other things to make communication safer. I just want to try to dedicate some time each week to helping people and answering emails. I don’t think the videos are enough.”

18) “David spoke a lot about the upcoming scripted war with Iran. It will be part of the scripted ‘World War III’ they have been planning for decades, even centuries. Everyone should listen to some of David’s final videos where he talks about this. Iran’s parliament building is a giant pyramid with 33 windows which represents Freemasonic symbolism. They’re working together on this, Iran is basically a Luciferian vassal used as a convenient boogeyman. David said this exact thing in one of his videos and we talked about it, but no one else is seeing that Iran is a part of this. They’re not seeing the real picture here. There’s also articles in the media today suggesting various ways Iran might retaliate, including the use of missiles striking U.S. and European cities, and the use of pre-positioned nuclear devices. Just today I’ve seen a story of a nuclear device that was supposedly deactivated in Israel. These stories are predictive programming, to prep for the main event or false flag. The bold assassination of Quds Commander Qasem Soleimani sets the stage after seven months of predictive programming to prep the world psychologically for this war. I’m not sure how it will coincide with the controlled collapse, but it may happen in tandem with it. I’ve sent a message to my military source to get an update on what’s going on.


“This is symbolic, the use of the American truck and weapons here. Symbolism is very important to them. You must remember that Iran incurred two American-backed revolutions, one in 1953 and the other in 1979. Who really runs the country? The CIA’s involvement is decades-old in there, and it’s leading up to an ‘End Game’ scenario through a series of scripted events, pitting factions, ideologies against one another. Many rabbis and Israeli leaders want to live long enough to see the day these plans come to fruition, which is soon, they are lusting and salivating for it. The deception is so mind-boggling it is difficult to fully unravel. It’s difficult to know the extent Iran’s leadership is working with the USA, and which part is not. I wish David were alive to see this, to see his many insights and predictions beginning to play out. He taught me a lot about the true nature of the Iran and U.S. situation, which is hidden. Some call it Biblical and prophetic in nature. You must resist any urge promoted through Trump’s manipulations to accept a single word of the liars in the American government. Your consent to evil is how they spiritually gain power over you.” 

Please view Tom’s videos below.

David Goldberg’s close friend, Tom, relates more information on Project Zyphr, Project Pogo, the TTID Program, A.I. Program, a classified food distribution program revealed for the first time, and tips on how to get out of the USA and Northern Hemisphere before the economic collapse coming to these areas in early 2021.


Source Backup

USA GENOCIDE 2021-2025 A.D. – Survival Guide for Project Zyphr – PART 1

Whistle-blower Tom relates more information on Project Zyphr, Project Pogo, the TTID Program, A.I. Program, and tips on how to get out of the USA before the economic collapse coming in 2021. Skip to 12:04 for the Q&A section. Skip to 1:02:52 for life-saving tips. Turning ON “CC” or closed captioning is recommended.

USA GENOCIDE 2021-2025 A.D. – The Collapse & Trump – PART 2

Whistle-blower Tom speaks about threats our channel has received, the upcoming economic collapse and Trump’s true role. Skip to 12:09 for continued discussion of the threats, collapse discussion starts at 20:44, Tom responds to comments at 46:15 and Tom discusses the Trump Presidency starting at 1:02:51

#ProjectZyphr #Trump #DavidGoldberg

USA GENOCIDE 2021-2025 A.D. – Project Zyphr & The End Game – PART 3

Tom discusses Project Zyphr and “The End Game” in detail, along with new updates, info on safe zones and his replies to viewer comments. At 4:50 begins a complete recap of Project Zyphr & Pogo. At 33:59 a discussion on nano chips. At 36:46 options for getting out of the USA. At 45:52 safe zones. At 51:52 Tom addresses viewer comments.

Read our latest blog post, “Email update from Tom on Project Zyphr, Pogo & the USMCA”:

#IranWar #Soleimani #FalseFlag

USA GENOCIDE 2021-2025 A.D. – Trump’s Iran War, Gangstalking & Disinfo – PART 4

Whistle-blower Tom discusses the Iran War situation and Trump’s murder of General Soleimani, his email address at 11:31, American gun sales at 13:36, Gangstalking at 18:55, Ricky Gervais Golden Globes speech at 26:03, how disinfo psyops works at 31:46 and Alex Jones at 40:19.

Tom’s email was immediately shut down once it was posted and it does not work. Tom is working on getting a new email.

#ProjectZyphr #Trump #DavidGoldberg

How to leave the USA Satanic Control Grid – Save your family & your life

Whistle-blower Tom discusses steps on how to leave the United States before the coming economic collapse and before Project Zyphr is fully implemented.

USA GENOCIDE 2021-2025 A.D. – Survival Guide for Project Zyphr will be a 10-Part series of videos. Please view our channel for previous videos for context.

As Friends of David Goldberg, we share no political view or bias. Our purpose is to follow David’s instructions and present the information left to us. We make no claim as to the truth or veracity of these claims. Hostile, threatening comments will be removed.

Author: Federico

ciao ;)

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